Go to any NFL game 30 minutes before kick-off. You will hear this song. I remember my first time hearing it. 2003 ... Cleveland Browns Stadium ... vs. San Diego Chargers ... with Jared. As the song first started blaring, I immediately questioned the sanity of the Browns DJ. But, in some mysterious - almost hypnotically - way, I instantly embraced the song and found myself playing the "air drums" mid-way through (The Hangover, anyone?).
And now, every time I make my way into Cleveland Browns Stadium, I anticipate the song. I won't be ready without it. It is now part of my football experience. Right there alongside "Thunderstruck." I need it.
So here we are, about to embark on another season of NFL football. Phil Collins was right, "I can feel it coming in the air tonight." Can you?
Let's hope so, because in six short weeks, it will be here. The question that needs to be asked is who will be joining me? 2007 saw eight lucky combatants participate in the inaugural league. All eight members came back in 2008, but to their surprise - and mine - we added an astonishing 12 more, bringing our total to an even 20. If we continue expanding by that same 250% we did from '07-'08, then 2009 will have an unthinkable 50 pick 'em participants. Hey if Donte Stallworth can kill a guy and only spend 24 days in prison then anything is possible.
If you are one of those who have never participated in an ATS (Against The Spread) pick 'em, the process is simple and easy to catch on. What we do is pick every game, every week, throughout the entire regular season. But, instead of picking the winner (which can be quite simple ... pick whomever is playing against the Lions), we pick the winner Against The Spread.
"The Spread" is a point value given for a game in order to equalize the playing field. For instance, if the Cleveland Browns were playing the Pittsburgh Steelers, common sense would have the Pittsburgh Steelers as the prohibitive favorites, thus making it a rather easy contest to pick. But, "The Spread" is designed to make our work in picking a winner more complicated. In our hypothetical pairing of Browns-Steelers, "The Spread" could "give" the Brownies nine and a half points, meaning the Steelers would have to defeat the Browns by at least ten to earn the win Against The Spread.
The game would be set up like this.
Cleveland Browns @ Pittsburgh Steelers (-9.5)
If the Steelers won 30-20, then Pittsburgh would be the winning pick.
If the Steelers won 30-27, then Cleveland would be the winning pick.
If the Browns won ... then you must be referring to the 1980s.
Hopefully you get the picture.
One of the unique aspects of this league is the ability to make user-comments for each game, which gets posted right here in my weekly picks column. The best way to understand this concept is to see it for yourself.
That would sum it up better than I ever could. The more comments from you, the better the columns are for everyone. It truly is a win-win-win (The Office, anyone?).
Intrigued? At the very least, would you like some more incentive? Well, needless to say, at least for the KOA, this league transforms from a collection of friends into something that truly embodies a team-spirit. Bios with odds for each member is given prior to the start of the season.
Also, at random times throughout the year, rankings and breakdowns on how every member is doing will be found.
And, for those who choose to participate, the KOA hands out season-ending awards. Those winners had nothing but great things to say about them. It truly is a unique league in several aspects.
2009 will look different than 2008 on some levels, thanks to some tinkering on my behalf. But they will all be improvements, and only for the benefit of the league as a whole. More to come on this later. One thing that won't be changing is the league-entry fee, which will remain at an even $20.
If we still have your interest after all of this, then the first step would be sending me your e-mail address. You can send me a text, a facebook message, or just simply leave a comment at the end of this post. From there I will send you some basic information. After that you can join or jump ship. The choice is yours.
For the 2008 members, if you have changed e-mails, please let me know, so I can update our records. Unless of course you switched e-mails and no longer wish to participate. Let's hope that is not the case.
As Phil Collins so eloquently put it, "I've been waiting for this moment, for all my life ... oh lord."
Giddy up.
Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it."
I was disappointed that you didn't say, "Captain Planet anyone?" after you said, "The choice is yours" Otherwise, good stuff
As Mr. Borer once tald me as we were leaving the KofC's after a late night of cards before going home to his wife. "Into the shit storm boys."
I am back and ready to lose again while showing little glimmers of hope and promise throughout the year.
Go Broncos (... I think)!
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