By: Luke FlorenceWhen you grow up in a small town it can be difficult meeting new people. Small towns such as Tiffin, Ohio, really isn't a growing metropolis with an influx of individuals moving in or out. It is what it is. The friends you had in grade school were probably the same ones you had in high school, and maybe just as important, the girls you knew in grade school were probably the same ones you knew in high school.
So when an opportunity comes up for a small town boy to meet a new girl, you have to capitalize on it. That rare occurrence went down for yours truly during the spring of 2003 in the most stereotypical place possible for small towns everywhere ... Wal-Mart.
Goofing around with
Phil Gosche at Wal-Mart one night we happened to stumble upon this attractive girl. Buoyed by a tremendous amount of testosterone we carefully approached her, and unbelievably we found ourselves in the middle of an actual conversation. As we were leaving, I found myself talking to her all alone. While I can not remember a single word spoken I do remember beating myself up in Gosche's car because I did not ask for her phone number. Besides her name, I knew almost nothing about her, and was fairly certain I would never see her again. My opportunity had came and gone, and I doubted it would ever come back.
Doubt is nothing but an emotion and is not supported by facts.
Two months after our Wal-Mart encounter, my doubt dissipated. We met again at a church festival and yada yada, we dated the entire summer. But during those two months, I continued to doubt myself. It turned out to be a wasteful endeavor because that doubt disappeared in a single moment.
That's usually the case with reckless emotions.
So after a poor week two that certainly has some of us doubting our ability to pick winners in this contest, let me assure you, your doubt will only hold you back. Instead, hold on to your beliefs, and the rest will fall into place ... for better or worse.
"Look at that. You've blown out my light." - Sister Aloysius
With all the points New England should score this week, their scoreboard might need a few light-bulb replacements.
Schaf: "So Ryan Fitzpatrick is still playing for the'd think an Ivy Leaguer would know better." Ladies and gentlemen, Jeff Schaffer is coming for Gus Johnson. Watch out Boesch.Boesch: "I watched Bill Simmons on PTI this week. Like the guy, but he sounds like the guy at a movie who tries to secretly talk but everyone notices." I got to watch a little bit of his performance and while he does make solid points, his delivery is much better suited for print than television. Kevin: "BALLBUSTER PICK OF THE WEEK: taking the 6th game listed because there have been two consecutive weeks of Ready, ND and Browns football all losing (six total losses) -- selecting the underdog in that game (since all these teams are underdogs at this point). Is this the game Lee Evans proves he's actually a living, breathing human being?! Or will it be loss #1 on the year for the Ballbuster?!" Ready won this week in a barn-burner while Notre Dame got handed their third straight loss yesterday. The Browns meanwhile are an automatic loss, so Hunt will need this Ballbuster Pick to break even for the week.Jake: "I must be crazy right? Ryan Fitzpatrick is starting. CJ Spiller has rushed for eight yards on nine carries, Lee Evans didn’t catch a ball last week, and New England is two weeks past running train on Cincinnati. Yea. I’m crazy. I’m changing my pick…effective immediately." Good to see Jake Young back for a second straight week. For those of you that do not know, Jake took over Matt Barnes' old job in Augusta, GA as the weekend sports anchor for WRDW. Word on the street is that WRDW was looking to get a little "blacker." Their words ... not mine.My Pick: NE (-14.5)
"I don't think Father Flynn did anything wrong." - Sister James
I honestly don't think
Brett Favre was that bad last week. Yes he looks older, and yes, no one expected him to repeat his 2009 performance, but I honestly think he has enough in the tank to get this Vikings team to the playoffs.
Now if he loses this one, I will have to reconsider that notion.
My Pick: MIN (-11.5)Boesch: "The Lions have been screwed over in both of their games, so they’ll keep it close. This week, my guess is Brett Favre quits mid-game, and Tarvaris Jackson leads a game-winning drive at the end. Yay Detroit!" Thus far, the "Yay Detroit" has been my favorite league saying of 2010. Schaf: "How long before Favre just starts having two lineman carry him to the line every play? It'd be kind of like Byron Leftwich, except he's just an old jerk." Is Leftwich still injured from that game in college? Has he ever recovered?Kevin: "I don't care how many points he's getting... take Shaun Hill on the road?? I don't know anything about this league anymore anyway." Don't look now but the Lions are 2-0 ATS thus far. T is for trends. Jake: "My friend was in Green Bay last week and said the crowd gave a standing ovation when it the Vikes’ loss showed on the scoreboard. I’m not really going anywhere with this comment. I just wanted people to know." As I type this comment, Brett Favre's Wrangler Jeans commercial just aired. If this isn't a sign from above that Favre will be victorious this week, then God must be a Lions fan. And since we all know about Detroit, this certainly can not be the case.
