There WILL be a post up later today. Not a lot of comments from folks this week so it won't take long. Completely understand with the holiday week and everything, you guys (myself included) had other things to do. Here are my picks for the week: TEN, DAL, PHI, BUF, CIN, IND, GB, DEN, MIA, NO, NYG, ATL, NE, OAK, MIN, JAX
Trying something new and doing a live running blog for the Monday Night Football Game. Here is how you can participate.
1) Just write a comment at the END OF THE POST.
2) Send me an IM on AOL. My screen name is lflo1223. Do work.
3) Send me a text. Please limit this to three per person. I am approaching my limit for texts in one month. Thanks for caring.
4) Call me. Please do this as a last resort, but if you really want to get involved and have used all of your texts, call the old cellular.
We will be getting ready to begin around 8 PM EST.
The Game - Green Bay Packers @ New Orleans Saints
The Line - Saints by 2.5
The Pick - Saints
The Prediction - New Orleans Saints 34 - Green Bay Packers 27
And here we go.
11:47 - And that is all she wrote for the game as the Saints take care of business, improving to 6-5 on the year and staying in the NFC Wild Card picture. Final Score Saints 51, Packers 29. Thanks to Barnes, Devin, Lucius and Hunt for playing along. We had Rockband, John Joseph Harrington, Lance Moore, Ricky Williams, Mark Brunell and numerous others. That's the beauty of running blogs, you never know where it is going to take you. Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it." Peace Be The Journey.
11:44 - Mark Brunell is now in handing the ball off for the Saints. John Joseph Harrington is on the sideline stretching. You just never know.
11:40 - So what should be the first game KOA should play at Detroit tomorrow? Craps, blackjack or roulette? Leaning towards craps, but don't know enough of the rules. But, I know blackjack rules, and suck at it. So maybe it's good that I don't know the rules. Any thoughts??
11:35 - And people wonder why we are still here. Aaron Rodgers throws his third INT, and to make matters worse JJ Harrington is trying to console him with words of wisdom, from across the sideline. Ouch, that hurts more than any sack.
11:31 - And we've come full circle, as the MNF crew talks more about Brett Favre. This needs to stop. The choice was made, and that was that. The comparisons are unfair to Rodgers.
11:26 - Jumped the gun a bit, the Saints tried to go for two, didn't get it, and now the score is 51-29 Saints. Those who had the 80 Over/Under total points are fuming right now.
11:23 - Barnes - "There's the stop, now if they just didn't onside kick the ball like idiots." Apparently Barnes missed the Saints going for it on fourth down, getting it, and then having Pierre Thomas run 30 yards for a TD. 52-29 Saints. Ball game.
11:20 - Barnes - "This game is not over by any means." Well, the Saints haven't punted since the 1st quarter, so unless the Packers can get a stop, this game IS over.
11:18 - Aaron Rodgers is not done either as he throws a TD pass which cuts the lead to 45-27. Packers choose to go for two, and get it, making this a two-score game. 45-29 Saints.
11:15 - Two points for Walt Coleman taking away the "illegal" hit penalty on one of the Saints cornerbacks. That doesn't happen everyday. But job well done.
11:12 - Just saw a Beyonce commercial wanting me to "upgrade" something. Anything for you BK. In related news, has anyone seen that SNL skit with her and Justin Timberlake. It's worth your time. Speaking of dancers, Sedrick Ellis (after sacking Aaron Rodgers) has some pretty good moves.
11:09 - Text from Kevin - "Hot girl in our group immediately gets my vote when I tell her I'm a Browns fan, and she replies with at least you're not a Lions fan." Hunt hanging out with a hot girl?? What is this opposite day??
11:08 - Barnes - "Is it me or does Jim Carrey's 'Yes Man' look just like 'Liar Liar' but with a different premise?" Well Barnes, the original title, "Liar Liar Two" was taken by an obscure rap duo several years back.
11:03 - With the game out of hand, the question now remains, why are we still here? Well, we are waiting for a possible John Joseph Harrington appearance or a Lance Moore TD pass. Barnes is on the same page as KOA, "So wait, the Saints have Mark Brunell and John Joseph Harrington on the bench? Wow, talk about washed-up QB central. Saints season would be toast if Brees goes down to injury." No confidence in JJ Harrington Barnes? Come on, we've seen what he can do. Anything is possible. Anything.
11:02 - Barnes - "Charles Woodson = Heisman Trophy winner. Marques Colston = 7th round pick. Funny how the real talent shows up in the pro game." Did you know that Woodson has played 11 years in the pros?? That's insane. Getting old sucks.
10:59 - That's all she wrote for the Packers. Drew Brees connects with Marques Colston for his second 70-yard TD pass of the night. 45-21 Saints, and congrats to those who picked New Orleans to cover. You are the winners. And Charles Woodson is the loser.
10:57 - Packers can not capitalize on the Saints turnover and are forced to punt the ball. A tad more than four minutes left in the 3rd quarter. One more TD by the Saints and this thing is over. Just don't let Lance Moore throw it.
10:53 - Barnes - "Lance Moore is no Bruce Gradkowski." I wonder what Gradkowski is up to tonight. Probably sitting around with some friends wondering how many cheeseburgers Tom Amstultz can fit into his mouth. Over/under 13.
10:52 - Barnes - "I'm no expert but I think the game is slipping away from the packers." And just when I was about to agree with that assessment, Lance Moore THROWS an INT. Yep, that's right, Moore THROWS an INT. God I love football.
10:51 - Aaron Rodgers is slowly becoming Aaron "Throw It" Rodgers, as he gets picked off for the second time in the half. This one is starting to get out of hand.
10:45 - Dalton Hilliard just cracked open a Keystone as Deuce scores his 54th TD as a Saint, passing Hilliard on the all-time career Saints record. More importantly, the Saints go up 38-21, and I came up with Ricky Williams as a former Saints running-back. Can anyone top that??
10:43 - Brett Fav ... um, Aaron Rodgers throws a pick, and the Saints return it to Green Bay's three yard line. Cue up Deuce, the Saints are about ready to go up 17.
10:42 - Having trouble thinking of a past Saints running back. Did some research, and could only come up with George Rogers from 1981.
10:40 - And we have our first John Joseph Harrington sighting!! Boy wouldn't the Lions like to have him back. Sadly, I think they would.
10:37 - Hey Billy you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Billy! Billy Miller catches his first touchdown of the year as AJ Hawk helplessly looks on. Saints now go up 31-21. Biggest lead of the game thus far.
10:34 - Apparently Deuce McCallister is Mr. Saint. He owns all the Saints rushing records. Somewhere George Rogers (1981) is smiling.
10:31 - Saints pick up a 4th down and inches from around mid-field on their first drive of the 2nd half. We would like to wish Barnes a safe drive home from work, he will be back with us soon.
10:18 - Perfect timing, as we get back from Wendy's just as the third quarter begins. Still have to eat my Baconater, so hold tight. Over/under 7 minutes.
10:04 - Going to take a 20 minute break for half-time, thanks to Devin, Barnes, Lucius and Kevin for joining. This has been a fun game to watch. We will be back just before the start of the 2nd half.
10:02 - 30 yard field-goal by the Saints puts them up 24-21, and has them covering going into half. So far so good.
9:57 - Saints get a great kick-off return as N.O is trying to score their 4th TD in the 1st half. Only 32 yards to go. Lance Moore is waiting.
9:56 - Barnes - "Just waiting for my sports director to let me go home. anytime now ..." Does he know you are Matt Barnes and that you own many leather bound books?
9:54 - Aaron Rodgers runs 14 yards for a TD and this game is now tied at 21 for those now scoring at home. This is what the Oklahoma-Texas Tech game SHOULD have looked like.
9:52 - Barnes - "So N.O. is winning with no bush and zero catches from colston? God, I love watching this team play football." Drew Brees is fun to watch. Joe Tiller did well.
9:50 - This just in, L.T. is still fast, but only on television commercials. And the Packers haven't scored yet, the two minute warning threw us for a loop. Game still 21-14 Saints. For now.
9:49 - Points are starting to blend together at this point, but we think the Packers just scored a TD to tie this game at 21. And as for Barnes comments, I will be posting EVERY comment, because that's how KOA rolls. We appreciate.
9:47 - Barnes - "Gus is doing the OSU bball game right now on Big Ten Network. That's where he should be. Gus is a basketball kind of guy. I like him in whatever he does but bball is his best by far. You don't hafta post all my comments. I'm gonna do it often." And we have our second, that's what she said.
9:45 - Okay, back to the game. The Packers are in position to score yet again, as they are across mid-field. They might as well play seven-on-seven at this point. I don't even remember seeing a punt in more than an hour.
9:44 - Barnes - "Just wanna let you know that my commercial ran during MNF back in columbus. as if MNF wasn't must-see TV already huh?" This is simply a case of Barnes Being Barnes.
9:42 - And speaking of Gus Johnson, how great was Slamball with Gus announcing?? It was like that sport was created with Gus's announcing in mind. Every play was tailored for him. "Riiiiiiise and Fiiiiiire."
9:40 - Barnes - "Mike Tirico (Syracuse grad) is by far the best NFL announcer out there right now. Notice after every commercial, he has a great joke. Not Mitch Hedberg funny but still, brings a chuckle." Gus Johnson is going to be mad Barnes, very mad.
9:38 - Barnes - "Thats not including the ATS league, in which i enjoy my last place spot." Hey, as Billy Bob said in Bad Santa, 'they can't all be winners kid."
9;37 - Barnes - "I am loving Lance Moore right now. single-handedly bringing me back in two fantasy leagues." Everyone wins with Lance Moore.
9:36 - Lance Moore must have gotten my text messages earlier in the day, as he scores his second TD of the game and puts the Saints back up 21-14. Lance Armstrong who???
9:35 - Devin and I discuss how Charles Woodson won the Heisman Award over Peyton Manning. Our conclusion, the Heisman is not a real award when Eric Crouch can win it.
9:32 - "Alright, game back on here in Augusta. Half the fun of MNF is making fun of the announcers." Barnes is back in action. KOA designates him Announcer Awareness Man. Do work.
9:30 - Lance Moore makes a terrific catch as he is going for the Skywalker MVP award tonight. Next play goes to Jeremy Shockey. This just in, the Saints are good on offense.
9:26 - Rodgers continues his Red Zone brilliance and fires a pass to Greg Jennings which ties this game at 14. Favre who??
9:20 - "So how about Notre Dame losing to Syracuse? (Sorry, the bball game made me think of it). Think Charlie Weis is gonna lose his job? Would be fitting if he and Romeo lost their jobs in the same year." So true Barnes. Devin wonders the potential those two could have making a fast-food commercial. To answer your question Barnes, yes I think he is gone UNLESS they beat USC or maybe a bowl win. But USC gets priority.
9:18 - You can just sense that this is going to be a shoot-out as Rodgers has the Packers driving right back. First one to 50 wins.
9:12 - Saints Running Back not named Reggie Bush scores a TD and the Saints are looking good. They go up 14-7 and everything is right in the world, thus far. Yes We Can.
9:11 - So three ATS players are headed up to Detroit for the casino tomorrow evening. Grothaus, D-Frank and myself. Over/Under $500 lost as a group. And remember, Grothaus has a problem. Drinking + Gambling = Grothaus doing his best Charles Barkley impersonation.
9:09 - And Devin Frank joins us from the KOA studio headquarters, aka my living room. Should be fun. Also, word verification is fixed so Barnes can quit bitching.
9:04 - Barnes reminds me about Lance Armstrong. But Moore is from Toledo, so we have that Ohio thing going.
9:02 - And the third option of joining along with this blog is complete as Barnes provides the first comment. "So my sports director just walked in and changed the channel from MNF to syracuse/florida. And it's Dickie V of coure. Shoot me." Barnes hates Dickie V. The only thing they have in common is that they are the top two Tampa Bay Rays fans.
9:00 - What a way to start the second hour!!! Lance Moore goes 70 yards on a pass from Drew Brees and this game is tied. Moore just became my favorite Lance of all-time with that play. Lance Bass is not pleased.
8:56 - Another IM, this one from Kevin Hunt. The short version is that Bart Borer is doing puzzles with his roommate. Currently they are working on a 1000 piece puzzle of a moose. In related news, Kevin lucked out that the Chicago Bears covered yesterday, meaning he does not have to ask a girl to go moose-hunting. Hunt says that it doesn't matter because he has no game (like the Saints thus far). To spend one day in Hunt's shoes would be exhausting.
8:54 - Packers go seven plays, cover a short field and take the early 7-0 lead. Have a strange feeling that won't be the last touchdown.
8:53 - TK beats me to the hockey-line shifting reference as the Saints get a break when the Packers substitute players but don't allow for N.O to do the same.
8:51 - Ryan Grant does his best Ahman Green impersonation, and the Packers are on the verge of taking the early lead.
8:48 - "We'll ease into it," said Mike Tirico about the lack of scoring as the Saints promptly go three and out as well. And we have our first of many, that's what she said.
8:46 - First text courtesy of Matt Barnes. "Bourbon Street definitely equals drinkability." He would know, I wouldn't ... yet.
8:45 - Three and out for the Packers. I'm sensing a whitewash.
8:41 - Counting the Brett Favre references. One play, three references.
8:39 - Hank Williams Junior. Giddy up.
8:37 - If the Saints can get the cover, yours truly will go 11-5 in the ATS pick 'em and be in great position for a run towards Lucius. Winning that in back-to-back year might just be my biggest accomplishment if it goes down.
8:35 - I'm a big fan of Tony Kornheiser's coaching-link package he does before the game. It's along the lines of six degrees of separation. I can't get enough of it.
8:28 - Looks like it's me, Stuart Scott and Keyshawn Johnson taking the Saints. Trying to come up with a name for us three. Could use some help. All I got is the Funky Bunch so far. As Polito would simply say, "weak."
8:19 - God Bless Family Guy. This ESPN pregame was torture, so we flipped it over to TBS for some much needed comical relief.
8:12 - Reggie Bush and Kim Kardashian with Bobby McCray acting as the third wheel?? Thank you ESPN, for some awful television. The only thing that could have saved that segment would have been Kenny Mayne.
8:10 - Oh how have I missed Emmitt Smith. Where has he been all my life? In related news, if Steve Young hasn't killed himself yet, it will never happen.
8:08 - And we have our first IM thanks to Alex Lucius. "ACDC live for Rockband is quite possibly the hardest game ever to sing." This is why I heart Lucius. What a perfect way to start.
8:05 - Apparently Aaron Rodgers and Brett Favre used to play on the same team. No need for this much discussion. What's done is done. Favre is with the Jets and Rodgers is with the Packers. Both are playing well.
8:02 PM - Big John thinks the Packers are going to win, while yours truly is backing the Saints. Surprised to see that this is their first actual HOME game in six weeks! Six weeks?!? How does that happen? Oh yeah, that whole London debacle counted as a home game. What a joke.
8:00 PM - A little curious to see how this all plays out. Thankful to the Notre Dame Basketball squad for thumping Indiana an hour ago. Now they have Texas tomorrow in the semi-finals of the Maui Invitational. For a short period I almost forgot that the Irish football team lost to Syracuse and that the Cleveland Browns are a complete mess of an organization.
7:59 PM - The C'Mon Man segment on Monday Night Countdown shows good highlights, but possess too much enthusiasm from the likes of Chris Berman, Mike Ditka and the rest of 'em.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
2008 NFL ATS Pick 'Em: Week Twelve
365 days. 52 weeks. 12 months. One year.
It can make all the difference.
In one year the NFL has been turned upside down. One year ago, the unbeaten team went from the New England Patriots to the Tennessee Titans. The Miami Dolphins went from a win-less team to a squad vying for a playoff spot. The Detroit Lions went from having some hope to none at all.
In our pick ‘em league, the turnaround is not that dramatic. Here are the standings at this point 365 days ago.
