I will provide some comments at the conclusion of each. Enjoy.
A random coin toss back-stage (presidential debate style) was conducted, and Chew On This leads things off.
CHEW ON THIS - VOL. V - By: Andrew Reinhart

Justin Bannan of the Baltimore Ravens AND Marcus Thomas of the Denver Broncos."
There was Marcus Thomas making a very difficult interception. I would have liked to hear a story about Chewy either picking off a pass or coming close.
PO‘S KNOWLEDGE DROPPING - Week Four in Review - By: Ryan Polito

I'm definitely not one of the biggest Favre fans ever. In fact, all the off-season crap made me lose respect for him and the Packers organization. That being said, the 60-year-old QB threw six TD passes in his game against Arizona on Sunday. All of the accomplishments Favre has had in his career, and even he had never thrown six TDs in one game before. Truly a ridiculous accomplishment.
I'll slide a least dominant in here.
That goes to Ken Wisenhunt for deciding to keep his team on the East Coast all week to avoid all those miles through the air flying back to Arizona in between two east coast games. Favre made up for their saved miles through the air by throwing for tons of yards and TDs through the air on that porous defense.
Least Dominant - Al Davis
I really don't need to go into great detail here. If you call yourself an NFL fan then you certainly have seen the press conference Al Davis put on during the week. He looked like a 90 yr old toad trying to use an overhead projector to teach his little kids a school lesson. What a sad day in Raider nation. Its all been down hill ever since Jon Gruden stuck it to his former boss in Superbowl XXXVII. Give it up Al, you suck as an owner and not very many people in this world like you.
The Stock Market - dropping at a record pace, maybe now the rest of the world can be as poor as me.
The Pittsburgh Steelers medical staff - I have never seen an injury list as long and with so many big names on it in my life. Beating the Ravens on MNF with a 4th string RB in for most of the game was pretty cool though.
Fun Fact of the Week:
BYU recently beat Utah St 34-14 on a Friday Night college football match up.
BYU lead 34-0 before giving up a TD to Utah St in the 4th quarter. That Utah St. TD snapped a streak of 137 straight points scored by BYU this season. That streak included a 59-0 win over UCLA and a 44-0 win over Wyoming."
I'm fairly certain that I put up the correct Al Davis press conference, but that whole situation should come as no surprise. In the past 20 years, the Oakland Raiders have had ten different coaches, including two stints with Art Shell. This is what Davis does. He hires and fires.
I've enjoyed reading both of these special columns each week, and both of these guys are free to write about whatever they want to. I have never omitted any material, but I do edit them for spelling and grammatical errors.
Chewy mentioned during the preseason he might even dabble a bit with his philosophy material, which would be outstanding if he could mix that with football. Also, Chewy is the only Denver fan of the bunch and if he wanted to include a pre-game snapshot at what he expects from his Broncos each week, that would only add to his section.
With Polito, well what can I say. The man knows his stuff and knows how to write. It's a shame he is wasting that potential as a Pittsburgh Steeler fan, but hey, we all have flaws. Perhaps adding a Steeler part, similar to my idea with Chewy and the Broncos, could work for Po. Also, a look at the AFC North every so often? Just ideas. Do with this as you will.
Either way, keep these coming guys.
As for everyone else in our league, feel free to start your own special section. It can be about anything, doesn't have to be about sports at all. Just ask Bart and Lucius, they hardly ever talk about sports in their thoughts for the week, which is great.
That's enough from me. Thanks to Po and Chewy for continuous great work.
Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it."
1 comment:
I would love to write a little bit about the Broncos every week, but I have found that when I am the only Denver fan around (which is common) people may get annoyed if I gush over my Mile High Maulers too much. So, I will try it as long as people don't get annoyed. I will try to stay objective as I can. As for the philosophy, I am not sure what to do. Most of it is boring and not funny, but I will see what I can do.
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