"I will do what needs to be done, though I'm damned to Hell! You should understand that, or you will mistake me." - Sister Aloysius
Kansas City has done just enough to be 2-0, while the 49ers have done just enough to be 0-2. I think Vegas is mistaken on this line.
My Pick: KC (+2.5)Schaf: "Alex Smith played well? On Monday night? In New Orleans? Yeah, doesn't sound right to me either." That's like saying Romeo Crennel wasn't hungry? On Tuesday night? In Buffalo Wild Wings? Jake: "Patrick Willis is one of the most terrifying looking people I’ve ever seen. And I’m even more scared of Takeo Spikes. I’d feel more uncomfortable in a dark alley with these guys than I would with Ray Lewis. I’m too scared to pick against them." You'd never see Ray Lewis in that alley. He would Paul Pierce you and then run. That's what he does. Boesch: "So wait, I’m getting points and taking a 2-0 team in a hostile environment over an 0-2 team. This won’t end well." Kind of like Charlie Weis after surgery ... it just won't end well for anyone involved. Kevin: "I want to see San Fran lose close so Mike Singletary's head explodes." Speaking of coach's explosions, take a look at this ...
"Jimmy? Come on! You're serving today." - Christine
It's the first line of the movie Doubt and couldn't be more appropriate for
Jimmy Clausen's first NFL start. While I'm not on
Brady Quinn-level of excitedness, I will be rooting for Jimmy. Once a ND quarterback, always a ND quarterback. Unless you are named
Pat Dillingham,
Carlyle Holliday,
Matt LoVecchio,
Arnaz Battle (literally),
Jarious Jackson,
Ron Powlus ... my head hurts.
My Pick: CIN (-2.5)Jake: "I was at the Laundromat today and the only other person there was a mom who was screaming at her three young boys. What was the first thing she pulled out of the dryer? A Panthers jersey. I immediately understood why she was so upset." Jake looking for his first QOTW honor. Boesch: "I’m driving up to Cleveland next weekend for the Browns-Bengals game because I use my time wisely." Aw yes, I remember when I used to go to Browns games. Don't know if I've ever been to a good one ... ever.Kevin: "Everything points to Jimmy Clausen having a terrible, Joe Flacco-esque day. Although, in Brady Quinn's first start in the NFL he had a passer rating of 104.3 against the Broncos. See how much of a mirror Jimmy is." Speaking of Quinn, we will have a new award at the end of the year. It will be the Brady Quinn Keep Your Head Up Award, and will go to the person who needs it the most. Schaf: "How are the Panthers not running every play out of the wildcat?" Whenever I can't find an explanation I usually blame affirmative action. Usually it's applicable.
"You have no right to act on your own! You have taken vows, obedience being one! You answer to us! You have no right to step outside the church!" - Father Flynn
Drew Brees being one of the leaders in the NFLPA, this quote makes plenty of sense if you substitute the Church for the NFL, and Sister Aloysius for Brees.
Watch out folks, there might not be any football next year.
My Pick: NO (-4.5)Boesch: "I had a five-minute conversation with a random drunk girl at a party about how sexy Drew Brees is. That was fun." Please tell me the birth-mark came up. I want to hear that story.Schaf: "I'm picking this one out of my love for the Dirty Birds and spite for the Saints not covering last week...all those signs point to a big win for New Orleans." It's pretty sad and pathetic that I'm still searching for Katrina jokes at this point. It's even more sad and more pathetic that it took me approximately 1.3 seconds to look at Schaf's comment, think to myself, "if you just add a 'd' to the end of 'win,' it would read, 'a big wind for New Orleans.'" Yeah, I'm going to hell. Jake: "SEABISCUIT PICK OF THE WEEK: The Falcons, even with weak running back depth, are going to pull even with the Champs in this great early season match up." I'll take Things That Won't Happen for $400 Alex. Kevin: "So I have Michael Turner and Drew Brees in fantasy?? This is bound to be a 9-7 Saints win." Let's stay here and go with $500 Alex.