1) Luke 95-65
2) Sara 86-74
3) Kevin 85-75
4) Devin 84-76
5) Jeff 80-80
5) Grothaus 80-80
7) Bart 79-81
8) Barnes 77-83
Flash forward 12 months and here are the standings for those veterans in 2008.
1) Devin 91-69 (+7)
1) Luke 91-69 (-4)
3) Kevin 85-75 (EVEN)
4) Grothaus 84-76 (+4)
5) Bart 81-79 (+2)
6) Jeff 79-81 (-1)
7) Sara 79-81 (-7)
8) Barnes 74-86 (-3)
Combined, those eight members are just two games behind their 2007 pace. Pretty remarkable.
Apparently one year doesn’t make that much difference all the time.
Apologies for the lack of graphics this week. As for quote of the week, and records of the special picks, those will update periodically throughout the day. Lastly, KOA will have a running LIVE blog for the MNF game. Stay tuned for details on how to participate.
Last side note: Jake Young did make comments, but unfortunately, he has not gotten his money in even though the deadline was nearly two months ago. Jake has assured me he will pay, but until KOA receives it, we will refrain from his comments. Sorry Jake. And for those who would like to read his comments, feel free to check out Jake’s blog over on the sidebar.
Let week 12 commence.
Three weeks ago, the Panthers would have been the pick here, but the Falcons have shown me something recently. I can’t put my finger on it (that’s what she said) but I see them beating Carolina, a team who has no business being 8-2.
My Pick: ATL (-1.5)
Kevin: “So wait, the Falcons can be beaten at home? And now they're playing the division leaders? Michael Turner might have 110 yards on the ground with a score, but it won't be enough to beat Carolina.
Side note: I was actually kind of angry that the Panthers had two 100-yard rushers last week. When the Browns have A game where they have A 100-yard rusher, I feel like it's the best thing ever. Angry, jealous, envious ... whatever you want to call it, I hate seeing it about 99% of the time.” It always comes back to the Browns. This wouldn't be so bad if the Browns weren't Kevin Hunting away every single game this year.
Barnes: “Falcons are coming into this game pissed off about the Broncos loss. The Panthers come into this game after escaping the two worst teams in the NFL. Well two of the three, since they didn't play the Browns.” Wait, you forgot about the Jaguars.
CAR: Devin, Brian, Chewy, Kevin, Bursa, Jeff, Sara, Jake
ATL: Lucius, Josh, Luke, Justin, Polito, Shane, Braves, Bart, Rapking, Barnes
Donovan McNabb didn’t know that an NFL game could end in a tie. How is that possible? I blame Andy Reid’s kids. Their past drug habits have taken Reid’s attention off of the Eagles, which is why this team has struggled the past 18 months. As for this game, I honestly have no idea, so we will let Maxine have a crack (pun) at it.
Kevin: “I'm not taking the Eagles again. Not after they tied last week. I understand that I already took Cincinnati, but they weren't supposed to win last week ... and they DEFINITELY weren't supposed to tie.
I'm also a little flustered. Last week I noted how the odds makers should have every line end with .5 and how there needed to be a new line about ties that wasn't simply, 'kissing your sister' because not everyone has a sister and would fully understand the phrase.
I regret to inform you that I didn't think up a new phrase. I'm extremely disappointed in myself. But, in my defense, here was my recent schedule:
+Saturday - work til 10:45, drinking and watching UFC until 4:30 a.m. (side note: I successfully picked every losing fighter that was shown on TV. They came out and I randomly chose every single losing fighter. The people I was with laughed. I, on the other hand, couldn't really tell what was so funny. It's become that normal to me.)
+Sunday - woke up at 10 (couldn't sleep anymore), watched NFL the rest of the night, bought a 30-pack of Miller High Life thinking people were getting together after the afternoon games (they weren't), still have it sitting unopened in my fridge.
+Monday - played pickup basketball and missed somewhere between 25 and 30 layups (but didn't slam my hands into anything) - decided that my lack of focus on the court was due to actually getting to watch Brady Quinn play (I had to work last Thursday and could only watch via Gametracker on my computer) - went to the bars already buzzing and was happy to be alive at the end of the night knowing the Browns won that game against the Bills.
+Tuesday - recovered from the night before, woke up early because we're getting a new washer and dryer installed and the dudes are pounding hammers into the walls very, very early.
+Wednesday - woke up early for BOSU class with the stay-at-home moms (side note: my mom asked me if any of them had good-looking daughters. That's right, my MOM wonders if I can hook myself up. It's worse than I thought ... and I thought it was baaaaaad) - went to work where we had multiple breaking news situations that turned out to be nothing and where my workday, well, still hasn't ended (though technically it has suspended for the time being, since I clocked out for a break before going back in to put a story to the web).
In essence, I'm asking for forgiveness from KOA. This is very much not like me to have trouble thinking something up. But the odds are fairly good that by the end of this e-mail, I will have thought of something.” Did Barnes write a blog post about your schedule Hunt? What am thinking? I'm sure he did.
Devin: “Get back on track after last week. Andy and Donovan better update resumes.” They can take those resumes to George O'Leary's School of Resume Making. Their slogan, "you can be whatever you want to be," has attracted thousands.
Barnes: “Don't worry folks. Donovan McNabb knows there are ties now. He'll play to win.” A simple way to fix this NFL overtime problem, is to incorporate the college football system, but with a twist. The offense starts with the ball at their OWN 35. Let the college system take over from there.
Chewy: “If I were one of the Eagles players I would be more fired up after a tie than any other time in my career.” The sad part is, this entire game might hinge on whether Brian Westbrook is going to play.
PHI: Lucius, Josh, Justin, Chewy, Shane, Rapking, Jeff, Sara, Barnes, Jake
BAL: Devin, Brian, Polito, Kevin, Braves, Bursa, Bart
Brady Quinn has made two starts and not a single word has been said on the subject here at KOA. Now seems just a good as time as any.
The whole Quinn-Anderson debate will finally be settled when Anderson is traded away at year’s end. Right now, it is safe to say there is more consistency when Quinn is under center. He clearly has more poise as well as a better command of the huddle. His athleticism has been on display several times, something Anderson never had.
It’s a crazy thing to say, but last year’s 10-6 record cost the Browns two years, if not more. Think about it, they didn’t make the playoffs last year, so in the most basic sense, that was a lost year. Secondly, it tricked Phil Savage, Romeo Crennel, and the majority of Browns fans that this team was on the brink of something special. This is why DA stayed, and draft picks were traded. All of a sudden the future was here.
But the future wasn’t here. The future was not with DA, at least not with Quinn sitting there. It was set up for failure.
In all honesty, the better plan would have been for THIS season to have happened LAST year. Quinn getting to play the second half of the season, DA serving as the serviceable back-up, the team heading towards an 8-8 record. That would have set-up things nicely for this season and the future in general. However, that 10-6 mark messed everything up, especially when Cleveland missed the playoffs.
Now, this season rests on the season-ending game against Pittsburgh. Hopefully the Steelers will have something to play for and play their starters. If the Browns can win that one, then a lot will be forgotten from the previous 15 games. If the Browns can win that one, then Brady Quinn will do something that DA never could do. If the Browns can win that one, then 2009 will look a little brighter.
My Pick: CLE (-3)
Kevin: “After that long thought, I'll just make this one easier. It's probably Brian's last time he'll see the Brownies play for awhile since he's off to the Air Force in December. Go Browns.” Which begs the question, could the Browns beat Air Force? I'd take the points.
Devin: “The Quinn train is now in full force; Projected Stats 20-31, 245 yds, 2 TDs, 1 INT, 22 yds rushing. Lets see how close I get.” I have been doing this as well, and have been fairly close the first two games. 18/29, 233 yds, 1 TD, 1 INT, 15 yds rushing.
Barnes: “I don't like the Texans playing well in bad weather. Actually, make that any weather.” Feel free to substitute 'Texans' with 'Sage Rosenfels' and Barnes' comment makes more sense.
Chewy: “ I think Quinn will just get better every week.” He's a smart kid, one who handles himself ten times better than DA. When did you ever hear DA taking blame for a loss when he played well? Never. Which brings me back to my point about last year, if Quinn would have been getting these reps in 2007, then 2008 and the seasons beyond would have benefited.
HOU: Rapking, Jeff, Jake
CLE: Lucius, Josh, Devin, Luke, Brian, Justin, Chewy, Polito, Shane, Kevin, Braves, Bursa, Bart, Sara, Barnes
Tony Romo came back last week and led the Cowboys to a road win against the Redskins. Big deal. He didn’t look that sharp, whereas the 49ers aren’t looking that horrible. Merton Hanks would be so proud.
My Pick: SF (+10)
Overheard on the scanners immediately before this pick: 'Looking for a female. Date of birth 5-21-95.' So I'm taking the 5th game listed and taking the team whose numbers 21 and 95 combine for the most weight.
Dallas: #21 Adam Jones (185) + #95 Tank Johnson (300) = 485
San Francisco: #21 Frank Gore (217) + #95 Tully Banta-Cain (265) = 482
Had Jones not been reinstated earlier today, I would have had to take the 49ers. Something tells me if I lose this pick, I'll be hating on Pacman the rest of the year. (Starting to stockpile Vegas references now.)" Famous birthdays on May 21st include, Mr. T and the Notorious B.I.G.
Barnes: “Should be a good one. Young, Hearst, and Rice vs. Aikman, Smith and Irvin. Doesn't get much better than this in the NFC.” QOTW candidate. I'm a sucker for old football player references. And how true. Fifteen years ago this game would have been incredible.
SF: Lucius, Luke, Justin, Chewy, Polito, Rapking, Barnes
DAL: Josh, Devin, Brian, Shane, Kevin, Braves, Bursa, Bart, Jeff, Sara, Jake
Picked the Lions last week and despite getting fourteen points, I was teetering on the edge the entire game. It is just not that fun backing the Lions. Instead, it is much easier to pick against Detroit. Here’s to an instant classic game from Daunte “Throw It” Culpepper.
My Pick: TB (-8.5)
Kevin: “The Bucs defense is 5th in the NFC in interceptions this year. The Lions offense is one off being the NFC's most intercepted team. You know what that means ... "Throw It" could make an AMAZING comeback this week. Note to Barnes: Please pick up and start Daunte Culpepper this week.” This 'throw-it' nickname originated our sophomore year (2005) in Bromley Hall. Barnes, myself, Kevin, and Joe Barrett were watching the Vikings-Bengals game in our dorm room. Well, after Culpepper threw his second interception of the day, we all started screaming for Culpepper to "throw-it" because we wanted to see more picks. To make a long story short, he threw six interceptions that day, and the name has followed him ever since.
Devin: “If I fail to cover this game, I will be rooting for a new team. Flo, get ready we can make a game of it.” Let's make this game torture for D-Frank. If the Bucs fail to cover, you must root for the opposing team (in this case the Lions). Now, even I don't want this to happen for you, so I will give you a three-game window, meaning let's say you are stuck with the Lions, well you have three chances to get rid of them. The only way you get rid of them is to say 'if they fail to cover this game ... ' But each time, you are stuck with the opposing team, and you only have three games. Still with me? If you are then congrats. The overruling stipulation is that once you make that "if-then" clause, and your team COVERS, you are stuck with that team for one full year. Makes sense to me.
Barnes: “The Rays bats should be able to beat up on the disappointing Tigers bullpen.” Not sure what it is with Barnes and Florida-based teams. He loved the Rays, and currently loves the Jags. Must be the sun, or all the old people who reside there.
TB: Lucius, Devin, Luke, Justin, Chewy, Polito, Shane, Kevin, Rapking, Jeff, Sara, Barnes, Jake
DET: Josh, Brian, Braves, Bursa, Bart
Two very similar teams. Both play decent defense. Both start incredibly marginal quarterbacks. Both have tremendous running games. And both are privy to laying eggs from week-to-week. Taking the Vikings solely because they have a much greater chance of getting in the playoffs, so the thinking is they have more to play for. Who knows.
My Pick: MIN (+2)
Kevin: “Woody (my co-worker and night-side reporter who used to work in Minnesota but loves all things Wisconsin) calls the Vikings quarterback (amongst other things) "Douche Frerotte." Every week we try to understand how it is that ol' Gus doesn't have more interceptions (ok, ok Adrian Peterson carries the ball A LOT). And every week I hope for a face-slamming moment. Meanwhile, in St. Louis, Trent Green just got a headache thinking about doing that.” What do you get when you add Trent Green with Gus Frerotte? Jim Everett of course.
Devin: “Big game for Peterson? Its not good when you are double guessing your picks as you type them in.” He does this every week. Moans about his picks, while he is picking them, and then ends up going 12-4 or something along those lines. He is in third place for a reason.
Barnes: “Two popular Super Bowl picks who have been really disappointing so far.” Vikings could still win their division, while your Jags are all but finished.
Chewy: “Peterson has gained more yardage than Fred Taylor and MJJ combined. Why are the Jags favored in this one? The Jags are the same team that gave the Bengals their only win right? Minnesota has been playing great over the last three weeks.” All of a sudden I like my pick a little bit more. Thanks Chewy.
MIN: Lucius, Josh, Devin, Luke, Brian, Chewy, Shane, Braves, Bursa, Rapking, Jeff, Jake
JAX: Justin, Polito, Kevin, Bart, Sara, Barnes
Only the Bills could one-up Cleveland in the bad luck department. They are still alive in the AFC Wild Card and still have sufficient amount of talent to defeat Herm Edwards.
My Pick: BUF (-3)
"To be frank (not Devin), the Bills are Scott Norwood-ing their season right now.”
Kevin: “I'm giving it just one week before people get a reason to discredit the Browns for getting a hard-earned win on the road against the Bills. 'Oh, well Buffalo lost to the Chiefs. The CHIEFS! Don't get excited Browns fans.' Garbage.” Again, always back to the Browns. Kevin uses the 'Browns' card more than Rodney Dangerfield used the 'Respect' card.
Devin: “Wow Buffalo sucks. Wow Herm sucks. Game of the week boys.” Come on, be easy with Herm. It's not his fault his team sucks ... wait a minute, maybe it is.
BUF: Lucius, Devin, Luke, Brian, Justin, Chewy, Polito, Shane, Rapking, Sara
KC: Josh, Kevin, Braves, Bursa, Bart, Jeff, Barnes, Jake
This is my first post since Barack Obama became the 44th President. Ergo, I will be taking the Patriots until they fail to cover. Yes We Can.
My Pick: NE (+1.5)
Kevin: “Through 10 games played, the Wildcats have a worse pass defense than the Cleveland Browns. Matt Cassel just threw for 400 yards against the Jets, who also have a pretty bad pass defense (obviously a little skewed after last week's game). Bill Belichick probably had a defensive game-plan drawn up to stop the Wildcat formation after his team got burned badly by it in the first meeting this year.” With my wife I don't get no respect. I made a toast on her birthday to 'the best woman a man ever had.' The waiter joined me.
Devin: “Miami really cant be good, can they?” Well, the Dolphins have proved one thing with this year, that Cam Cameron will never be a head coach in the NFL again.
Barnes: “I sat on this game for a funny comment for 10 minutes and came up blank. Sorry.” How about a review of the beauty pageant you went to a couple weeks ago. I'd like to hear how that all went down. For any Arrested Development fans, can't you see Barnes acting JUST like Gob in this situation?
NE: Lucius, Devin, Luke, Brian, Chewy, Polito, Kevin, Bursa, Rapking, Jeff, Sara, Jake
MIA: Josh, Justin, Shane, Braves, Bart, Barnes
Is there any way possible to pick a team who has been outscored 75-3 in the first half of their previous two games? No I Can’t.
My Pick: CHI (-8)
Kevin: “No Steven Jackson means no win for the Rams. Meanwhile, I'm taking a team that very well could put an injured Kyle Orton on the field instead of a healthy Rex Grossman. If more than seven people watch this game, I'll ask the next girl I see at a bar if she wants to go moose hunting. (Thankfully the Madison FOX station decided to go with Minnesota-Jacksonville this week or I'd be down to six, since we all know I'd contribute to my own demise by watching the game.)” You just really want to ask a girl to go moose-hunting with you. Don't lie.
