My Favorite Black TV Characters
#11 - February 18th - Bernie Mac - "The Bernie Mac Show"
#11 - February 18th - Bernie Mac - "The Bernie Mac Show"

The best way to describe The Bernie Mac Show would be if you took Bernie Mac's stand-up routine, and simply cleaned it up. The end result would then be The Bernie Mac Show. For five seasons, and more than 100 episodes, Bernie Mac kept me entertained better than just about anyone.
If you've not a fan of Bernie Mac's stand-up, then I doubt you would be a fan of this show, because they are very similar. Bernie talks about adjusting to the "new" day-in-age of parenthood, which appears to allow children to get away with more. He talks about relationships, and always trying to stay one step ahead of his wife. He talks about hanging with his buddies, playing cards, smoking cigars, etc. All were included in almost every episode, and always had me rolling in laughter.
My favorite on-going relationship in this show is between Bernie and his son Jordan. They don't get along because they seem to be so different. Bernie is a big sports guy, and on the surface, Jordan appears to be more of the nerd variety. So, Bernie is always trying to teach him to act more like himself, which Jordan is willing to attempt, but unable to successfully pull off. Again though, deep down Bernie is proud of Jordan, and you can tell that the unconditional love aspect is fully present.
Okay, enough from me. Absolutely can not believe we are down to the top ten. How fast has this month gone? Unreal.
Make sure you go and check out Barnes' blog (over on my sidebar) to catch his feelings towards my selections. I'm going to take a wild guess and says he will love this pick. Just a hunch.
Hint for #10: This character loves pretzels.
Until tomorrow, "read it, roll it, hole it."
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