"When you take a step to address wrongdoing, you are taking a step away from God, but in his service." - Sister Aloysius.
Does that make Big Ben a saint? I mean, think of all the people who have had to address his wrongDOings. They are all working in God's service, right?
My Pick: PIT (-2.5)Kevin: "GUS JOHNSON PICK OF THE WEEK: Taking the Bucs as a 2.5 point dog at home. Gus will absolutely make this game, too, considering Pittsburgh is back on its nth string QB, TB's QB is still raw and both defenses might have great days at the office. Gus knows he has about three big plays possible in this one. Let's see if Tampa Bay has 'Gettin away from the Big Ben' speed." Let's hope that catch-phrase gains as much momentum as the Romo Is Homo from one year ago. Schaf: "When Dixon and Leftwich were battling for the temporary starting spot I remember thinking, 'I wonder who their third-string QB is, there's no way Charlie Batch is still in the league.' Who's got egg on their face now? Certainly not me, this guy has no business playing." Is that what Big Ben told that little girl in the bathroom? "Who's got egg on their face now?"Jake: "At first I was amused by such a small line, but then I remembered Pittsburgh only kicks field goals until Big Ben is back. And then I remembered that the Steelers might need only one field goal all game to cover the spread in this one." Over/under on longest passing play ... 28.5 yards. Boesch: "The Steelers may be a Super Bowl team. It’s so easy to be a Steelers fan. I’m bitter." And it's so easy to get raped by Big Ben ... or at least allegedly get raped by Big Ben.
"I can fight you." - Father Flynn
"You will lose." - Sister Aloysius
Both these teams thought they could fight last week against decent teams (IND + PIT), but both got steamrolled. If
Kerry Collins even sniffs the field this week, the Titans will definitely lose.
My Pick: TEN (+3.5)Schaf: "Do old west saloons still exist? That's the only place I can imagine Kerry Collins ever being." I could see him hanging out there. And Rick Mirer would be the bartender. Kevin: "Ken Jones Moment of this week: When I first started picking games with the legend from Seneca Wire in Fostoria, there wasn't even a team in Tennessee. I feel like I should take the G-men just for that reason." I remember being in 2nd or 3rd grade and watching Kevin fill in those picks at school and thinking that it was the coolest things I've ever seen. And here I am. Jake: "I kind of hope Cortland Finnegan fights Eli Manning. The Manning face in that scenario would probably be one for the Hall of Fame." If it isn't in already. Boesch: "I have nothing interesting to say about this game. Two boring teams who will be 8-8 or 9-7. So, here’s the chance to talk about Lou Holtz’s 'Dr. Lou' segment. I watched the Boise State one and giggled the ENTIRE time. Then, at the end, I stopped. I worry he will have a heart attack at ESPN, by either doing that or having to work with Mark May on a daily basis." Mark Sanchez, Trent Dilfer, and Mark May. That's the car load I want to see in a car-wreck.
"The dragon is hungry." - Father Flynn
After Baltimore lost to AFC North rival Cincinnati last week you can guarantee they are hungry for a massive victory against the weakest AFC North team of the bunch. And it has been more than ten years since
Ray Lewis killed a guy ... so one would think he's probably pretty hungry in that respect. Having said that, since Flacco screwed my fantasy team last week I'm putting him and his team on a one-game suspension.
My Pick: CLE (+10.5)Boesch: "I saw Stanford crushed Notre Dame this week (sorry, Luke), and I thought about Andrew Luck as a Brown. That’s how bad it has gotten." It's gotten so bad I've thought about Nate Montana as a Brown. Kevin: "I'm not convinced Baltimore can score a lot of points. I'm also not convinced I can score with a girl. Both could be answered if I ever make a trip to Baltimore in September." Cannot think of Baltimore without mentioning The Wire, which I am currently watching thanks to DirecTV's 101 Network. Ten episodes in and it's already better than LOST in my book. Stringer is my favorite character, no question about it. Jake: "This could be questionable considering the Ravens can’t seem to score more than ten, but maybe (insert Browns’ starting quarterback name here) will want so bad to be Ray Lewis’ friend, that he’ll just keep throwing him the ball. I mean, if a bear can learn how to talk just to be his friend, he must be pretty cool. Or he’s sent 'be my friend or I’ll kill you threats.' Or maybe Old Spice really does just smell that good." Old Spice smells like acquittal. Schaf: "Some teams have players that qualify as match-up nightmares. The Browns are more like a match-up dream where you hook up with Mila Kunis in Hawaii. Guess what movie I just watched." I'm not sure, but it sounds like Schaffer is from London.