Barnes: “How bad do the Rams lose this week? I'm going 24. Over/Under anyone?” What would the spread be if last year's Patriots were playing this year's Rams this week? The Rams might be getting 40. Seriously.
CHI: Lucius, Josh, Devin, Luke, Brian, Chewy, Shane, Kevin, Bursa, Jeff, Sara, Barnes, Jake
STL: Justin, Polito, Braves, Bart, Rapking
Biggest game of the weekend. The Titans are trying to get to 11-0, while the Jets are trying to win five in a row. My line of thinking the past few weeks has been to keep picking the Titans until they lose. Well, they could still win this game and not cover.
My Pick: NYJ (+5)
"She took the Jets because 1) it worked last week after taking the team that reminded her of Elton John's, "Benny and the Jets" and 2) because Tennessee doesn't have any good songs.
Phil Fulmer would disagree. As would Lynn Anderson, who popularized, "Rocky Top," one of seven official state songs of Tennessee.
Fun Fact: Wikipedia says it only took 10 minutes to write that song ... and a lifetime to enjoy it.”
Chewy: “The Jets are running the football much better than Tennessee.” No one is bringing this up, but the Titans running back Chris Johnson, is just a rookie. Every rookie, ESPECIALLY running-backs begin to feel fatigue at this point in the season because it reaches the point where they are playing longer than they were in college. Look at me trying to talk myself into feeling better about going against the Titans at home.
Barnes: “ My gut tells me this is a game Favre throws 5 INT in. That or I'm just hungry.” There is no doubt in my mind Barnes went for the Pizza Roles. He loves those little treats.
Devin: “Pick em till they lose.” This would be the common sense approach towards picking this game.
NYJ: Lucius, Luke, Brian, Justin, Chewy, Shane, Kevin, Bursa, Rapking, Jeff, Jake
TEN: Josh, Devin, Polito, Braves, Bart, Sara, Barnes
The Broncos won 41-14 in week one, the last time these two AFC West rivals met. This time they are at home and coming off a well played road victory against the Falcons.
My Pick: DEN (-9.5)
Kevin: “I believe this game could be much closer than anticipated. Oakland has a very good pass defense. The deciding factors in this game could be the secondary receivers for the Broncos and how well they play. And Denver re-signed Tatum Bell. Show of hands, who wants to see them get so desperate they bring back Travis Henry?” Okay, are your hands up? WHO’S GAY??
Barnes: “Two reasons. One: Jay Cutler is throwing the ball like a madman once again. Two: Mike Shanahan loves running up the score against Al Davis and the Raiders.” I take you back to week one. 41-14. Enough said.
Chewy: “Lets repeat week one, but this time Marshall is not suspended. Good thing they can't cover our receivers because we don't have any running backs left.” This comment is going to lead to several nasty e-mails from Peyton Hillis' parents.
OAK: Kevin, Braves, Bursa
DEN: Everyone else
Kurt Warner vs. Eli Manning. This one should be fun. The Cardinals won’t be able to stop the Giants running game, but the G-Men will have trouble stopping Arizona’s passing attack. Which one will give? Don’t know, so I’m taking the points.
My Pick: ARI (+3.5)
Kevin: “A headline game for me. Either the Giants will dominate or the Cards will come out fired up and win a close one that will have Kurt Warner spouting Denny Green references about knowing that the Giants are who they thought they were.” I mean if you want to crown them, go ahead Hunt.
Barnes: “Think it comes down to the fact that Brandon Jacobs and the G-Men will keep the AZ offense off the field.” Naw, you are giving the Cardinals defense too much credit. Jacobs and company are going to score, and score in a hurry. If Eli Manning doesn't get in the way, this will be a shoot-out.
Chewy: “I will take the Cards in the desert any day. I bet the Rams wish they would have kept hold of Kurt Warner.” Or what about the Iowa Barnstormers? The AFL team Warner spent two-plus years with. They'd love to have him back, and would probably make for a better situation than the Rams currently.
NYG: Lucius, Devin, Polito, Bursa, Rapking, Jeff, Sara, Barnes, Jake
ARI: Josh, Luke, Brian, Justin, Chewy, Shane, Kevin, Braves, Bart
This spread is suspiciously too low. Is Hasselbeck’s return really going to make that much of a difference? This could be the worst pick of the week, but one that could allow me to pick up some ground on the leaders.
My Pick: SEA (+3.5)
Kevin: “Mike Holmgren will be asking for a sloppy joe by halftime. Jim Zorn will be asking for a psychologist. And Deion Branch will be asking for a trade.” QOTW contender. Could have added a line about Sean Taylor being glad he's not around for this one, but, it might be too soon. Well played.
Barnes: “The Seahawks are doing a great job of sending Mike Holmgren to a happy retirement.” Who are we kidding? Holmgren quit coaching this team as soon as the 49ers job opened up. It's just a matter of time.
WAS: Lucius, Devin, Brian, Chewy, Polito, Shane, Kevin, Braves, Bursa, Jeff, Sara, Barnes
SEA: Josh, Luke, Justin, Bart, Rapking, Jake
A 6-4 team getting points against a 4-6 team. This one is too easy.
My Pick: IND (+2.5)
Barnes: “I'm not the kind of guy to pick against Peyton when he's on a roll. Plus, I'm afraid Marvin Harrison is going to shoot me.” You are confusing Harrison with former Indiana Pacer Stephen Jackson. Now Jackson would most definitely shoot you.
Chewy: “Apparently Rivers has never lost to the Colts. There's a first time for everything in the NFL though.” Unless you are the Detroit Lions. There will be no first WIN for this team.
Devin: “Really? You think I care about a spread. Screw Peyton. Peyton sucks. Pick other team.” Don't you just love a good grudge? It adds that something special to the blog, each week.
IND: Lucius, Josh, Luke, Brian, Chewy, Shane, Bursa, Bart, Rapking, Jeff, Sara, Barnes, Jake
SD: Devin, Justin, Polito, Kevin, Braves
Looking forward to the MNF LIVE blog, and here is how it will work.
A running blog will update LIVE here at KOA. There are several ways to participate:
1) Leave comments on the blog itself. From there I can post them to the column.
2) Send me an IM through AOL. Inquire within if you do not know my screen name.
3) Send me a text message. Please limit these to three or four per person, solely because I am approaching my limit for the month of November.
4) Actually call me. Yes, my phone will be handy, and yes, I will answer. Might not have time to chat about life, but a quick phone call will land you on the blog.
There you go, hopefully you can join me tomorrow night. We will get underway at 8 PM EST.
My Pick: NO (-2.5)
Kevin: “Back the Pack Cause the Pack is Back! I need to send Ken Jones a card after this season's over.” Or you could build him a cake or something.
Devin: “I let my good friend Jess make this pick. She decided on New Orleans because it is a better city then Green Bay. I liked the pick.” A better city than Green Bay? Not really going out on a limb with that statement. Tiffin might be a better city than Green Bay. At least we have Findlay to fall back on.
Barnes: “Every time I think of New Orleans, all I can think of is paying $10/beer at the strip clubs on Bourbon Street. That and yelling 'O-H' just to hear 'FUCK YOU' in response from every LSU fan just a week before they beat my Buckeyes to a pulp. Oh, those were the good times.” Can not wait for Kris' wedding in a couple months. New Orleans sounds like the place for me.
Chewy: “I like GB's defense. The Saints offense has been too one dimensional this season, and GB has too many ball hawks (pun intended, Go Bucks [sorry, I had to after the big win this weekend]) on defense.” What's with all the Ohio State references with this game? Moving on, I absolutely loved Chewy's accurate use of paranthesis with his comment.
GB: Brian, Chewy, Kevin, Braves, Bursa, Rapking, Jeff, Jake
NO: Lucius, Josh, Devin, Luke, Justin, Polito, Shane, Bart, Sara, Barnes
Curt Hocker - Normally it is every golfers dream to make a hole-in-one just one time in their life. Well Central Illinois golfer Curt Hocker realized his dream recently on the golf course. Not only did he just reach his dream once, he has reached it five times. Not only did he reach his dream five times, he reached it five times in ONE WEEK. Just ask anyone at the El Paso Golf Club, where the 22-year-old has recorded five holes-in- one in the last week, including two last Saturday. In this year alone, Hocker has seven aces, five on par-4s, and two other double eagles.
"I don't know what to think," said Hocker, who works in the club's pro shop.
"After each one I say it's over, and it keeps happening."
As unbelievable as this story sounds, Hocker has as many as 20 witnesses to his greatness. A young Tiger Woods in the making? Or just someone with incredible luck?
The NFL - it seems like this is the third time this year the NFL has been up here on least dominant, but they leave me no choice again. This league hands out fines like its a game. This past week Justin Tuck was fined for "driving Brooks Bollinger into the ground." If anyone has seen the play there is no way there should have been a flag nor a fine for this play. This is just the most recently of some ludicrous fines and flags thrown for roughing the passer. I understand protecting the players but its gone too far. Mike Golic called it "embarrassing." Ron Jaworski called it a "sad day" for the NFL. Trey Wingo said its all about protecting the stars in the NFL, and is a joke.
I’m not sure its all about protecting the stars because last time I checked Brooks Bollinger was no star. Unless you count the ugly one on the side of his helmet.
Fun Fact of the Week:
Since 1992 the Pittsburgh Steelers are 120-1 when getting a 13+ pt lead on an opponent. In other words, they have lost only one time when getting that big of a lead in the last 16 years.
In the last two weeks, the Cleveland Browns have two losses (0-2) when leading by 13+ pts.
That’s all for me this week, until next time. Go Steelers. Go Cavs."
"Reminiscing on The Drive after the game Thursday night, I decided to coin the term The Fourth to refer to the fourth quarter of the Broncos-Browns game the other night. As even though 12 contributing player on the Broncos were injured including all four running backs on the roster, all of the starting Line Backers, and Champ Bailey, Cutler still threw for about 450000000 yards.
Doesn't Romeo get it? Its not a QB problem; give the freaking football to Jamal thirty times a game. It might not seem that simple, but every time Jamal Lewis has gotten 25 carries or more over the last two years, the Browns have won.
I feel bad for Brady since nothing has been going his way, but he is the starter now. In conclusion, I hope both the Broncos and Browns win out and see each other in the AFC championship game, but there's about the same odds on that as McCain making a come back in the election. At least the poor people in Cleveland have the Cavs to watch now."
That’s all she wrote for this week, please come on over and stop by for a bit tomorrow night for the LIVE running blog.
Until next time, “read it, roll it, hole it.”
It can make all the difference.
In one year the NFL has been turned upside down. One year ago, the unbeaten team went from the New England Patriots to the Tennessee Titans. The Miami Dolphins went from a win-less team to a squad vying for a playoff spot. The Detroit Lions went from having some hope to none at all.
In our pick ‘em league, the turnaround is not that dramatic. Here are the standings at this point 365 days ago.
1) Luke 95-65
2) Sara 86-74
3) Kevin 85-75
4) Devin 84-76
5) Jeff 80-80
5) Grothaus 80-80
7) Bart 79-81
8) Barnes 77-83
Flash forward 12 months and here are the standings for those veterans in 2008.
1) Devin 91-69 (+7)
1) Luke 91-69 (-4)
3) Kevin 85-75 (EVEN)
4) Grothaus 84-76 (+4)
5) Bart 81-79 (+2)
6) Jeff 79-81 (-1)
7) Sara 79-81 (-7)
8) Barnes 74-86 (-3)
Combined, those eight members are just two games behind their 2007 pace. Pretty remarkable.
Apparently one year doesn’t make that much difference all the time.
Apologies for the lack of graphics this week. As for quote of the week, and records of the special picks, those will update periodically throughout the day. Lastly, KOA will have a running LIVE blog for the MNF game. Stay tuned for details on how to participate.
Last side note: Jake Young did make comments, but unfortunately, he has not gotten his money in even though the deadline was nearly two months ago. Jake has assured me he will pay, but until KOA receives it, we will refrain from his comments. Sorry Jake. And for those who would like to read his comments, feel free to check out Jake’s blog over on the sidebar.
Let week 12 commence.
Carolina @ Atlanta (-1.5)
Three weeks ago, the Panthers would have been the pick here, but the Falcons have shown me something recently. I can’t put my finger on it (that’s what she said) but I see them beating Carolina, a team who has no business being 8-2.
My Pick: ATL (-1.5)
Kevin: “So wait, the Falcons can be beaten at home? And now they're playing the division leaders? Michael Turner might have 110 yards on the ground with a score, but it won't be enough to beat Carolina.
Side note: I was actually kind of angry that the Panthers had two 100-yard rushers last week. When the Browns have A game where they have A 100-yard rusher, I feel like it's the best thing ever. Angry, jealous, envious ... whatever you want to call it, I hate seeing it about 99% of the time.” It always comes back to the Browns. This wouldn't be so bad if the Browns weren't Kevin Hunting away every single game this year.
Barnes: “Falcons are coming into this game pissed off about the Broncos loss. The Panthers come into this game after escaping the two worst teams in the NFL. Well two of the three, since they didn't play the Browns.” Wait, you forgot about the Jaguars.
CAR: Devin, Brian, Chewy, Kevin, Bursa, Jeff, Sara, Jake
ATL: Lucius, Josh, Luke, Justin, Polito, Shane, Braves, Bart, Rapking, Barnes
Philadelphia @ Baltimore (-1)
Donovan McNabb didn’t know that an NFL game could end in a tie. How is that possible? I blame Andy Reid’s kids. Their past drug habits have taken Reid’s attention off of the Eagles, which is why this team has struggled the past 18 months. As for this game, I honestly have no idea, so we will let Maxine have a crack (pun) at it.
Mother’s Intuition Pick Of The Week: PHI (+1)
Kevin: “I'm not taking the Eagles again. Not after they tied last week. I understand that I already took Cincinnati, but they weren't supposed to win last week ... and they DEFINITELY weren't supposed to tie.
I'm also a little flustered. Last week I noted how the odds makers should have every line end with .5 and how there needed to be a new line about ties that wasn't simply, 'kissing your sister' because not everyone has a sister and would fully understand the phrase.
I regret to inform you that I didn't think up a new phrase. I'm extremely disappointed in myself. But, in my defense, here was my recent schedule:
+Saturday - work til 10:45, drinking and watching UFC until 4:30 a.m. (side note: I successfully picked every losing fighter that was shown on TV. They came out and I randomly chose every single losing fighter. The people I was with laughed. I, on the other hand, couldn't really tell what was so funny. It's become that normal to me.)
+Sunday - woke up at 10 (couldn't sleep anymore), watched NFL the rest of the night, bought a 30-pack of Miller High Life thinking people were getting together after the afternoon games (they weren't), still have it sitting unopened in my fridge.
+Monday - played pickup basketball and missed somewhere between 25 and 30 layups (but didn't slam my hands into anything) - decided that my lack of focus on the court was due to actually getting to watch Brady Quinn play (I had to work last Thursday and could only watch via Gametracker on my computer) - went to the bars already buzzing and was happy to be alive at the end of the night knowing the Browns won that game against the Bills.
+Tuesday - recovered from the night before, woke up early because we're getting a new washer and dryer installed and the dudes are pounding hammers into the walls very, very early.
+Wednesday - woke up early for BOSU class with the stay-at-home moms (side note: my mom asked me if any of them had good-looking daughters. That's right, my MOM wonders if I can hook myself up. It's worse than I thought ... and I thought it was baaaaaad) - went to work where we had multiple breaking news situations that turned out to be nothing and where my workday, well, still hasn't ended (though technically it has suspended for the time being, since I clocked out for a break before going back in to put a story to the web).
In essence, I'm asking for forgiveness from KOA. This is very much not like me to have trouble thinking something up. But the odds are fairly good that by the end of this e-mail, I will have thought of something.” Did Barnes write a blog post about your schedule Hunt? What am thinking? I'm sure he did.
