This is the beginning of an incredibly long, but rewarding experience.
Reviewing the LOST episodes from the first four seasons.
For those of you new to LOST, let me warn you, there WILL BE SPOILERS. But, if you don't feel like watching all the episodes, maybe this can act as a the cliff notes version for you. For the rest of us, who have watched every single episode of LOST, and are anxiously counting down the days for its return, this should act merely as a refresher.
Please send feedback on whether or not you enjoyed that particular episode and if the KOA was too harsh or too loose with the points distribution. Those comments will be featured in the upcoming reviews.
Here we go, a review of LOST. One episode at a time.
Season One - Episode One - PILOT (PART ONE)
Forty-eight survivors of an airline flight originating from Australia, bound for the U.S., which crash-lands onto an unknown island 1000 miles off course, struggle to figure out a way to survive, why trying to find a way to be rescued.
MY TAKE (80/100)
The very first episode of LOST. As with the entire first season, I watched this episode in the Franks' basement. It certainly had its' moments, and needless to say, it had me intrigued right off the bat. The very first scene is a zoom out from Jack's eye, and to this day, after four seasons, is still surrounded in mystery. How did Jack get all the way out to the jungle? Are we missing something?
This episode does not have much of a story line, but still deserves some points for showing the plane crash from Jack's perspective. However, besides showing us that Jack likes his drinks strong, it really doesn't provide much insight into Jack's character or persona.
ACTING (10/15)
Thought Hurley (Jorge Garcia) and Charlie (Dominic Monaghan) were outstanding in their limited roles. Loses some valuable points during the Jack/Kate "fear" talk. Didn't seem believable, and appeared to be forced.
Since this episode is the one that kicked it all off, it almost gets maximum points. It introduces us to several plot lines. The asian couple (Sun/Jin) seem to have problems. Michael is already screaming for "WAAAAAALT." There is a pregnant lady (Claire). Lots of stuff going on, and this episode just begins to scratch at the surface of it all. Oh yeah, and there's that incredibly loud noise from the jungle we hear for the first time as well. More to come later.
It was one of two moments that I starred for this episode. Getting a star means it is one of my favorite memories from LOST. The one that gets mention here is when there is a loud noise coming from the jungle. It is knocking over massive trees and appears to be headed toward the Losties. We don't see it, but what we do see is all the Losties gathering together in fear. Terrific moment.
There is no question that the introduction of the "monster" in the jungle gets all 10 points. Not only do we hear it once when everyone is at the beach, but we hear it a second time when Jack, Kate and Charlie go running through the jungle looking for the cockpit. This time however the monster reaches in to the plane and kills the pilot, leaving him dead and bloodied, 40 feet up a tree. This is the definition of shocking.
It's all about the monster in this episode, but as we will learn as we go on, it's one of the island's biggest mysteries. Ten points for not only introducing us to it, but showing what it is capable of as well.
In this episode the Losties are seen as more seperate individuals at the beginning, who are slowly starting to come together. Hurley hands Claire an extra meal from the plane because she is nursing. Charlie, Jack and Kate go running through the jungle, but it seemed force, especially with it happening the day after hearing that terrifying monster the night before.
The last shot is of the dead pilot sprawled out on some branches way up a tree. And while it is a gut-wrenching shot, it doesn't get the maximum points. Now, had they stopped the episode after the pilot was yanked out of the plane, now that would have had me wanting more. After the pilot never came back, it was easily assumed he was a dead man.
Not a lot of humor in this episode. Charlie tells Kate that he is fine when Kate is showering Jack with affection. Hurley's line of "you've got to be kidding me," was great, but not outstanding. This episode was about introductions and survivial. Not too much time for laughs.
- MUSIC - It was great, as it typically is with LOST. It fit perfectly and added drama to an already dramatic episode.
- BEST QUOTE - Charlie (after hearing the monster in the jungle for the first time) "Terrific."
- REASONS - Come on, it's the very first episode. It deserves to get all five points.
As we will end every single LOST review, "See ya in another life brotha."
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