"Doubt can be a bond as powerful and sustaining as certainty. When you are lost, you are not alone." - Father Flynn
I need to address an e-mail sent to me by
Luke Polito. Little Po, in not so many words, took issue with me for doubting his Houston Texans. Now obviously he was fueled by the emotional overtime victory against the Washington Redskins, so it was nice to see that passion transcribed into an e-mail. So on that level, thanks Luke, keep 'em coming.
Now on the purely football level, his Texans are 2-0 and there's reason to take pride in that. But there is a clear difference between 2-0 and 10-6. Houston has two big obstacles in their way: Indianapolis and Tennessee. You have to play the divisional game when it comes to the NFL, and right now I still have them as the third best team in the AFC South. Would they be the best team in the NFC West? Absolutely. But that's not the way it works.
Hey, I'm rooting for them, I really am. But I just don't think they will win consistently enough this year to make the playoffs. Do with this as you will, my 14-18 ATS record says they will win the Super Bowl.
My Pick: DAL (+3.5)Kevin: "When going gets tough, The tough fire coach Wade Phillips. Romo is homo." It only took three weeks to get that first Kevin Hunt haiku. Some things are just worth the wait. Boesch: "I feel like Jerry Jones is going to have recruiting visits for a new head coach. Wade Phillips has more chance of lasting than newspapers." Thus far Boesch has won a week in our actual standings, taken the early lead in the Bill Walton and Gus Johnson Awards, and has an undefeated F'd Up Pick of the Week, but he has not won a QOTW yet. This one might end that.Schaf: "I have a lot of fantasy stock invested in the Cowboys this season, but now that my Andre Johnson man crush has returned in full force (no Romo) I have no problem taking the Texans in this one." It's my dream that the "no Romo" turns into our version of the "not that there's anything wrong with that" from Seinfeld.Jake: "Hey Miles Austin. Couldn’t help but notice you lost me two points with your fumble last week. You’re not the one that’s supposed to be getting stripped. That’s your girlfriend. Now that we’re clear…" Here comes Jake Young racing up the Bill Walton ladder.
"You just want things to be resolved so you can have simplicity back." - Sister Aloysius
This Philadelphia QB controversy needs to be resolved. Here's to hoping it doesn't. It makes for better TV.
Personally, I relate all QB controversies with the DA-Quinn battle. DA was a recipient of circumstances while Quinn was a victim of circumstances. Seems here that Vick is DA and Kolb is, albeit unfortunately, Quinn.
My Pick: JAX (+2.5)Jake: "I would be Mike Vick’s dog if he led my fantasy team to victory just one week." Would have been better if Jake would have stuck with last week's verb. 'I would be Mike Vick's dog if he electrified my fantasy team to victory' ... just saying.Boesch: "Say what you want about Mike Vick off the field, but he is ridiculously fun to watch. Way cooler than Kevin Kolb." Christ, David Garrard is way cooler than Kevin Kolb. And on that note, Matt Barnes is ALMOST cooler than Kevin Kolb. Kevin: "Why do I have a feeling David Garrard could show up Mike Vick this week?? Maybe it's because I feel like Andy Reid doesn't have enough heartburn already. The record for 'Most Coaches with Possible Death Rates of 90% or higher in One Place' had to be preseason game three -- Eagles at Chefs -- Andy Reid, Romeo Crennel, Charlie Weis. whoa." Good thing Weis was up in the booth, no way those three guys could fit on the same field. Schaf: "What's the over-under on threats Andy Reid received about what would happen if he started Kolb? Seriously though, Kolb's their guy...once Vick's contract is up and they lose another superior QB." I don't understand the racial issues here. I mean, if Vick was a white guy who could run really fast he'd be ... Tim Tebow.
"Where is your compassion?" - Father Flynn
"No where you can get at it." - Sister Aloysius
Speaking of the unattainable ... how about a Sunday Ticket win? After going 13-4 last year, I lose my first two picks this season. Wow. Here's to hoping
Donovan McNabb can find it.