Devin: “Get back on track after last week. Andy and Donovan better update resumes.” They can take those resumes to George O'Leary's School of Resume Making. Their slogan, "you can be whatever you want to be," has attracted thousands.
Barnes: “Don't worry folks. Donovan McNabb knows there are ties now. He'll play to win.” A simple way to fix this NFL overtime problem, is to incorporate the college football system, but with a twist. The offense starts with the ball at their OWN 35. Let the college system take over from there.
Chewy: “If I were one of the Eagles players I would be more fired up after a tie than any other time in my career.” The sad part is, this entire game might hinge on whether Brian Westbrook is going to play.
PHI: Lucius, Josh, Justin, Chewy, Shane, Rapking, Jeff, Sara, Barnes, Jake
BAL: Devin, Brian, Polito, Kevin, Braves, Bursa, Bart
Houston @ Cleveland (-3)
Brady Quinn has made two starts and not a single word has been said on the subject here at KOA. Now seems just a good as time as any.
The whole Quinn-Anderson debate will finally be settled when Anderson is traded away at year’s end. Right now, it is safe to say there is more consistency when Quinn is under center. He clearly has more poise as well as a better command of the huddle. His athleticism has been on display several times, something Anderson never had.
It’s a crazy thing to say, but last year’s 10-6 record cost the Browns two years, if not more. Think about it, they didn’t make the playoffs last year, so in the most basic sense, that was a lost year. Secondly, it tricked Phil Savage, Romeo Crennel, and the majority of Browns fans that this team was on the brink of something special. This is why DA stayed, and draft picks were traded. All of a sudden the future was here.
But the future wasn’t here. The future was not with DA, at least not with Quinn sitting there. It was set up for failure.
In all honesty, the better plan would have been for THIS season to have happened LAST year. Quinn getting to play the second half of the season, DA serving as the serviceable back-up, the team heading towards an 8-8 record. That would have set-up things nicely for this season and the future in general. However, that 10-6 mark messed everything up, especially when Cleveland missed the playoffs.
Now, this season rests on the season-ending game against Pittsburgh. Hopefully the Steelers will have something to play for and play their starters. If the Browns can win that one, then a lot will be forgotten from the previous 15 games. If the Browns can win that one, then Brady Quinn will do something that DA never could do. If the Browns can win that one, then 2009 will look a little brighter.
My Pick: CLE (-3)
Kevin: “After that long thought, I'll just make this one easier. It's probably Brian's last time he'll see the Brownies play for awhile since he's off to the Air Force in December. Go Browns.” Which begs the question, could the Browns beat Air Force? I'd take the points.
Devin: “The Quinn train is now in full force; Projected Stats 20-31, 245 yds, 2 TDs, 1 INT, 22 yds rushing. Lets see how close I get.” I have been doing this as well, and have been fairly close the first two games. 18/29, 233 yds, 1 TD, 1 INT, 15 yds rushing.
Barnes: “I don't like the Texans playing well in bad weather. Actually, make that any weather.” Feel free to substitute 'Texans' with 'Sage Rosenfels' and Barnes' comment makes more sense.
Chewy: “ I think Quinn will just get better every week.” He's a smart kid, one who handles himself ten times better than DA. When did you ever hear DA taking blame for a loss when he played well? Never. Which brings me back to my point about last year, if Quinn would have been getting these reps in 2007, then 2008 and the seasons beyond would have benefited.
HOU: Rapking, Jeff, Jake
CLE: Lucius, Josh, Devin, Luke, Brian, Justin, Chewy, Polito, Shane, Kevin, Braves, Bursa, Bart, Sara, Barnes
San Francisco @ Dallas (-10)
Tony Romo came back last week and led the Cowboys to a road win against the Redskins. Big deal. He didn’t look that sharp, whereas the 49ers aren’t looking that horrible. Merton Hanks would be so proud.
My Pick: SF (+10)
Overheard on the scanners immediately before this pick: 'Looking for a female. Date of birth 5-21-95.' So I'm taking the 5th game listed and taking the team whose numbers 21 and 95 combine for the most weight.
Dallas: #21 Adam Jones (185) + #95 Tank Johnson (300) = 485
San Francisco: #21 Frank Gore (217) + #95 Tully Banta-Cain (265) = 482
Had Jones not been reinstated earlier today, I would have had to take the 49ers. Something tells me if I lose this pick, I'll be hating on Pacman the rest of the year. (Starting to stockpile Vegas references now.)" Famous birthdays on May 21st include, Mr. T and the Notorious B.I.G.
Barnes: “Should be a good one. Young, Hearst, and Rice vs. Aikman, Smith and Irvin. Doesn't get much better than this in the NFC.” QOTW candidate. I'm a sucker for old football player references. And how true. Fifteen years ago this game would have been incredible.
SF: Lucius, Luke, Justin, Chewy, Polito, Rapking, Barnes
DAL: Josh, Devin, Brian, Shane, Kevin, Braves, Bursa, Bart, Jeff, Sara, Jake
Tampa Bay (-8.5) @ Detroit
Picked the Lions last week and despite getting fourteen points, I was teetering on the edge the entire game. It is just not that fun backing the Lions. Instead, it is much easier to pick against Detroit. Here’s to an instant classic game from Daunte “Throw It” Culpepper.
My Pick: TB (-8.5)
Kevin: “The Bucs defense is 5th in the NFC in interceptions this year. The Lions offense is one off being the NFC's most intercepted team. You know what that means ... "Throw It" could make an AMAZING comeback this week. Note to Barnes: Please pick up and start Daunte Culpepper this week.” This 'throw-it' nickname originated our sophomore year (2005) in Bromley Hall. Barnes, myself, Kevin, and Joe Barrett were watching the Vikings-Bengals game in our dorm room. Well, after Culpepper threw his second interception of the day, we all started screaming for Culpepper to "throw-it" because we wanted to see more picks. To make a long story short, he threw six interceptions that day, and the name has followed him ever since.
Devin: “If I fail to cover this game, I will be rooting for a new team. Flo, get ready we can make a game of it.” Let's make this game torture for D-Frank. If the Bucs fail to cover, you must root for the opposing team (in this case the Lions). Now, even I don't want this to happen for you, so I will give you a three-game window, meaning let's say you are stuck with the Lions, well you have three chances to get rid of them. The only way you get rid of them is to say 'if they fail to cover this game ... ' But each time, you are stuck with the opposing team, and you only have three games. Still with me? If you are then congrats. The overruling stipulation is that once you make that "if-then" clause, and your team COVERS, you are stuck with that team for one full year. Makes sense to me.
Barnes: “The Rays bats should be able to beat up on the disappointing Tigers bullpen.” Not sure what it is with Barnes and Florida-based teams. He loved the Rays, and currently loves the Jags. Must be the sun, or all the old people who reside there.
TB: Lucius, Devin, Luke, Justin, Chewy, Polito, Shane, Kevin, Rapking, Jeff, Sara, Barnes, Jake
DET: Josh, Brian, Braves, Bursa, Bart
Minnesota @ Jacksonville (-2)
Two very similar teams. Both play decent defense. Both start incredibly marginal quarterbacks. Both have tremendous running games. And both are privy to laying eggs from week-to-week. Taking the Vikings solely because they have a much greater chance of getting in the playoffs, so the thinking is they have more to play for. Who knows.
My Pick: MIN (+2)
Kevin: “Woody (my co-worker and night-side reporter who used to work in Minnesota but loves all things Wisconsin) calls the Vikings quarterback (amongst other things) "Douche Frerotte." Every week we try to understand how it is that ol' Gus doesn't have more interceptions (ok, ok Adrian Peterson carries the ball A LOT). And every week I hope for a face-slamming moment. Meanwhile, in St. Louis, Trent Green just got a headache thinking about doing that.” What do you get when you add Trent Green with Gus Frerotte? Jim Everett of course.
Devin: “Big game for Peterson? Its not good when you are double guessing your picks as you type them in.” He does this every week. Moans about his picks, while he is picking them, and then ends up going 12-4 or something along those lines. He is in third place for a reason.
Barnes: “Two popular Super Bowl picks who have been really disappointing so far.” Vikings could still win their division, while your Jags are all but finished.
Chewy: “Peterson has gained more yardage than Fred Taylor and MJJ combined. Why are the Jags favored in this one? The Jags are the same team that gave the Bengals their only win right? Minnesota has been playing great over the last three weeks.” All of a sudden I like my pick a little bit more. Thanks Chewy.
MIN: Lucius, Josh, Devin, Luke, Brian, Chewy, Shane, Braves, Bursa, Rapking, Jeff, Jake
JAX: Justin, Polito, Kevin, Bart, Sara, Barnes
Buffalo (-3) @ Kansas City
Only the Bills could one-up Cleveland in the bad luck department. They are still alive in the AFC Wild Card and still have sufficient amount of talent to defeat Herm Edwards.
My Pick: BUF (-3)
"To be frank (not Devin), the Bills are Scott Norwood-ing their season right now.”
Kevin: “I'm giving it just one week before people get a reason to discredit the Browns for getting a hard-earned win on the road against the Bills. 'Oh, well Buffalo lost to the Chiefs. The CHIEFS! Don't get excited Browns fans.' Garbage.” Again, always back to the Browns. Kevin uses the 'Browns' card more than Rodney Dangerfield used the 'Respect' card.
Devin: “Wow Buffalo sucks. Wow Herm sucks. Game of the week boys.” Come on, be easy with Herm. It's not his fault his team sucks ... wait a minute, maybe it is.
BUF: Lucius, Devin, Luke, Brian, Justin, Chewy, Polito, Shane, Rapking, Sara
KC: Josh, Kevin, Braves, Bursa, Bart, Jeff, Barnes, Jake
New England @ Miami (-1.5)
This is my first post since Barack Obama became the 44th President. Ergo, I will be taking the Patriots until they fail to cover. Yes We Can.
My Pick: NE (+1.5)
Kevin: “Through 10 games played, the Wildcats have a worse pass defense than the Cleveland Browns. Matt Cassel just threw for 400 yards against the Jets, who also have a pretty bad pass defense (obviously a little skewed after last week's game). Bill Belichick probably had a defensive game-plan drawn up to stop the Wildcat formation after his team got burned badly by it in the first meeting this year.” With my wife I don't get no respect. I made a toast on her birthday to 'the best woman a man ever had.' The waiter joined me.
Devin: “Miami really cant be good, can they?” Well, the Dolphins have proved one thing with this year, that Cam Cameron will never be a head coach in the NFL again.
Barnes: “I sat on this game for a funny comment for 10 minutes and came up blank. Sorry.” How about a review of the beauty pageant you went to a couple weeks ago. I'd like to hear how that all went down. For any Arrested Development fans, can't you see Barnes acting JUST like Gob in this situation?
NE: Lucius, Devin, Luke, Brian, Chewy, Polito, Kevin, Bursa, Rapking, Jeff, Sara, Jake
MIA: Josh, Justin, Shane, Braves, Bart, Barnes
Chicago (-8) @ St. Louis
Is there any way possible to pick a team who has been outscored 75-3 in the first half of their previous two games? No I Can’t.
My Pick: CHI (-8)
Kevin: “No Steven Jackson means no win for the Rams. Meanwhile, I'm taking a team that very well could put an injured Kyle Orton on the field instead of a healthy Rex Grossman. If more than seven people watch this game, I'll ask the next girl I see at a bar if she wants to go moose hunting. (Thankfully the Madison FOX station decided to go with Minnesota-Jacksonville this week or I'd be down to six, since we all know I'd contribute to my own demise by watching the game.)” You just really want to ask a girl to go moose-hunting with you. Don't lie.
Barnes: “How bad do the Rams lose this week? I'm going 24. Over/Under anyone?” What would the spread be if last year's Patriots were playing this year's Rams this week? The Rams might be getting 40. Seriously.
CHI: Lucius, Josh, Devin, Luke, Brian, Chewy, Shane, Kevin, Bursa, Jeff, Sara, Barnes, Jake
STL: Justin, Polito, Braves, Bart, Rapking
New York Jets @ Tennessee (-5)
Biggest game of the weekend. The Titans are trying to get to 11-0, while the Jets are trying to win five in a row. My line of thinking the past few weeks has been to keep picking the Titans until they lose. Well, they could still win this game and not cover.
My Pick: NYJ (+5)
Maxine Hunt Pick of the Week (NYJ +5)
"She took the Jets because 1) it worked last week after taking the team that reminded her of Elton John's, "Benny and the Jets" and 2) because Tennessee doesn't have any good songs.
Phil Fulmer would disagree. As would Lynn Anderson, who popularized, "Rocky Top," one of seven official state songs of Tennessee.
Fun Fact: Wikipedia says it only took 10 minutes to write that song ... and a lifetime to enjoy it.”
Chewy: “The Jets are running the football much better than Tennessee.” No one is bringing this up, but the Titans running back Chris Johnson, is just a rookie. Every rookie, ESPECIALLY running-backs begin to feel fatigue at this point in the season because it reaches the point where they are playing longer than they were in college. Look at me trying to talk myself into feeling better about going against the Titans at home.
Barnes: “ My gut tells me this is a game Favre throws 5 INT in. That or I'm just hungry.” There is no doubt in my mind Barnes went for the Pizza Roles. He loves those little treats.
Devin: “Pick em till they lose.” This would be the common sense approach towards picking this game.
NYJ: Lucius, Luke, Brian, Justin, Chewy, Shane, Kevin, Bursa, Rapking, Jeff, Jake
TEN: Josh, Devin, Polito, Braves, Bart, Sara, Barnes
Oakland @ Denver (-9.5)
The Broncos won 41-14 in week one, the last time these two AFC West rivals met. This time they are at home and coming off a well played road victory against the Falcons.
My Pick: DEN (-9.5)
Kevin: “I believe this game could be much closer than anticipated. Oakland has a very good pass defense. The deciding factors in this game could be the secondary receivers for the Broncos and how well they play. And Denver re-signed Tatum Bell. Show of hands, who wants to see them get so desperate they bring back Travis Henry?” Okay, are your hands up? WHO’S GAY??
Barnes: “Two reasons. One: Jay Cutler is throwing the ball like a madman once again. Two: Mike Shanahan loves running up the score against Al Davis and the Raiders.” I take you back to week one. 41-14. Enough said.
Chewy: “Lets repeat week one, but this time Marshall is not suspended. Good thing they can't cover our receivers because we don't have any running backs left.” This comment is going to lead to several nasty e-mails from Peyton Hillis' parents.
OAK: Kevin, Braves, Bursa
DEN: Everyone else
New York Giants (-3.5) @ Arizona
Kurt Warner vs. Eli Manning. This one should be fun. The Cardinals won’t be able to stop the Giants running game, but the G-Men will have trouble stopping Arizona’s passing attack. Which one will give? Don’t know, so I’m taking the points.
My Pick: ARI (+3.5)
Kevin: “A headline game for me. Either the Giants will dominate or the Cards will come out fired up and win a close one that will have Kurt Warner spouting Denny Green references about knowing that the Giants are who they thought they were.” I mean if you want to crown them, go ahead Hunt.
Barnes: “Think it comes down to the fact that Brandon Jacobs and the G-Men will keep the AZ offense off the field.” Naw, you are giving the Cardinals defense too much credit. Jacobs and company are going to score, and score in a hurry. If Eli Manning doesn't get in the way, this will be a shoot-out.
Chewy: “I will take the Cards in the desert any day. I bet the Rams wish they would have kept hold of Kurt Warner.” Or what about the Iowa Barnstormers? The AFL team Warner spent two-plus years with. They'd love to have him back, and would probably make for a better situation than the Rams currently.
NYG: Lucius, Devin, Polito, Bursa, Rapking, Jeff, Sara, Barnes, Jake
ARI: Josh, Luke, Brian, Justin, Chewy, Shane, Kevin, Braves, Bart
Washington (-3.5) @ Seattle
This spread is suspiciously too low. Is Hasselbeck’s return really going to make that much of a difference? This could be the worst pick of the week, but one that could allow me to pick up some ground on the leaders.
