Take a deep breath boys and girls, we are half-way through our lists. And while I certainly feel I've had the better list (no surprises here), it doesn't take a single thing away from what Barnes is doing. These lists are 100% personal. At the end of the day it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or feels about them.
We are ranking OUR favorite movies. Not yours ... OURS.
Having said that, Barnes has developed a steady knack for putting some horrendous selections on his list. This week he has zero animated films, a couple knee-slapping comedies, and of course a "what is he thinking?" selection.
Barnes #60: The Blind Side
Not a big Sandra Bullock fan by any stretch of the imagination. When she won the Oscar for this performance I was a little taken back. I thought she was solid but not spectacular. I wasn't blown away by her acting skills. Honestly thought she put on an accent and had a little bit of attitude. Zero range. But apparently I was in the minority on that. Kudos to her for taking the major award home.
The Blind Side is a good - not great - movie. Michael Oher's story is amazing and deserves to be told. But beyond the true story I didn't take too much away from this film. Not going to hate it either because I know a lot of people feel the opposite.
And as you are learning with Barnes' list ... you'll take "not bad" any day of the week.
Barnes #59: Brokeback Mountain
When this movie first came out all I heard was that it was about gay cowboys. Not gonna lie, I had zero interest to go see any movie about that subject. I'm not the biggest fan of cowboys, let alone two cowboys kissing (not that there's anything wrong with that).
However as time passes my desire to watch Brokeback Mountain has steadily increased. I've always been a big fan of Heath Ledger which means my viewing absence of this film is probably a little bit of dis-service.
Give Barnes a lot of credit for having this movie make his list. I do want to watch it, and if it's as good as everyone has been saying, I won't regret it.
Barnes #58: Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory
I haven't gone back and checked but I get the feeling this will be Barnes' oldest movie to date. It'll more than likely be the closest we get to a black-and-white film on Barnes' list.
Gene Wilder is really good as Willy Wonka. His songs are classics and his performance is more than memorable. My biggest complaint with this movie is that it seems to drag on forever. It bores me after a while.
I like this pick for Barnes though, so far with this set he has had three different kinds of movies ... and three quality films. Will he continue with his fourth pick??? ..........
Barnes #57: The Proposal
..... nope.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the weekly edition of "Barnes' Stupid Selection of The Week."
I haven't seen The Proposal and I won't see it either. For one, the two co-stars are probably on my short-list for worst actors. I'd take Tim Allen over Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock any day of the week. And two, the premise is simple-minded. Bad boss is forced to get married with one of her employees. Sounds awful and it probably is.
For someone who claims to hate "romantic comedies," Barnes sure finds a way to put a bunch on his list it seems. One Fine Day and now this.
I don't know how he will top it, but I'm more than willing to bet he will find a way.
Barnes #56: Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
The theme for this week's selections should be "solid but not specatacular." While Austin Powers has it's fair share of funny moments, for me, it loses a bit of it's luster over time. I don't find it nearly as hilarious as I did when I watched it the very first time.
Don't get me wrong, I like Austin Powers. Mike Myers is a funny guy and that's quite apparent in this role. As the series progresses he actually plays more and more characters ... and he plays them all very well.
While Elizabeth Hurley is my favorite Austin Powers sidekick from the triology, Goldmember is by far my favorite movie.
The first one is solid, but again, not spectacular.
Barnes #55: The Nutty Professor
Now here's a movie I've never liked at any point of my 25-year-old life. Eddie Murphy dropped a couple notches in my book after I initially viewed this film. It would have been much better had it been rated R and Murphy could have gone back to his 80s comedy-style.
Instead I'm left with a PG-movie that has Eddie Murphy farting a bunch of times in a bunch of different fat suits. Don't see how that's funny at all.
I actually kept waiting for the now infamous line, "I only liked it because I'm black." But it never came.
Barnes #54: Twister
What a deep sigh of relief it is seeing this film on Barnes' list this week. After battling The Proposal and The Nutty Professor, this repeat movie creates a nice change of pace.
Twister clocks in at #97 on my list, but to be honest, it's ranked that low mainly because I forgot it during my initial rough drafts. If I were to do it all over again, it wouldn't be this high, but it would probably crack the top 80.
Barnes doesn't like the trailer too much while I absolutely love it. Barnes is wrong when he says the trailer doesn't focus on any of the characters ... in all actuality it focuses solely on the biggest character of them all ... the twister. Loved it.
Barnes #53: Shutter Island
The first time I watched Shutter Island was at the theatre. As I was viewing it I started to pick up on what I thought was the big twist. Once I found out that my predictions were accurate I stopped paying attention. I walked away from it thinking it was an okay film.
I just watched Shutter Island a couple weeks ago and sat there in amazement when I realized I had actually missed the big ending. The ending that happens AFTER the twist.
I loved the ending so much that it catapulted Shutter Island from an okay film to a great one. One that would without question reside in my top 100. Well done Barnes.
Barnes #52: The Girl Next Door
Seems like every week I'm learning a little bit more about Barnes. I had no idea he liked this movie THIS much. It's almost in his top-50 and is ahead of movies I thought he enjoyed a lot more.
Yes I will watch a little bit of The Girl Next Door when it comes on, but only to witness Elisha Cuthbert. It's really the only thing this movie has going for it.
The Girl Next Door has an identity crisis. It tries to be this blend of comedy/drama when it should focus solely on one or the other. It would have been much better had it simply gone over the top funny or tried to be a dramatic film. The plot is good enough for either, instead it chose neither.
Barnes #51: Thank You For Smoking
I was wondering if Barnes was going to sell me on any movies when we started this list. If he was going to post about a film that I hadn't seen/heard of and be able to make me want to see it. Well, he pulled it off with Thank You For Smoking.
I haven't seen two seconds of this movie nor have I heard a single word spoken about it. But after seeing the trailer and reading Barnes' recap, not only do I want to see it, I have a feeling it will be a fantastic movie. One that will be on this list in 2012.
I love the art in arguing. It's something that takes time, practice and a healthy dose of common sense. It's a skill-set and I can certainly appreciate it when I see someone who argues well. I keep waiting to appreciate Barnes' arguing, but I'm not holding my breath.
Long story short this is an outstanding selection by Barnes and I can't wait to watch it.
Not the strongest set for Barnes although it does have a couple terrific choices. If I were ranking these movies this is how it would look.
1) Shutter Island
2) Twister
3) Thank You For Smoking
4) Brokeback Mountain
5) The Blind Side
6) Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
7) The Girl Next Door
8) Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory
9) Nutty Professor
10) The Proposal
Make sure to come back on Monday as we dive into our top-50 with numbers 50-41. Have a great weekend and thanks for reading.
Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it."
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