My Pick: WAS (-3.5) - Sunday Ticket Not Gonna Watch Pick of the WeekJake: "I’ve been sitting here for three minutes thinking of what I want to say about this game, and all I came up with was, Chunky Soup. Then it reminded me I got chunky in the last year. Then it almost made me change my pick because Mama McNabb made me this way." Some hated it, but I loved the three minute opening for The Office last week. Kevin: "The old Redskins would find a way to lose to the Rams. The new Redskins will find a way to make it closer than it needs to be." Staying with the week in television, Modern Family was terrific and It's Always Sunny was okay. "You told me it was a phone bill, of course I signed it."Schaf: "The Redskins might be a contender in the not-so-dominant NFC East. The Rams? Well, just ask Dennis Green." Let's just make this the TV contest. Don't have any contender's for new TV show that I enjoyed, but Eastbound and Down starts tonight on HBO. If you don't watch, well, then you are f*&#ing out."Boesch: "I did not pick St. Louis 3 games in a row. I almost did, but I realized how stupid that would be." I almost watched Hawaii Five-O last week, but then realized how stupid that would be.
"You will tell me what you have done." - Sister Aloysius
Since being traded to the Denver Broncos, all
Brady Quinn has done is met
Matt Barnes and signed an autograph for the KOA. After two straight weeks of being on the inactive list, I'm not sure if he even remembers what an NFL jersey looks like at this point.
My Pick: IND (-5.5)Schaf: "With the days of Ed McCaffrey long gone I might be starting to legitimately dislike the Broncos. Looking at Kyle Orton under any circumstance just makes me angry." I just now realized that McCaffrey is NOT still playing under the assumed name of Brandon Stokley.Kevin: "This could be the year the Colts go all Katy Perry on us -- Hot and Cold. The award which, btw, I'm probably among the leaders to receive. Holy Week Two, Batman." You and half the league Hunt. Jake: "Bad situation for the Broncos. Mourning the loss of a teammate and now facing one of the league’s best teams. There are more important things than football, and unfortunately, that won’t lead to a positive outcome this week." (Silently giving myself a pat-on-the-back for refraining from a McKinley joke ... read on to see how close I got)Boesch: "Remember when Tim Tebow was relevant?" One play Boesch, he's one play away. I still think we are going to have a seamless transition from the end of Favre's career to the beginning of Tebow's.
"Sister, I don't know if you and me are on the same side. I'll be standing with my son and those who are good with my son. It'd be nice to see you there." - Mrs. Miller
Norv Turner vs.
Pete Carroll. Not sure who's side I'm on with this one. But I do know that Seattle usually plays tough at home and
Norv Turner usually loses games he should win.
My Pick: SEA (+5.5)Kevin: "I might take Seattle in all eight of its home games, regardless of the spread. I feel like Pete Carroll will do anything to make sure they get wins at home to satisfy the fans. Well, anything except cheat." Pete Carroll:Derek Jeter::Cheaters:Cheaters.
Jake: "I picked up Vincent Jackson in my fantasy league as a preemptive strike for when he ended up with a team this week and could get me big points. Damn you A.J. Smith, damn you." Staying with the negativity towards GM's, I'm a little upset at Gar Forman for not including Joakim Noah in a potential trade for Carmelo Anthony. Yes, I understand his thinking, but if his goal is to win championships, you have to take a chance. The Bulls, right now are not championship contenders. With Melo, they COULD be.Schaf: "I still laugh every time I hear Cris Carter's, 'Scramble? Have you seen Philip Rivers scramble?' And no, I haven't." Rivers is a recent graduate from the Bernie Kosar School of Scrambling. Boesch: "There are a lot of home teams getting points this year, and I’m taking very few of them. Because I am good at this game…not." Sandbagger finished in the money his first year and has never had a losing record.
"There are people who go after your humanity, sister. They tell you that the light in your heart is a weakness. Don't believe it. It's an old tactic of cruel people to kill kindness in the name of virtue. There's nothing wrong with love." - Father Flynn
While there certainly is nothing with love, there is something seriously wrong with this league when
Bruce Gradkowski vs.
Derek Anderson is allowed to take place. Somewhere
Brady Quinn just ... (was going to insert a
Kenny McKinley joke, but it's probably too soon ... I'll wait till next week).