My Pick: SEA (+3.5)
Kevin: “Mike Holmgren will be asking for a sloppy joe by halftime. Jim Zorn will be asking for a psychologist. And Deion Branch will be asking for a trade.” QOTW contender. Could have added a line about Sean Taylor being glad he's not around for this one, but, it might be too soon. Well played.
Barnes: “The Seahawks are doing a great job of sending Mike Holmgren to a happy retirement.” Who are we kidding? Holmgren quit coaching this team as soon as the 49ers job opened up. It's just a matter of time.
WAS: Lucius, Devin, Brian, Chewy, Polito, Shane, Kevin, Braves, Bursa, Jeff, Sara, Barnes
SEA: Josh, Luke, Justin, Bart, Rapking, Jake
Indianapolis @ San Diego (-2.5)
A 6-4 team getting points against a 4-6 team. This one is too easy.
My Pick: IND (+2.5)
Barnes: “I'm not the kind of guy to pick against Peyton when he's on a roll. Plus, I'm afraid Marvin Harrison is going to shoot me.” You are confusing Harrison with former Indiana Pacer Stephen Jackson. Now Jackson would most definitely shoot you.
Chewy: “Apparently Rivers has never lost to the Colts. There's a first time for everything in the NFL though.” Unless you are the Detroit Lions. There will be no first WIN for this team.
Devin: “Really? You think I care about a spread. Screw Peyton. Peyton sucks. Pick other team.” Don't you just love a good grudge? It adds that something special to the blog, each week.
IND: Lucius, Josh, Luke, Brian, Chewy, Shane, Bursa, Bart, Rapking, Jeff, Sara, Barnes, Jake
SD: Devin, Justin, Polito, Kevin, Braves
Green Bay @ New Orleans (-2.5)
Looking forward to the MNF LIVE blog, and here is how it will work.
A running blog will update LIVE here at KOA. There are several ways to participate:
1) Leave comments on the blog itself. From there I can post them to the column.
2) Send me an IM through AOL. Inquire within if you do not know my screen name.
3) Send me a text message. Please limit these to three or four per person, solely because I am approaching my limit for the month of November.
4) Actually call me. Yes, my phone will be handy, and yes, I will answer. Might not have time to chat about life, but a quick phone call will land you on the blog.
There you go, hopefully you can join me tomorrow night. We will get underway at 8 PM EST.
My Pick: NO (-2.5)
Kevin: “Back the Pack Cause the Pack is Back! I need to send Ken Jones a card after this season's over.” Or you could build him a cake or something.
Devin: “I let my good friend Jess make this pick. She decided on New Orleans because it is a better city then Green Bay. I liked the pick.” A better city than Green Bay? Not really going out on a limb with that statement. Tiffin might be a better city than Green Bay. At least we have Findlay to fall back on.
Barnes: “Every time I think of New Orleans, all I can think of is paying $10/beer at the strip clubs on Bourbon Street. That and yelling 'O-H' just to hear 'FUCK YOU' in response from every LSU fan just a week before they beat my Buckeyes to a pulp. Oh, those were the good times.” Can not wait for Kris' wedding in a couple months. New Orleans sounds like the place for me.
Chewy: “I like GB's defense. The Saints offense has been too one dimensional this season, and GB has too many ball hawks (pun intended, Go Bucks [sorry, I had to after the big win this weekend]) on defense.” What's with all the Ohio State references with this game? Moving on, I absolutely loved Chewy's accurate use of paranthesis with his comment.
GB: Brian, Chewy, Kevin, Braves, Bursa, Rapking, Jeff, Jake
NO: Lucius, Josh, Devin, Luke, Justin, Polito, Shane, Bart, Sara, Barnes
Po's Knowledge Dropping - Week 9 in Review - By: Ryan Polito
Curt Hocker - Normally it is every golfers dream to make a hole-in-one just one time in their life. Well Central Illinois golfer Curt Hocker realized his dream recently on the golf course. Not only did he just reach his dream once, he has reached it five times. Not only did he reach his dream five times, he reached it five times in ONE WEEK. Just ask anyone at the El Paso Golf Club, where the 22-year-old has recorded five holes-in- one in the last week, including two last Saturday. In this year alone, Hocker has seven aces, five on par-4s, and two other double eagles.
"I don't know what to think," said Hocker, who works in the club's pro shop.
"After each one I say it's over, and it keeps happening."
As unbelievable as this story sounds, Hocker has as many as 20 witnesses to his greatness. A young Tiger Woods in the making? Or just someone with incredible luck?
The NFL - it seems like this is the third time this year the NFL has been up here on least dominant, but they leave me no choice again. This league hands out fines like its a game. This past week Justin Tuck was fined for "driving Brooks Bollinger into the ground." If anyone has seen the play there is no way there should have been a flag nor a fine for this play. This is just the most recently of some ludicrous fines and flags thrown for roughing the passer. I understand protecting the players but its gone too far. Mike Golic called it "embarrassing." Ron Jaworski called it a "sad day" for the NFL. Trey Wingo said its all about protecting the stars in the NFL, and is a joke.
I’m not sure its all about protecting the stars because last time I checked Brooks Bollinger was no star. Unless you count the ugly one on the side of his helmet.
Fun Fact of the Week:
Since 1992 the Pittsburgh Steelers are 120-1 when getting a 13+ pt lead on an opponent. In other words, they have lost only one time when getting that big of a lead in the last 16 years.
In the last two weeks, the Cleveland Browns have two losses (0-2) when leading by 13+ pts.
That’s all for me this week, until next time. Go Steelers. Go Cavs."
Chew on This - By: Andrew Reinhart
"Reminiscing on The Drive after the game Thursday night, I decided to coin the term The Fourth to refer to the fourth quarter of the Broncos-Browns game the other night. As even though 12 contributing player on the Broncos were injured including all four running backs on the roster, all of the starting Line Backers, and Champ Bailey, Cutler still threw for about 450000000 yards.
Doesn't Romeo get it? Its not a QB problem; give the freaking football to Jamal thirty times a game. It might not seem that simple, but every time Jamal Lewis has gotten 25 carries or more over the last two years, the Browns have won.
I feel bad for Brady since nothing has been going his way, but he is the starter now. In conclusion, I hope both the Broncos and Browns win out and see each other in the AFC championship game, but there's about the same odds on that as McCain making a come back in the election. At least the poor people in Cleveland have the Cavs to watch now."
That’s all she wrote for this week, please come on over and stop by for a bit tomorrow night for the LIVE running blog.
Until next time, “read it, roll it, hole it.”
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Taking a much needed break from the books tonight and decided to quickly update everyone on the standings of our ATS league.
Before I do that, I want to thank Matt Barnes for taking over the ATS column this week due to my finals and whatnot coming up (emphasis on the whatnot). You can find that column, which should operate in a similar fashion to yours truly, over on my sidebar. Again, can't thank him enough. Dating back to our WOUB days, he "stepped-up." The league is grateful.
Here are the standings that have been completely updated. Please double check your record. E-mails from every member are preserved, and there is a slight possibility of a miscalculation.
Since the beginning of week nine we have gone through three different leaders. Through eight weeks it was Alex Lucius, then Justin Whelan took over after week nine, only to relinquish it to our current leader, Joshua Florence. Justin went from first place to out of the money in just one week. Just goes to show you that anything is possible in ATS. Consistency certainly does pay.
Without further ado.
There you go. Thanks for staying patient with me throughout the final weeks of school. Let's be honest. Brady Quinn has already started one game and KOA has not made a single post on the matter. That should say something.
Again, make sure to check out Matt Barnes' site this weekend for the week 11 column. KOA will be back in the swing of things in time for week 12, as well as a series wrap-up to the college journey.
Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it."
Before I do that, I want to thank Matt Barnes for taking over the ATS column this week due to my finals and whatnot coming up (emphasis on the whatnot). You can find that column, which should operate in a similar fashion to yours truly, over on my sidebar. Again, can't thank him enough. Dating back to our WOUB days, he "stepped-up." The league is grateful.
Here are the standings that have been completely updated. Please double check your record. E-mails from every member are preserved, and there is a slight possibility of a miscalculation.
Since the beginning of week nine we have gone through three different leaders. Through eight weeks it was Alex Lucius, then Justin Whelan took over after week nine, only to relinquish it to our current leader, Joshua Florence. Justin went from first place to out of the money in just one week. Just goes to show you that anything is possible in ATS. Consistency certainly does pay.
Without further ado.
1) Justin: 78-52 (7-7)
2) Lucius: 77-53 (5-9)
2) Josh: 77-53 (10-4)
4) Brian: 74-56 (9-5)
5) Devin: 73-57 (10-4)
6) Shane: 69-61 (7-7)
7) Luke: 68-62 (6-8)
7) Grothaus: 68-62 (6-8)
7) Chewy: 68-62 (8-6)
7) Kevin: 68-62 (5-9)
7) Polito: 68-62 (9-5)
12) Braves: 67-63 (8-6)
13) Rapking: 66-64 (7-7)
14) Bart: 65-65 (10-4)
14) Jeff: 65-65 (6-8)
16) Sara: 63-67 (6-8)
17) Bursa: 62-68 (5-9)
18) Curtis: 61-69 (5-9)
18) Jake: 61-69 (7-7)
20) Barnes: 57-73 (7-7)
2) Lucius: 77-53 (5-9)
2) Josh: 77-53 (10-4)
4) Brian: 74-56 (9-5)
5) Devin: 73-57 (10-4)
6) Shane: 69-61 (7-7)
7) Luke: 68-62 (6-8)
7) Grothaus: 68-62 (6-8)
7) Chewy: 68-62 (8-6)
7) Kevin: 68-62 (5-9)
7) Polito: 68-62 (9-5)
12) Braves: 67-63 (8-6)
13) Rapking: 66-64 (7-7)
14) Bart: 65-65 (10-4)
14) Jeff: 65-65 (6-8)
16) Sara: 63-67 (6-8)
17) Bursa: 62-68 (5-9)
18) Curtis: 61-69 (5-9)
18) Jake: 61-69 (7-7)
20) Barnes: 57-73 (7-7)
1) Josh: 86-58 (9-5)
2) Lucius: 85-59 (8-6)
3) Brian: 83-61 (9-5)
3) Devin: 83-61 (10-4)
5) Justin: 81-63 (3-11)
6) Luke: 78-66 (10-4)
7) Grothaus: 77-67 (9-5)
7) Chewy: 77-67 (9-5)
7) Polito: 77-67 (9-5)
10) Shane: 76-68 (7-7)
10) Braves: 76-68 (9-5)
10) Bart: 76-68 (11-3)
13) Kevin: 74-70 (6-8)
13) Rapking: 74-70 (8-6)
15) Jeff: 72-72 (7-7)
15) Bursa: 72-72 (10-4)
17) Sara: 70-74 (7-7)
17) Curtis: 70-74 (9-5)
19) Jake: 69-75 (8-6)
20) Barnes: 66-78 (9-5)
2) Lucius: 85-59 (8-6)
3) Brian: 83-61 (9-5)
3) Devin: 83-61 (10-4)
5) Justin: 81-63 (3-11)
6) Luke: 78-66 (10-4)
7) Grothaus: 77-67 (9-5)
7) Chewy: 77-67 (9-5)
7) Polito: 77-67 (9-5)
10) Shane: 76-68 (7-7)
10) Braves: 76-68 (9-5)
10) Bart: 76-68 (11-3)
13) Kevin: 74-70 (6-8)
13) Rapking: 74-70 (8-6)
15) Jeff: 72-72 (7-7)
15) Bursa: 72-72 (10-4)
17) Sara: 70-74 (7-7)
17) Curtis: 70-74 (9-5)
19) Jake: 69-75 (8-6)
20) Barnes: 66-78 (9-5)
There you go. Thanks for staying patient with me throughout the final weeks of school. Let's be honest. Brady Quinn has already started one game and KOA has not made a single post on the matter. That should say something.
Again, make sure to check out Matt Barnes' site this weekend for the week 11 column. KOA will be back in the swing of things in time for week 12, as well as a series wrap-up to the college journey.
Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it."
Saturday, November 01, 2008
2008 NFL ATS Pick 'Em: Week Nine
UPDATE: Going to try something different for week ten. One, because I didn't have time to prepare a column this week, and two, because change is good. Here are my picks, and stay tuned throughout the day for MULTIPLE posts regarding your e-mails. DEN, NO, TEN, JAX, HOU, SEA, MIN, NE, STL, CAR, IND, KC, NYG, SF.
Patience is a virtue. At least that is what I have been told since I was a little kid. Sit quietly and wait. Something good will come along.
Tell that to Detroit Lions fans. Oh wait, it just did.
Daunte Culpepper just signed a two-year deal with the Lions. Chances are he will be starting in a week or so. God bless America. “Throw-it” returns.
As for these picks, I have no virtues. I have no patience. Back-to-back sub-par weeks have led me to go elsewhere for my selections. On Wednesday night, members of the BESS group made all of my picks, minus the Mother’s Intuition Pick of course, in an attempt to rebound dramatically from my prior ineptitude. We’ll see how it goes. Smut didn’t make any picks, so my chances of picking winners goes up right off the bat.
Without further ado, here are the 2nd annual Skywalker’s.
MVP - Drew Brees and Justin Whelan. Brees for clearly showing he is the best QB in the league at this point. Whelan for not only winning the last four weeks, but showing everyone how much time and effort he puts in to his picks.
With apologies to … Clinton Portis and Alex Lucius.
Offensive Player Of The Year - Portis. He should get something for how well he is running the ball. Congrats to anyone who has him on their fantasy team.
Defensive Player Of The Year - Albert Haynesworth. He is the best player on the best team on the best unit in the entire league. Enough said.
Game Of The Year - Arizona vs. Dallas. Week Six. Arizona wins in overtime by returning a blocked punt for a TD.
Always Reliable Award - Jake Young. Last year it was Jeff Normand, this year it is Jake Young. Always turns his picks in on time and always provides comments for every single game.
The Three Consistent Amigos Award - Yours truly, Grothaus, and Lucius. All three of us have been in the top eight the entire season. No one else can say that.
The Stuart “Wha-wha’what happened” Scott Award - Matt Barnes. He’s in dead last, four games out of 19th place. He has a long road ahead of him. Did I mention he watches sports for a living? Oh well, at least he has LOST to fall back on.
The Gus Johnson Award (overall best comments) - Kevin Hunt. How could it not be? Have you been reading these things the past two weeks?
Biggest Surprise - Atlanta Falcons and Brian Boesch. The Falcons for winning games and Boesch for finding himself in the top four. What’s the best way to forget about the Indians? Win this pool. So far so good for Boesch.
With apologies to … Miami Dolphins and Josh Florence.
Final Four Prediction - NFL - Titans, Bills, Giants, and Saints. ATS - Justin, Kevin, Lucius, and Devin.
The honor for week eight goes to … Kevin Hunt.
“I think the last time Houston was favored by ten points Earl Campbell was the running back.”
Short, simple and includes a reference to the Houston Oilers. One of the best thus far.
Kevin joins Alex Lucius and Jeff Normand in the two QOTW club.
That wraps up the 2nd annual Skywalker’s. Don’t forget to tip your waitresses.
Onto the games. Special thanks to the BESS club, specifically Hess, Lumpy and Ott. Something tells me that this will be the week I get back into the mix or move even further down into the inevitable abyss.
For some games, the BESS club left comments. For others, they didn’t. All they said about this game was that Favre was overrated. Works for me.
My Pick: BUF (-5.5)
Justin: “I really like Buffalo here and think they win this one, as they are unbeaten at home. Bills have always been a run-oriented offense, however the Jets are second in the league against the rush. That being said give me these points and I’ll go with the Jets and hope for a close one. Bills 21-17.” Good to see Justin back with his second consecutive week of comments.
"Applebee's 2 for $20 commercial was on TV. I went with game #2, the team that has a #20. If they both do, I'm going with the younger of the #20s.
