By: Luke Florence
My Favorite Black TV Characters
#7 - February 22nd - Dave Chappelle/Wayne Brady - "The Chappelle Show"
#7 - February 22nd - Dave Chappelle/Wayne Brady - "The Chappelle Show"

Okay, this spot is more for the genius of Dave Chappelle, but I wanted a way to include Wayne Brady as well. The skit (couldn't find the entire bit online) has Dave and Wayne driving around the city is my favorite from The Chappelle Show, by far. Wayne Brady was made fun of by Dave on an earlier episode during a Q&A session. The question was asked, "why do white people love Wayne Brady so much?" The reply was, "white people love Wayne Brady, because Wayne Brady makes Bryant Gumbel look like Malcolm X." Doesn't get too much better than that. Well, I thought so too, until this skit aired. Enjoy.
Too many comics have tried to take their stand-up routine and turn it into a sketch comedy series. We've seen successful comics like the Blue Collar guys and Frank Caliendo to name a few, try, and for the most part fail. But Dave Chappelle managed to pass that test with straight A's.
The Chappelle Show demonstrated how great of a writer Chappelle was, and also showcased his fearlessness of pushing the edge. Where else could you see a skit where Wayne Brady kills cops? Or where there is a blind black guy who happens to be a white supremacist? Ever wonder what kind of basketball player Prince was? Or how Lil' Jon handles daily conversations? Week in and week out, Dave Chappelle was producing the highest level of television sketch comedy I've ever seen, and quite possibly, ever will see again.
And kudos here to Wayne Brady. It is true, white people love him. It stems from his warming smile, and his singing renditions on Whose Line Is It. But for him to come on the show, after they had ripped him, shows me that not only does Brady have a terrific sense of humor, but there is more to his personality than just the smiling/singing we've seen so often.
The Chappelle Show was big my junior and senior years of high school, and just as we quoted South Park every day during junior high, we did the same with Chappelle's Show in 11th and 12th grade. Arguably, the most popular was Lil' Jon, only because it became quite commonplace for some of us to yell out, "WHAAAT?" during a basketball game, in response to the oppposing crowd's cheer. Yes, this is what we did.
Okay, enough from me today. Hope you enjoyed the double-feature tonight. Not gonna lie, they may be the best two posts to date. But, the best are still yet to come ... hopefully. Take some time and check out Barnes' blog (over on my sidebar) to find out how he reacts to my picks.
Hint for #6: I have actually met this dynamic duo before, but failed to get an autograph.
Until tomorrow, "read it, roll it, hole it."
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