Due to some technical difficulties, our scheduled podcast with last years' champion fell through. However, I was able to sit down with Josh Florence and pick his brain on several subjects, most notably, how in the world did he win the entire league?
Josh not only sheds some light into that mysterious question, but uses the Bible to give gambling advice and also gets tested on his NFL knowledge.

1) First off, the question that is probably on everyone's minds, is how exactly did you manage to win the entire league last season? How were you able to stay solid throughout?
I have no idea. I just picked games. I'm pretty simple-minded when it comes to doing all of this. As much help as the analyzing can be I also think that it can be a deterrent if you let yourself become engrossed by it.
2) Your favorite NFL team is the Cleveland Browns, but due to your schedule at school, you were unable to watch them on a regular basis. How did you keep up to date on all of the Browns news and scores?
Well there was the occasional glance that I would get while passing through our student union center but at times I would also come across a Cleveland native on our campus, Fr. Denny, who would fill me in on how the Browns did. The things he would tell me wasn't anything in depth, it was just little vague tidbits he would tell me in passing whenever I'd happen to see him. I would ask "Fr. Denny how'd the browns do last weekend?" He would say something along the lines of "Terrible! They can't catch a thing!" Yet, I'd still pick them week in and week out.
3) What are your expectations for this season? As the defending champion, do you feel any sort of pressure to show everyone that last year was not a fluke?
I think you and me both know that no one is expecting me to do the same thing I did last year. That amounts to zero pressure for me. I don't anticipate, I just participate.
4) How many more wins will you have than Matt Barnes? 10? 20? More?
I respect Mr. Barnes. Matt Barnes and I go back. I remember visiting you in college I went to your room and there was Barnes sitting at his computer listening to Lion King music. I'm not going to worry about anything like this. Hakuna Matata Matt Barnes!!!!
5) Are you going to use the same process this year to pick games? Or, are you going to try something new?
I'm a systematic guy, the only exception perhaps is when picking games. Therefore, I'm not going to fix something if it isn't broken.
6) Okay, let's play a little game I like to call, "What Team Does He Play For?" I'll give you a player. You give me their team.
a) Tom Brady - Patriots
b) Ray Lewis - Ravens
c) Adrian Peterson - Minnesota Vikings
d) Randy Moss - To me I guess he'll always be a Minnesota Viking.
e) Larry Fitzgerald - The only Fitzgerald I know is my history professor at school. You might as well have posted Charles Baerga.
(Quick side note, when I asked Josh a couple years ago what MLB star he played wiffle-ball like, Josh thought intently for a couple seconds and said, 'Charles Baerga.' He meant to say Carlos, but said Charles instead.)
f) Troy Polamalu - Frankfort Galaxy
g) Brett Favre - Trick question: dead.
h) Calvin Johnson - I know of John Calvin but not this guy.
7) Lastly, do you have any advice for the players you defeated last year and/or the new members to the league?
Oh I don't know what to say. I flipped through the Bible and found this passage. "Therefore, whoever thinks he is standing secure should take care not to fall." 1 Cor 10:12
If you think you got this league you may want to watch your footing.
Said straight from the champ's mouth.
Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it."
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