Both teams have a #20 -- RB Thomas Jones for the Jets and DB Donte Whitner for the Bills.
There are MULTIPLE reasons why the Jets will now at least cover this spread, and they basically all have to do with me ...
- Thomas Jones is almost seven years older than Whitner. His birthday falls one week after mine every year.
- Whitner is from Ohio State (a team that JUST lost), while Jones hails from Virginia (a team that suddenly can't seem to stop losing, no matter what Wade thinks will happen to their season).
- I could never have the name 'Donte' and be taken seriously. But ‘Thomas’ would work just fine.” Buckle in folks, Kevin is at it again.
Devin: “Eric Mangini is the Jets coach. He first got a job in Ohio. The state of Ohio screwed me last week. Go Bills.” Last Saturday, Devin cleaned out his Sportsbook account by losing several college football games. He picked Texas to cover (-12), Ohio State to win straight up, and USC to cover (-13) against Arizona. He lost them all, and made his entire week nine picks looking to strike revenge against the states that cost him dearly.
Jake: “This is tough, but I'll go with Brett Favre. He gets the ‘T.O., Please Someone Pay Attention To Me Award.’ At first I thought Favre just wanted to come back, but now it seems like he's just looking for attention. It hurts me a lot. The Bills are a close second for ‘Most Surprising Team.’” Props to Jake for joining the festive mid-way atmosphere and dishing out some hardware of his own.
NYJ: Justin, Josh, Shane, Sara, Bursa, Grothaus, Braves, Bart
BUF: Lucius, Brian, Devin, Kevin, Luke, Chewy, Rapking, Polito, Jeff, Curtis, Jake, Barnes
Looks like I will be backing the Bears, which is much better than the alternative in this game. I can not wait for Daunte. Christmas come early this year.
My Pick: CHI (-13)
Justin: “I had Detroit to win last week and they almost pulled off the upset as they led for three of the four quarters, but they are going to continue their streak to 0-16 this week. With a defense that ranks last in points allowed and total yards allowed, the Lions go up against the Bears who rank second in points/game. Bears 31-7.” Looks like Justin has Kyle Orton continuing his campaign for MVP.
Devin: “Lovie Smith is the Bears Coach. He is from Texas. The state of Texas killed me last week. Go Lions.” You thought I was kidding?
Kevin: “Just realized that THIS was the 2nd game on the list. So I am more or less on fire right now. At any rate, I'm applying the Ballbuster to this game as well. This also means that, unless I don't get to the site in time again, I'm forced to put money on these together. Suddenly I hate myself.” Yes, these are my friends.
Jake: “Dan Orlovsky gets the 'You've Played Football How Long and Don't Know What An Endline Looks Like Award?’ He will never live that down. Never ever.” Barry Sanders got out just in time. Another great escape for one of the best running-backs in the history of the game.
Chewy: “Well 13 points is a lot, but Detroit sucks. But I am just going on feeling this week so here it is.” ATS can play nasty games with your head.
DET: Lucius, Josh, Brian, Devin, Shane, Chewy, Polito, Sara, Bursa, Jake, Braves, Bart, Barnes
CHI: Justin, Kevin, Luke, Rapking, Jeff, Curtis, Grothaus
I am still reeling off the worst pick I have EVER made in the history of ATS last week, taking Ryan Fitzpatrick on the road. Luckily for me, the BESS club wasn’t in “chipping golf balls” mode yet. They made the smart pick here.
My Pick: JAX (-7.5)
Justin: “The Bengals are awful and sit at 0-6 ATS as underdogs with the line between 3.5-9.5 the last two seasons. They are last in the league in points/game and total yards/game. However, I am going to be on them this week much like I was last week with the Lions. Jacksonville has had every game decided by seven or less this year.” This is a tough game. Jacksonville doesn’t win by much, but Cincinnati doesn’t win.
Bursa: “I've tried and I'm through, I can't pick the Bengals anymore. However, they still have the coolest helmets in the league ... style points. Actually, one of my students in Denver has the same reason for being a Bengals fan as I do. When he was a kid, he thought their uniforms were amazing, so he became a lifelong fan. This, my friends, is an ingenious marketing technique on the part of the worst franchise in football." You know that kid in Bursa’s class just wants bonus points on his next test. There is no way someone who is from Denver loves the Bengals. Not a chance.
Kevin: “What if the Jags are down just as much as the Colts this year? Why couldn't the Bengals win this game? If I don't win this ATS pick, I'm having my roommate Jess's dog, Frankie (or Sprinkey, if you're Bart), pick the Bengals games from here on out.” Byron Leftwich is loving this Jags demise.
Jake: “Chad Ocho Cinco gets the 'I Changed My Name For This Award?’ Since changing his name, he has done nothing. I was going to say nothing good, but really, he's just done nothing.” It has been a strangely quiet season for Ocho Cinco. No complaining here.
Brian: “Cincinnati will cost me money in this league. I will finish sixth and finish two games out of fifth. I'm more confident about this than my Cincinnati pick.” He said he was going to keep picking the Bengals until they covered, so you have to credit him with just blind faith. It makes sense however, he is a Browns fan.
JAX: Devin, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Jeff, Sara, Bursa, Curtis, Jake, Grothaus, Bart, Barnes
CIN: Lucius, Justin, Josh, Brian, Kevin, Rapking, Polito
This pick was all on Ott (aka Big John, aka my dad). He took the Ravens because as he put it, “Cleveland just can’t beat Baltimore.” My response, “come on without, come on within, you’ve not seen nothing like the Mighty Quinn.”
My Pick: BAL (+1.5)
"The Browns are an enigma. and I don't like enigmas. In fact, I barely know the meaning of the word. but considering that their offense won't score more than 10 on this Ravens defense, I don't see how they won't give up 14 to Joe Flacco and Willis."
Justin: “Baltimore is 0-4 ATS in last four on the road in the great city of Cleveland, Ohio. Go Browns. Browns 21- 14.” It needs to be said, but all of a sudden the Browns are 3-4. When did this happen? They feel like a 1-6 team, but have won nearly half of their games. Shawn Rogers is good. Really good.
Kevin: “OK, since I wasted my Browns stuff for the comment on the Philadelphia game, I might as well use the Philadelphia comment for the Browns game.
Rogers Hornsby finished his baseball career as a player-manager of the St. Louis Browns. Of the five teams he managed for a significant number of games, his stint with the St. Louis Browns was his second worst, fielding a .401 win percentage.
This is relevant because Tom Hanks's character in the movie, ‘Philadelphia’ is named Andrew Beckett. There are only two men in the history of the NFL holding the last name ‘Beckett,’ Jack Beckett, who played three games over the course of two NFL seasons in the 1920s, and Rogers Beckett, who played for the Bengals and Chargers over five years from 2000-2004. And there aren't many people you could say that had the name ‘Rogers,’ especially two professional athletes.
After all of that, 1) my head is exploding out of my ears, 2) Tom Hanks has AIDS and 3) in games when Rogers Beckett played, his teams had a record of 25-46. Thanks for contributing.” Kevin wins the award for the most ridiculous/random comment for one game. Let’s be honest. The award is named The Kevin Hunt Award. It was his to lose.
Devin: “O-H-I-O.” One of the dumbest fan slogans ever. Hey look at us, we can correctly spell our state. D-U-M-B.
Jake: “For Joe Flacco, the ‘In D-1AA Quarterbacks Can Throw and Catch Award’ after bringing in a 43 yarder from Troy Smith last week.” I’ll give you the catch aspect, but the jury is still out on the throwing for Mr. Flacco.
BAL: Devin, Luke, Rapking, Polito, Jeff, Bart, Barnes
CLE: Lucius, Justin, Josh, Brian, Kevin, Shane, Chewy, Sara, Bursa, Curtis, Jake, Grothaus, Braves
Jeff Garcia vs. Tyler Thigpen. This game could be scarier than Saw V, which was surprisingly very good.
My Pick: TB (-8.5)
Jake: “Jeff Garcia gets the ‘Coach Only Starts Me Because He Has To Award,’ only because Chucky seems to be looking for any chance to bench the diminutive husband of the smoking stripper.” Yet this team has a better record than San Diego, Jacksonville AND Indianapolis. I just don’t get it.
Devin: “Tampa is in Florida. UCF is in Florida. The state of Florida beat me last week. Go Buccaneers?” That’s right, I forgot the UCF pick, based solely on the fact that George O’Leary is their head coach. Devin did not have a great weekend.
Kevin: “Continue playing without Larry Johnson, I dare you.” Herm Edwards promptly replies, “you double-dog dare me?”
Justin: “Give me the Chiefs here, who even though they lack offense, sit at 6-0 ATS after allowing 25+ points in back-to-back games. Bucs 20-14.” Justin is like a tall glass filled to the brim with NFL knowledge.
TB: Lucius, Josh, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Rapking, Polito, Jeff, Sara, Bursa, Curtis, Grothaus, Bart, Barnes
KC: Justin, Brian, Devin, Kevin, Jake, Braves
Not sure how this one is going to play out, but the BESS club took the Purple People Eaters. Let’s go Adrian Peterson.
My Pick: MIN (-4.5)
Kevin: “I think the big boys on the Minnesota D-line just used the water pill to lose a little weight. They watched tape of Romeo Crennel trying to have sex with a Donatos pizza and understood that sometimes you just need to re-evaluate your life.” QOTW nominee. Only for creating the image. Thanks a lot Hunt.
Kevin (again): “Last week I said Houston was favored by 10 for the first time since Earl Campbell. Little did I know that it was actually fate that the Texans beat up on the Bengals. When I showed up to work on Tuesday and read my day-by-day sports calendar page from Sunday, here's what it said: ‘10/26/80: Earl Campbell becomes only the second running back to rush for 200 yards in consecutive NFL games, leading the Houston Oilers to a 23-3 rout of the Cincinnati Bengals at the Astrodome. The Tyler Rose gains 202 yards on 27 carries today after amassing 203 yards against Tampa Bay last week. O.J. Simpson had accomplished the feat twice, in 1973 and '76.’
That's right, back-to-back weeks with an O.J. Simpson reference. Oh yeah, and last Sunday was Mike Hargrove's 59th birthday. Hope he's recovered from the celebration.” Some of you may be surprised by this O.J. Simpson/Earl Campbell developing situation, but I’ve come to expect it.
Jake: “Mario Williams with the ‘Reggie Bush Doesn't Get Number One Money But I Do Award’ because although he hasn't clearly proved he was the better pick, he does make the money, and isn't that all that really matters?” Reggie does have Kim Kardashian however. Not a bad consolation prize.
Justin: “Coin flip game. Houston’s rattled off three in a row after starting the year 0-4 and the fact that Minnesota’s defense ranks twentieth against the pass, I will take these points and hope for the best. Ultimate deciding factor: Vikes distracted by league investigations surrounding Pat & Kevin Williams for banned substances. Vikings 31-28.” But they are both going to play. Also, they could be distracted from the Coming Out Of Retirement Party they had Saturday night for Culpepper on the team yacht. Cris Carter had a great time.
HOU: Lucius, Justin, Kevin, Shane, Rapking, Jeff, Sara, Bursa, Curtis, Jake, Braves, Bart
MIN: Josh, Brian, Devin, Luke, Chewy, Polito, Grothaus, Barnes
Kevin: “Here's my rationale behind this game ... hahahaha, had you going there for a second.” Sounds like this is a job for Maxine Florence.
There you have it. No specific reason, just her intuition.
Jake: “Jim Haslett gets the ‘I Only Coach Well Under Adversity Award’ for bringing this team back from the dead and having his other great season be with the Saints in the wake of Katrina.” True story.
Justin: “Love the home underdog here. This line is being pounded by the public and has not moved. Arizona is clearly the better team here and it is going to take a lot for the Rams to hang with the Cardinals offense. Cardinals sit comfortably at the top of the NFC West and the Rams will continue to play hard for Haslett. Rams 28-21.” Kurt Warner versus his former Super-Bowl-winning team. Could someone please get Dick Vermeil a tissue?
ARI: Lucius, Josh, Brian, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Sara, Curtis, Grothaus, Braves, Bart
STL: Justin, Devin, Kevin, Rapking, Polito, Jeff, Bursa, Jake, Barnes
Here we have our first disagreement. I love the Titans at this low point spread, but the BESS club felt differently. Apparently Hess was thinking like me, but was talked out of it by Lumpy, who said “Green Bay is coming off a bye week and Tennessee is coming off a short week.” Only time will tell who was right.
My Pick: GB (+5.5)
Devin: “Jeff Fisher born where ... California. This pick sucks, this game sucks.” I was waiting for the Michael Grothaus collapse, but right now it looks like Devin is taking his place.
Kevin: “Back the Pack cause the Pack is Back! (at least to cover).” Sing it if you know it. “Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation, with a black-haired flamenco dancer.”
Jake: “The Packers secondary gets the ‘We're Almost As Injured As The Ohio Bobcats Award’ for having basically everyone suffer some sort of injury.” The difference is the Packers still win games. The Bobcats? Not so much.
Justin: “Obviously Tennessee is for real and I know I should take them until they prove me wrong, but I like Green Bay to at least cover this one. Packers sit at 8-0 ATS off non-conference games and will be gunning to knock off the unbeaten Titans. Titans 20-17.” Maybe Lumpy is on to something. All of a sudden, I feel a lot better about this pick now.
GB: Justin, Josh, Brian, Devin, Kevin, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Rapking, Polito, Jake, Bart
TEN: Lucius, Jeff, Sara, Bursa, Curtis, Grothaus, Braves, Barnes
All BESS members were in agreement. Denver is the pick here because, “they are at home off of a bye week.”
My Pick: DEN (-3)
Kevin: “My pick was based solely off results from this pee-wee football game ...” I don’t know how you found that Hunt, but job well done.
Jake: “Ronnie Brown gets the ‘I'm Not A Tiger Anymore. Just Call Me Wildcat Award’ for leading the biggest gimmick offense of the 2008 first half.” Kevin would be so proud.
Chewy: “Well I asked my magic eight ball if our defense would show up this week and the little triangle said ‘no’.” That magic eight ball must have watched the last couple of Broncos games. The Broncos might have the worst defense in the entire league, which has the legions of Lions fan breathing a sign of relief.
Justin: “Denver is too inconsistent, dropping two straight to put them at 1-5-1 ATS this season. I’ll take the surprising Dolphins who are 5-0 ATS in their last five against the Broncos and 4-1 ATS in their last five overall. Sure this streak will have to come to an end, but not this week as I see Miami continuing to surprise us all. Broncos 0-12 ATS if total is between 42.5-50. Dolphins 24-20.” I’m not sure how to comprehend all those statistics, but based solely on the political campaigns, where facts are usually misconstrued, I think Justin is a socialist.
MIA: Justin, Kevin, Jeff, Bart
DEN: Lucius, Josh, Brian, Devin, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Rapking, Polito, Sara, Bursa, Curtis, Jake, Grothaus, Braves, Barnes
There is no question the Browns got the short-end of the Cowboys stick this season. Cleveland had to face a fully healthy and un-suspended Dallas squad. Needless to say, Dallas is not nearly the same team. Which is why looking at schedules BEFORE the season is a tad pointless.
My Pick: DAL (+8.5)
Kevin: “The Cowboys defense finally at least made somewhat of a presence. I see this as a low-scoring game. In other news, Brooks Bollinger might see time as Dallas QB (see note for Philly-Seattle game).” I’m not quite sure when, but somewhere along the lines Hunt’s comments turned into a “turn-to-page” book.
Jake: “The Giants D-Line gets the ‘Michael and Osi Who Award?’ for playing unbelievably even after losing arguably its two best players.” Eli Manning Face.
Justin: “No mercy game for the Giants. I see this one being a blowout against a beat up Cowboy squad. Giants 31-17.” What about payback for Dallas? This game means more to the ‘Boys than it does the G-Men. The G-Men have nothing to prove. Should be a good one.
