For the few of you that have been following the King of Arguments since its inception nearly a decade ago, you have come to expect lengthy delays in between posts. Going multiple weeks and even several months without publishing new content has been standard operating procedures.
None were as long as the most recent one which thankfully came to an end a couple weeks ago. It lasted an astonishing 18 months. There were zero updates to this blog for all of 2013 and half of 2014. It really does pain me to write that last sentence. 18 months. That’s brutal.
I wake up every day and want to spend it writing. That’s as true of a statement as I’ve ever wrote. I get dressed for work right in front of my computer and think while staring at it, “one of these days I’ll be going to work right here.” So you can imagine the peril it causes when I go an entire 18 months and fail to create one single new article.
While it is true that the past is the past, and as our good friend Daniel Faraday instructed us on LOST, “whatever happened, happened” we are going to get back on the horse by taking a look at all that I missed since December of 2012. These are the top 10 blog posts (or at least the cliff notes version of them) that would have been made had I not taken a sabbatical from this website.