My Pick: OAK (+4.5)Boesch: "F'D UP PICK OF THE WEEK: Arizona and Oakland in this weeks F’d Up Pick of the Week. These two teams are pretty F’d in the 2010 NFL season, so it’s fitting they would be in this pick. Here goes nothing (road team rolls first)1: Each team starts off with 7, which is not common for a Derek Anderson or Jason Campbell offense. 7-7 tie.2: Oakland seizes a three-point lead, winning roll two 9-6. 16-13 OAK.3: Fitting roll for both of these teams. Each with a four. 20-17 OAK.4: Big effort for Oakland, with double 5’s and a 6. Arizona can only muster an 8. 36-25 OAK.5: Back-to-back doubles for Oakland, but this one a pedestrian 2-2-4 effort. Arizona with a rough showing thus far, only getting a 7. 44-32 OAK at the half.6: Oakland with an 11 out of the locker room. But the Cardinals are trying to make it interesting, with double 5’s but only a 1 on the and-one. Big miss there. 55-43 OAK.7: The Raiders are trying to let Zona back in here. The Raiders with a four, while the Cardinals post an 11. 59-54 OAK.8: This is a ballgame yet again. Arizona with a 9-6 victory in the round. We’ve had two great F’d Up matches so far, and this one is getting interesting late. Kind of in the chubby dudes fighting over the last piece of cheesecake. 65-63 OAK.9: Only a 3 for Oakland. GOLDEN opportunity for Arizona…and the Cardinals take advantage with Double 5’s! The and-one is a 3. Huge turn of events. Arizona’s first lead of the night, and it’s a big one. 76-68 ARI.10: Oakland goes down with little fight. Only a 3. Cardinals close out with a 4. Arizona wins it 80-71. Great comeback for the Cardinals, so the pick is Arizona -4.5." Has there ever been a game more deserving than this for Boesch's F'd Up Pick? Ever?Schaf: "Actual Adam Schefter quote from this week: 'That's why they're sticking with Gradkowski: it's a favorable match-up against the Cardinals.' Using this logic, the Raiders could get away with starting Cade McNown at QB...and use Barnes to spy Derek Anderson the whole game." Using that logic, the Raiders could get away with starting Helen Keler at QB ... and use Ray Charles to spy Derek Anderson the whole game.Jake: "I don’t know if Darren McFadden has learned how to speak coherently since his Heisman appearance in college (I dare you to tell me what he’s saying at the 1:05 mark of this…, but he has seemed to remember how to play football at least." That's what she said at the :52 mark.
"He's a fidgety boy. He will do anything to get out of his seat. He would set his foot on fire for half a day out of school." - Sister Aloysius.
Braylon Edwards didn't set his foot on fire, but he is rather fidgety when it comes to staying out of trouble. For instance:
- October 2008: Pulled over for going 120 mph in a 65.
- October 2009: Punches close friend of
LeBron James, and is arrested for misdemeanor assault.
- September 2010: DWI.
Oh, and there is the whole not being able to catch the football thing.
My Pick: NYJ (+2.5)Kevin: "LeBron James and Mark Sanchez could be in the same city at the same time Sunday night. I might never dislike the city of Miami any more than I do that day. Suck it, Miami!!" If they put up The Promise billboard down there, that could do it. Schaf: "Why couldn't Sanchez have been driving?" According to Boesch it's because he's a role model for Mexican-Americans. Which means he was probably picking tomatoes or something.Boesch: "I asked my two friends about what they thought of when they see Rex Ryan. Got 'elephant' and 'Ruben Studdard-like'. Yep." We're getting close ... Jake: "The Fins’ defense probably hit Favre too many times last week. I’ve heard that you can contract 'old' through touch. So, they’re probably going to be a little too slow and constipated this week. Get these guys some prunes!!" Annnd we made it. Yes, these are my friends.
"Even if you feel certainty, it is an emotion not a fact." - Father Flynn
I am certain the Green Bay Packers are going to cover this spread. The fact is, I've never seen
Jay Cutler be good for three straight weeks ... ever.
My Pick: GB (-2.5)Schaf: "So dating a reality TV star is helping Jay Cutler's game...I thought Vanderbilt was the smart SEC school." Being the smartest SEC school is like being the shortest midget.Boesch: "Aaron Rodgers v. Jay Cutler shouldn’t be this fascinating, but it is. This could be the game of the week." Uh, did you forget that Oakland and Arizona were suiting it up this week?Kevin: "Back the Pack cause the Pack is Back!!" I heart the NFL.Jake: "Jay Cutler can throw for 700 yards for all I care. All I want to see is those five or six interceptions. Long live A-Rod." Finally Monday Night Football gets a game worth watching.So there you go, the week three column. Go see
Until next time,
"read it, roll it, hole it."