DAL: Lucius, Brian, Kevin, Luke, Shane, Rapking, Bart
NYG: Justin, Josh, Devin, Chewy, Polito, Jeff, Sara, Bursa, Curtis, Jake, Grothaus, Braves, Barnes
I like Oakland here. The BESS club likes Atlanta. Looks like I’m taking Atlanta.
My Pick: ATL (-3)
“Two weeks ago I had the Raaadiers knocking off the Jets out west and it hit. I’m going to be on them again as this line is favorable. This is a great spot for the Raiders taking on a young Falcon team making their first trip out to the west coast. (Two seasons ago Oakland offensive coordinator Greg Knapp was coaching in Atlanta) Raiders 27-24.” Have to agree with Justin here. Don’t think the Falcons should be giving points on the road.
Kevin: “Falcons on the road AND traveling to the West Coast. Taking the points.” In the same week Kevin picks games because of Roger Hornsby, Tom Hanks, and then actual NFL knowledge. Sounds about right.
Jake: “The Falcons get ‘Feel Good Story Of The Year’ for turning into a legitimate team just a year after the Vick and Petrino fiascos.” League conspiracy. It’s the same reason the Saints made it to the NFC Championship game two years ago. Us Browns fans are still waiting for our conspiracy season.
ATL: Brian, Devin, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Rapking, Polito, Jeff, Curtis, Jake, Grothaus, Braves, Bart, Barnes
OAK: Lucius, Justin, Josh, Kevin, Sara, Bursa
Since the Seahawks are all but done, at least the fans in Seattle have the Supersonics to fall back on. Oh that’s right. My bad.
My Pick: PHI (-7)
Kevin: “I might change this pick if Charlie Frye becomes the starter. On a related note, where the hell did Kelly Holcomb go? I want to see a 'cross generational' quarterback controversy. First it was Couch-Holcomb, then there was Frye-Anderson and this would bring Frye-Holcomb. Along those same lines, do you think Couch would have even been worth a six-round pick had he been traded after one game in his final season with Cleveland? Well, he didn't start out the year and the Browns lost to the Colts (9-6) and the Pats (9-3) by six combined points. How the times have changed.
Did I really just go on a Browns tangent with the Eagles-Seahawks game? Wow.” I have no words.
Jake: “Mike Holmgren with the ‘I Came Back For This Award?’ for possibly retiring a year too late.” You know he wants that San Francisco job.
Justin: “With the public pounding Philly at 95% of 23,000 bets, I’ll go with Seattle here. Eagles 21-17.” Going against the public. What a great move. Justin is going to be hard to track down folks.
PHI: Lucius, Josh, Devin, Kevin, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Rapking, Polito, Jeff, Sara, Bursa, Jake, Grothaus, Braves, Bart, Barnes
SEA: Justin, Brian
“Indianapolis NEEDS this one.” I concur.
My Pick: IND (-5.5)
“She took game #13 because she was at the bank cashing a check for $13. And she took the Colts because of Phyllis Hays (I believe they have family there?).
I'm not arguing, but who writes a check for $13? Maybe if this game wins, I'll start doing something on the 13th of every month. Suggestions are welcome and encouraged.” Two part response. First, as a bank teller for a solid three summers and winter breaks, I feel I am qualified to say that there are a TON of people who cash checks for odd amounts. On top of that, sometimes, when I cashed them they wanted really specific bill and coin denominations. For example, a $13 check would be cashed with a five-dollar bill, two one-dollar bills, three-dollars worth of quarters, two-dollars worth of dimes, and one-dollar worth of pennies. You think I’m kidding? Then you have no idea. Second part, my immediate response to what you should do on the 13th was to order a Donatos pizza and give it your best Romeo Crennel impression. As our favorite Sociology professor would say, ‘do with this as you will.’
Jake: “Bill Belichick gets the ‘Damn, Brady Made Me Look Great Award’ for maybe not being quite as good as he made us believe.” I respectfully disagree Jake. Belichick was the last Cleveland Browns Head Coach to win a playoff game. That takes a special something in my book.
Justin: “Tough game to pick here, but I’ll continue to believe in the Colts for some reason. While it seems like this is the end of Peyton’s decade of dominance, the Colts are 8-0 ATS off back-to-back ATS losses. Colts 27-17.” Has it really been a decade? Getting old sucks.
NE: Josh, Brian, Devin, Rapking, Curtis, Jake, Bart
IND: Lucius, Justin, Kevin, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Polito, Jeff, Sara, Bursa, Grothaus, Braves, Barnes
I absolutely loathe Dave Wannstedt.
My Pick: WAS (-2)
Devin: “I am sure George W. Bush had something to do with my demise last week. At least Dick Cheney that evil bastard. Go Pittsburgh.
Side note: Dear W and President Cheney, what I said before was a joke. Please forgive me in case you are reading this.” If we never hear from Devin again, we all will know why.
Chewy: “Mike Tomlin hasn't lost on Monday night yet. Let's keep the streak alive.” He hasn’t had a team this banged up yet though either. We shall see.
Justin: “As much as I hate this team, I have to take the Steelers. Washington will be over pumped for their first home Monday-nighter in a while and Pittsburgh has the defense to stop Portis. Best possible outcome: Washington wins by one. Steelers 21-13.” On the flip side, no one has stopped Portis all year.
Jake: “Big Ben gets the ‘At Least I Wear A Helmet On The Field Award’ because, after all the hits he's taken, he'd probably look like he did after the big motorcycle crash if he didn't have that Black and Gold helmet.” The Steelers have a horrible offensive line. No running backs, and a QB who has already suffered three concussions this season alone. Yet, the AFC North is so bad they will have that division wrapped up by December.
Kevin: “After the debacle at the top, I decided to head to the bottom and work my way up (that's what she said... or he said?). I don't think the Steelers have enough to keep on keeping on. Good enough to win the AFC North? Probably. But not to win this game.” Best e-mail of the half-year award winner? You guessed it, Mr. Kevin T. Hunt.
Barnes: "Only because a Pittsburgh win means Barack Obama will win the Presidency, according to the way things have gone of late with the Washington Redksins before an election." Thought we would hear more Obama-McCain talk in this league.
PIT: Lucius, Justin, Josh, Brian, Devin, Shane, Chewy, Rapking, Polito, Sara, Bursa, Braves, Bart, Barnes
WAS: Kevin, Luke, Curtis, Jake, Grothaus
We have no Chew On This, Po’s Knowledge Dropping or a Thought Of The Week. Therefore, we here at K.O.A. are going to take this time to remind everyone to go out and vote on Tuesday. Pundits are saying this is the most important election in recent history (even though we believe the one in 2000 was more important). Go out and vote. If you already have, congrats. No matter what side of the fence you are on, everyone needs to vote. Do it to it.
Until next time, “read it, roll it, hole it.”
Patience is a virtue. At least that is what I have been told since I was a little kid. Sit quietly and wait. Something good will come along.
Tell that to Detroit Lions fans. Oh wait, it just did.
Daunte Culpepper just signed a two-year deal with the Lions. Chances are he will be starting in a week or so. God bless America. “Throw-it” returns.
As for these picks, I have no virtues. I have no patience. Back-to-back sub-par weeks have led me to go elsewhere for my selections. On Wednesday night, members of the BESS group made all of my picks, minus the Mother’s Intuition Pick of course, in an attempt to rebound dramatically from my prior ineptitude. We’ll see how it goes. Smut didn’t make any picks, so my chances of picking winners goes up right off the bat.
Without further ado, here are the 2nd annual Skywalker’s.
MVP - Drew Brees and Justin Whelan. Brees for clearly showing he is the best QB in the league at this point. Whelan for not only winning the last four weeks, but showing everyone how much time and effort he puts in to his picks.
With apologies to … Clinton Portis and Alex Lucius.
Offensive Player Of The Year - Portis. He should get something for how well he is running the ball. Congrats to anyone who has him on their fantasy team.
Defensive Player Of The Year - Albert Haynesworth. He is the best player on the best team on the best unit in the entire league. Enough said.
Game Of The Year - Arizona vs. Dallas. Week Six. Arizona wins in overtime by returning a blocked punt for a TD.
Always Reliable Award - Jake Young. Last year it was Jeff Normand, this year it is Jake Young. Always turns his picks in on time and always provides comments for every single game.
The Three Consistent Amigos Award - Yours truly, Grothaus, and Lucius. All three of us have been in the top eight the entire season. No one else can say that.
The Stuart “Wha-wha’what happened” Scott Award - Matt Barnes. He’s in dead last, four games out of 19th place. He has a long road ahead of him. Did I mention he watches sports for a living? Oh well, at least he has LOST to fall back on.
The Gus Johnson Award (overall best comments) - Kevin Hunt. How could it not be? Have you been reading these things the past two weeks?
Biggest Surprise - Atlanta Falcons and Brian Boesch. The Falcons for winning games and Boesch for finding himself in the top four. What’s the best way to forget about the Indians? Win this pool. So far so good for Boesch.
With apologies to … Miami Dolphins and Josh Florence.
Final Four Prediction - NFL - Titans, Bills, Giants, and Saints. ATS - Justin, Kevin, Lucius, and Devin.
Quote Of The Week
The honor for week eight goes to … Kevin Hunt.
“I think the last time Houston was favored by ten points Earl Campbell was the running back.”
Short, simple and includes a reference to the Houston Oilers. One of the best thus far.
Kevin joins Alex Lucius and Jeff Normand in the two QOTW club.
That wraps up the 2nd annual Skywalker’s. Don’t forget to tip your waitresses.
Onto the games. Special thanks to the BESS club, specifically Hess, Lumpy and Ott. Something tells me that this will be the week I get back into the mix or move even further down into the inevitable abyss.
New York Jets @ Buffalo (-5.5)
My Pick: BUF (-5.5)
Justin: “I really like Buffalo here and think they win this one, as they are unbeaten at home. Bills have always been a run-oriented offense, however the Jets are second in the league against the rush. That being said give me these points and I’ll go with the Jets and hope for a close one. Bills 21-17.” Good to see Justin back with his second consecutive week of comments.
Kevin's Ballbuster Pick Of The Week (3-5) : BUF (-5.5)
"Applebee's 2 for $20 commercial was on TV. I went with game #2, the team that has a #20. If they both do, I'm going with the younger of the #20s.
Both teams have a #20 -- RB Thomas Jones for the Jets and DB Donte Whitner for the Bills.
There are MULTIPLE reasons why the Jets will now at least cover this spread, and they basically all have to do with me ...
- Thomas Jones is almost seven years older than Whitner. His birthday falls one week after mine every year.
- Whitner is from Ohio State (a team that JUST lost), while Jones hails from Virginia (a team that suddenly can't seem to stop losing, no matter what Wade thinks will happen to their season).
- I could never have the name 'Donte' and be taken seriously. But ‘Thomas’ would work just fine.” Buckle in folks, Kevin is at it again.
Devin: “Eric Mangini is the Jets coach. He first got a job in Ohio. The state of Ohio screwed me last week. Go Bills.” Last Saturday, Devin cleaned out his Sportsbook account by losing several college football games. He picked Texas to cover (-12), Ohio State to win straight up, and USC to cover (-13) against Arizona. He lost them all, and made his entire week nine picks looking to strike revenge against the states that cost him dearly.
Jake: “This is tough, but I'll go with Brett Favre. He gets the ‘T.O., Please Someone Pay Attention To Me Award.’ At first I thought Favre just wanted to come back, but now it seems like he's just looking for attention. It hurts me a lot. The Bills are a close second for ‘Most Surprising Team.’” Props to Jake for joining the festive mid-way atmosphere and dishing out some hardware of his own.
NYJ: Justin, Josh, Shane, Sara, Bursa, Grothaus, Braves, Bart
BUF: Lucius, Brian, Devin, Kevin, Luke, Chewy, Rapking, Polito, Jeff, Curtis, Jake, Barnes
Detroit @ Chicago (-13)
My Pick: CHI (-13)
Justin: “I had Detroit to win last week and they almost pulled off the upset as they led for three of the four quarters, but they are going to continue their streak to 0-16 this week. With a defense that ranks last in points allowed and total yards allowed, the Lions go up against the Bears who rank second in points/game. Bears 31-7.” Looks like Justin has Kyle Orton continuing his campaign for MVP.
Devin: “Lovie Smith is the Bears Coach. He is from Texas. The state of Texas killed me last week. Go Lions.” You thought I was kidding?
Kevin: “Just realized that THIS was the 2nd game on the list. So I am more or less on fire right now. At any rate, I'm applying the Ballbuster to this game as well. This also means that, unless I don't get to the site in time again, I'm forced to put money on these together. Suddenly I hate myself.” Yes, these are my friends.
Jake: “Dan Orlovsky gets the 'You've Played Football How Long and Don't Know What An Endline Looks Like Award?’ He will never live that down. Never ever.” Barry Sanders got out just in time. Another great escape for one of the best running-backs in the history of the game.
Chewy: “Well 13 points is a lot, but Detroit sucks. But I am just going on feeling this week so here it is.” ATS can play nasty games with your head.
DET: Lucius, Josh, Brian, Devin, Shane, Chewy, Polito, Sara, Bursa, Jake, Braves, Bart, Barnes
CHI: Justin, Kevin, Luke, Rapking, Jeff, Curtis, Grothaus
Jacksonville (-7.5) @ Cincinnati
My Pick: JAX (-7.5)
Justin: “The Bengals are awful and sit at 0-6 ATS as underdogs with the line between 3.5-9.5 the last two seasons. They are last in the league in points/game and total yards/game. However, I am going to be on them this week much like I was last week with the Lions. Jacksonville has had every game decided by seven or less this year.” This is a tough game. Jacksonville doesn’t win by much, but Cincinnati doesn’t win.
Bursa: “I've tried and I'm through, I can't pick the Bengals anymore. However, they still have the coolest helmets in the league ... style points. Actually, one of my students in Denver has the same reason for being a Bengals fan as I do. When he was a kid, he thought their uniforms were amazing, so he became a lifelong fan. This, my friends, is an ingenious marketing technique on the part of the worst franchise in football." You know that kid in Bursa’s class just wants bonus points on his next test. There is no way someone who is from Denver loves the Bengals. Not a chance.
Kevin: “What if the Jags are down just as much as the Colts this year? Why couldn't the Bengals win this game? If I don't win this ATS pick, I'm having my roommate Jess's dog, Frankie (or Sprinkey, if you're Bart), pick the Bengals games from here on out.” Byron Leftwich is loving this Jags demise.
Jake: “Chad Ocho Cinco gets the 'I Changed My Name For This Award?’ Since changing his name, he has done nothing. I was going to say nothing good, but really, he's just done nothing.” It has been a strangely quiet season for Ocho Cinco. No complaining here.
Brian: “Cincinnati will cost me money in this league. I will finish sixth and finish two games out of fifth. I'm more confident about this than my Cincinnati pick.” He said he was going to keep picking the Bengals until they covered, so you have to credit him with just blind faith. It makes sense however, he is a Browns fan.
JAX: Devin, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Jeff, Sara, Bursa, Curtis, Jake, Grothaus, Bart, Barnes
CIN: Lucius, Justin, Josh, Brian, Kevin, Rapking, Polito
Baltimore @ Cleveland (-1.5)
My Pick: BAL (+1.5)
The Promise's Promise (1-5): BAL (+1.5)
"The Browns are an enigma. and I don't like enigmas. In fact, I barely know the meaning of the word. but considering that their offense won't score more than 10 on this Ravens defense, I don't see how they won't give up 14 to Joe Flacco and Willis."
Justin: “Baltimore is 0-4 ATS in last four on the road in the great city of Cleveland, Ohio. Go Browns. Browns 21- 14.” It needs to be said, but all of a sudden the Browns are 3-4. When did this happen? They feel like a 1-6 team, but have won nearly half of their games. Shawn Rogers is good. Really good.
Kevin: “OK, since I wasted my Browns stuff for the comment on the Philadelphia game, I might as well use the Philadelphia comment for the Browns game.
Rogers Hornsby finished his baseball career as a player-manager of the St. Louis Browns. Of the five teams he managed for a significant number of games, his stint with the St. Louis Browns was his second worst, fielding a .401 win percentage.
This is relevant because Tom Hanks's character in the movie, ‘Philadelphia’ is named Andrew Beckett. There are only two men in the history of the NFL holding the last name ‘Beckett,’ Jack Beckett, who played three games over the course of two NFL seasons in the 1920s, and Rogers Beckett, who played for the Bengals and Chargers over five years from 2000-2004. And there aren't many people you could say that had the name ‘Rogers,’ especially two professional athletes.
After all of that, 1) my head is exploding out of my ears, 2) Tom Hanks has AIDS and 3) in games when Rogers Beckett played, his teams had a record of 25-46. Thanks for contributing.” Kevin wins the award for the most ridiculous/random comment for one game. Let’s be honest. The award is named The Kevin Hunt Award. It was his to lose.
Devin: “O-H-I-O.” One of the dumbest fan slogans ever. Hey look at us, we can correctly spell our state. D-U-M-B.
Jake: “For Joe Flacco, the ‘In D-1AA Quarterbacks Can Throw and Catch Award’ after bringing in a 43 yarder from Troy Smith last week.” I’ll give you the catch aspect, but the jury is still out on the throwing for Mr. Flacco.
BAL: Devin, Luke, Rapking, Polito, Jeff, Bart, Barnes
CLE: Lucius, Justin, Josh, Brian, Kevin, Shane, Chewy, Sara, Bursa, Curtis, Jake, Grothaus, Braves
Tampa Bay (-8.5) @ Kansas City
My Pick: TB (-8.5)
Jake: “Jeff Garcia gets the ‘Coach Only Starts Me Because He Has To Award,’ only because Chucky seems to be looking for any chance to bench the diminutive husband of the smoking stripper.” Yet this team has a better record than San Diego, Jacksonville AND Indianapolis. I just don’t get it.
Devin: “Tampa is in Florida. UCF is in Florida. The state of Florida beat me last week. Go Buccaneers?” That’s right, I forgot the UCF pick, based solely on the fact that George O’Leary is their head coach. Devin did not have a great weekend.
Kevin: “Continue playing without Larry Johnson, I dare you.” Herm Edwards promptly replies, “you double-dog dare me?”
Justin: “Give me the Chiefs here, who even though they lack offense, sit at 6-0 ATS after allowing 25+ points in back-to-back games. Bucs 20-14.” Justin is like a tall glass filled to the brim with NFL knowledge.
TB: Lucius, Josh, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Rapking, Polito, Jeff, Sara, Bursa, Curtis, Grothaus, Bart, Barnes
KC: Justin, Brian, Devin, Kevin, Jake, Braves
Houston @ Minnesota (-4.5)
My Pick: MIN (-4.5)
Kevin: “I think the big boys on the Minnesota D-line just used the water pill to lose a little weight. They watched tape of Romeo Crennel trying to have sex with a Donatos pizza and understood that sometimes you just need to re-evaluate your life.” QOTW nominee. Only for creating the image. Thanks a lot Hunt.
Kevin (again): “Last week I said Houston was favored by 10 for the first time since Earl Campbell. Little did I know that it was actually fate that the Texans beat up on the Bengals. When I showed up to work on Tuesday and read my day-by-day sports calendar page from Sunday, here's what it said: ‘10/26/80: Earl Campbell becomes only the second running back to rush for 200 yards in consecutive NFL games, leading the Houston Oilers to a 23-3 rout of the Cincinnati Bengals at the Astrodome. The Tyler Rose gains 202 yards on 27 carries today after amassing 203 yards against Tampa Bay last week. O.J. Simpson had accomplished the feat twice, in 1973 and '76.’
That's right, back-to-back weeks with an O.J. Simpson reference. Oh yeah, and last Sunday was Mike Hargrove's 59th birthday. Hope he's recovered from the celebration.” Some of you may be surprised by this O.J. Simpson/Earl Campbell developing situation, but I’ve come to expect it.
Jake: “Mario Williams with the ‘Reggie Bush Doesn't Get Number One Money But I Do Award’ because although he hasn't clearly proved he was the better pick, he does make the money, and isn't that all that really matters?” Reggie does have Kim Kardashian however. Not a bad consolation prize.
Justin: “Coin flip game. Houston’s rattled off three in a row after starting the year 0-4 and the fact that Minnesota’s defense ranks twentieth against the pass, I will take these points and hope for the best. Ultimate deciding factor: Vikes distracted by league investigations surrounding Pat & Kevin Williams for banned substances. Vikings 31-28.” But they are both going to play. Also, they could be distracted from the Coming Out Of Retirement Party they had Saturday night for Culpepper on the team yacht. Cris Carter had a great time.
HOU: Lucius, Justin, Kevin, Shane, Rapking, Jeff, Sara, Bursa, Curtis, Jake, Braves, Bart
MIN: Josh, Brian, Devin, Luke, Chewy, Polito, Grothaus, Barnes
Arizona (-3) @ St. Louis
Mother’s Intuition Pick Of The Week (1-1): ARI (-3)
There you have it. No specific reason, just her intuition.
Jake: “Jim Haslett gets the ‘I Only Coach Well Under Adversity Award’ for bringing this team back from the dead and having his other great season be with the Saints in the wake of Katrina.” True story.
Justin: “Love the home underdog here. This line is being pounded by the public and has not moved. Arizona is clearly the better team here and it is going to take a lot for the Rams to hang with the Cardinals offense. Cardinals sit comfortably at the top of the NFC West and the Rams will continue to play hard for Haslett. Rams 28-21.” Kurt Warner versus his former Super-Bowl-winning team. Could someone please get Dick Vermeil a tissue?
ARI: Lucius, Josh, Brian, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Sara, Curtis, Grothaus, Braves, Bart
STL: Justin, Devin, Kevin, Rapking, Polito, Jeff, Bursa, Jake, Barnes
Green Bay @ Tennessee (-5.5)
My Pick: GB (+5.5)
Devin: “Jeff Fisher born where ... California. This pick sucks, this game sucks.” I was waiting for the Michael Grothaus collapse, but right now it looks like Devin is taking his place.
Kevin: “Back the Pack cause the Pack is Back! (at least to cover).” Sing it if you know it. “Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation, with a black-haired flamenco dancer.”
Jake: “The Packers secondary gets the ‘We're Almost As Injured As The Ohio Bobcats Award’ for having basically everyone suffer some sort of injury.” The difference is the Packers still win games. The Bobcats? Not so much.
Justin: “Obviously Tennessee is for real and I know I should take them until they prove me wrong, but I like Green Bay to at least cover this one. Packers sit at 8-0 ATS off non-conference games and will be gunning to knock off the unbeaten Titans. Titans 20-17.” Maybe Lumpy is on to something. All of a sudden, I feel a lot better about this pick now.
GB: Justin, Josh, Brian, Devin, Kevin, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Rapking, Polito, Jake, Bart
TEN: Lucius, Jeff, Sara, Bursa, Curtis, Grothaus, Braves, Barnes
Miami @ Denver (-3)
My Pick: DEN (-3)
Kevin: “My pick was based solely off results from this pee-wee football game ...” I don’t know how you found that Hunt, but job well done.
Jake: “Ronnie Brown gets the ‘I'm Not A Tiger Anymore. Just Call Me Wildcat Award’ for leading the biggest gimmick offense of the 2008 first half.” Kevin would be so proud.
Chewy: “Well I asked my magic eight ball if our defense would show up this week and the little triangle said ‘no’.” That magic eight ball must have watched the last couple of Broncos games. The Broncos might have the worst defense in the entire league, which has the legions of Lions fan breathing a sign of relief.
Justin: “Denver is too inconsistent, dropping two straight to put them at 1-5-1 ATS this season. I’ll take the surprising Dolphins who are 5-0 ATS in their last five against the Broncos and 4-1 ATS in their last five overall. Sure this streak will have to come to an end, but not this week as I see Miami continuing to surprise us all. Broncos 0-12 ATS if total is between 42.5-50. Dolphins 24-20.” I’m not sure how to comprehend all those statistics, but based solely on the political campaigns, where facts are usually misconstrued, I think Justin is a socialist.
MIA: Justin, Kevin, Jeff, Bart
DEN: Lucius, Josh, Brian, Devin, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Rapking, Polito, Sara, Bursa, Curtis, Jake, Grothaus, Braves, Barnes
Dallas @ New York Giants (-8.5)
My Pick: DAL (+8.5)
Kevin: “The Cowboys defense finally at least made somewhat of a presence. I see this as a low-scoring game. In other news, Brooks Bollinger might see time as Dallas QB (see note for Philly-Seattle game).” I’m not quite sure when, but somewhere along the lines Hunt’s comments turned into a “turn-to-page” book.
Jake: “The Giants D-Line gets the ‘Michael and Osi Who Award?’ for playing unbelievably even after losing arguably its two best players.” Eli Manning Face.
Justin: “No mercy game for the Giants. I see this one being a blowout against a beat up Cowboy squad. Giants 31-17.” What about payback for Dallas? This game means more to the ‘Boys than it does the G-Men. The G-Men have nothing to prove. Should be a good one.
DAL: Lucius, Brian, Kevin, Luke, Shane, Rapking, Bart
NYG: Justin, Josh, Devin, Chewy, Polito, Jeff, Sara, Bursa, Curtis, Jake, Grothaus, Braves, Barnes
Atlanta (-3) @ Oakland
My Pick: ATL (-3)
Justin's Triple H Candlestick Lock (0-1): OAK (+3)
“Two weeks ago I had the Raaadiers knocking off the Jets out west and it hit. I’m going to be on them again as this line is favorable. This is a great spot for the Raiders taking on a young Falcon team making their first trip out to the west coast. (Two seasons ago Oakland offensive coordinator Greg Knapp was coaching in Atlanta) Raiders 27-24.” Have to agree with Justin here. Don’t think the Falcons should be giving points on the road.
Kevin: “Falcons on the road AND traveling to the West Coast. Taking the points.” In the same week Kevin picks games because of Roger Hornsby, Tom Hanks, and then actual NFL knowledge. Sounds about right.
Jake: “The Falcons get ‘Feel Good Story Of The Year’ for turning into a legitimate team just a year after the Vick and Petrino fiascos.” League conspiracy. It’s the same reason the Saints made it to the NFC Championship game two years ago. Us Browns fans are still waiting for our conspiracy season.
ATL: Brian, Devin, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Rapking, Polito, Jeff, Curtis, Jake, Grothaus, Braves, Bart, Barnes
OAK: Lucius, Justin, Josh, Kevin, Sara, Bursa
Philadelphia (-7) @ Seattle
My Pick: PHI (-7)
Kevin: “I might change this pick if Charlie Frye becomes the starter. On a related note, where the hell did Kelly Holcomb go? I want to see a 'cross generational' quarterback controversy. First it was Couch-Holcomb, then there was Frye-Anderson and this would bring Frye-Holcomb. Along those same lines, do you think Couch would have even been worth a six-round pick had he been traded after one game in his final season with Cleveland? Well, he didn't start out the year and the Browns lost to the Colts (9-6) and the Pats (9-3) by six combined points. How the times have changed.
Did I really just go on a Browns tangent with the Eagles-Seahawks game? Wow.” I have no words.
Jake: “Mike Holmgren with the ‘I Came Back For This Award?’ for possibly retiring a year too late.” You know he wants that San Francisco job.
Justin: “With the public pounding Philly at 95% of 23,000 bets, I’ll go with Seattle here. Eagles 21-17.” Going against the public. What a great move. Justin is going to be hard to track down folks.
PHI: Lucius, Josh, Devin, Kevin, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Rapking, Polito, Jeff, Sara, Bursa, Jake, Grothaus, Braves, Bart, Barnes
SEA: Justin, Brian
New England @ Indianapolis (-5.5)
My Pick: IND (-5.5)
Maxine Hunt Pick of the Week (1-7): IND (-5.5)
“She took game #13 because she was at the bank cashing a check for $13. And she took the Colts because of Phyllis Hays (I believe they have family there?).
I'm not arguing, but who writes a check for $13? Maybe if this game wins, I'll start doing something on the 13th of every month. Suggestions are welcome and encouraged.” Two part response. First, as a bank teller for a solid three summers and winter breaks, I feel I am qualified to say that there are a TON of people who cash checks for odd amounts. On top of that, sometimes, when I cashed them they wanted really specific bill and coin denominations. For example, a $13 check would be cashed with a five-dollar bill, two one-dollar bills, three-dollars worth of quarters, two-dollars worth of dimes, and one-dollar worth of pennies. You think I’m kidding? Then you have no idea. Second part, my immediate response to what you should do on the 13th was to order a Donatos pizza and give it your best Romeo Crennel impression. As our favorite Sociology professor would say, ‘do with this as you will.’
Jake: “Bill Belichick gets the ‘Damn, Brady Made Me Look Great Award’ for maybe not being quite as good as he made us believe.” I respectfully disagree Jake. Belichick was the last Cleveland Browns Head Coach to win a playoff game. That takes a special something in my book.
Justin: “Tough game to pick here, but I’ll continue to believe in the Colts for some reason. While it seems like this is the end of Peyton’s decade of dominance, the Colts are 8-0 ATS off back-to-back ATS losses. Colts 27-17.” Has it really been a decade? Getting old sucks.
NE: Josh, Brian, Devin, Rapking, Curtis, Jake, Bart
IND: Lucius, Justin, Kevin, Luke, Shane, Chewy, Polito, Jeff, Sara, Bursa, Grothaus, Braves, Barnes
Pittsburgh @ Washington (-2)
My Pick: WAS (-2)
Devin: “I am sure George W. Bush had something to do with my demise last week. At least Dick Cheney that evil bastard. Go Pittsburgh.
Side note: Dear W and President Cheney, what I said before was a joke. Please forgive me in case you are reading this.” If we never hear from Devin again, we all will know why.
Chewy: “Mike Tomlin hasn't lost on Monday night yet. Let's keep the streak alive.” He hasn’t had a team this banged up yet though either. We shall see.
Justin: “As much as I hate this team, I have to take the Steelers. Washington will be over pumped for their first home Monday-nighter in a while and Pittsburgh has the defense to stop Portis. Best possible outcome: Washington wins by one. Steelers 21-13.” On the flip side, no one has stopped Portis all year.
Jake: “Big Ben gets the ‘At Least I Wear A Helmet On The Field Award’ because, after all the hits he's taken, he'd probably look like he did after the big motorcycle crash if he didn't have that Black and Gold helmet.” The Steelers have a horrible offensive line. No running backs, and a QB who has already suffered three concussions this season alone. Yet, the AFC North is so bad they will have that division wrapped up by December.
Kevin: “After the debacle at the top, I decided to head to the bottom and work my way up (that's what she said... or he said?). I don't think the Steelers have enough to keep on keeping on. Good enough to win the AFC North? Probably. But not to win this game.” Best e-mail of the half-year award winner? You guessed it, Mr. Kevin T. Hunt.
Barnes: "Only because a Pittsburgh win means Barack Obama will win the Presidency, according to the way things have gone of late with the Washington Redksins before an election." Thought we would hear more Obama-McCain talk in this league.
PIT: Lucius, Justin, Josh, Brian, Devin, Shane, Chewy, Rapking, Polito, Sara, Bursa, Braves, Bart, Barnes
WAS: Kevin, Luke, Curtis, Jake, Grothaus
We have no Chew On This, Po’s Knowledge Dropping or a Thought Of The Week. Therefore, we here at K.O.A. are going to take this time to remind everyone to go out and vote on Tuesday. Pundits are saying this is the most important election in recent history (even though we believe the one in 2000 was more important). Go out and vote. If you already have, congrats. No matter what side of the fence you are on, everyone needs to vote. Do it to it.
Until next time, “read it, roll it, hole it.”
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