Sunday, December 16, 2012

30 for 30 (Part Two)

In PART ONE, the King of Arguments got the ball rolling on the thirty things he wants to accomplish before he turns thirty.  Swimming in the Pacific Ocean, learning how to play the guitar, and running a half-marathon were just some of the items that made the list so far.  There's only one way to find out what's left.  

P is for Personal

17) Meet a Top-Ten Athlete

This one is pretty straight-forward.  The hardest part is determining who qualifies as a top-ten athlete.

In no particular order, here are the ten athletes I want to meet in order to knock this off my list: Michael Jordan, Andre Agassi, Norm Duke, Tiger Woods, Tom Brady, Brady Quinn, Derrick Rose, Sidney Crosby, Manti Te'o, and Omar Vizquel.  I just have to meet one of them for it to count.  

The two front-runners for this have to be Norm Duke and Omar Vizquel.

18) Go Sky-diving

I've never been the biggest adventure-seeker.  Sure, I love roller-coasters, but it's not like I go out of my way to make it to Cedar Point every summer.  So why is this on my list?? 

Maybe it's because whenever someone makes a list like this they typically include sky-diving, or bungee-jumping.  Maybe it's because I think it would be an unbelievable experience jumping out of an airplane.  Maybe it's because I saw a video of Kevin Hunt and his dad sky-diving and thought it looked like a tremendous adrenaline rush.

Whatever the reason, it's here and it's going to be accomplished within the next three years. 

19) Complete a LOST Re-Watch
Six seasons. More than 100 episodes.  Nearly 5,000 minutes.  The numbers are staggering, but it's something I've always wanted to do from the very moment the series ended more than two years ago.  I want to watch every episode of LOST all over again from start-to-finish. 

Make no mistake, LOST is one of my favorite television shows of all-time.  I was captivated by the drama, the acting, the character development, the suspense, the writing, and the plot twists.  From a network production point-of-view, I don't know how you could make a better show.

Now when I go back and re-watch the series I'll be simultaneously creating my twenty favorite LOST episodes and my one-hundred favorite LOST moments.  Even though it will probably take an entire year to complete, it will be well worth the time and effort.  For any time spending watching LOST is time well spent. 

20) Get My Own Place

Don't get me wrong.  I love where I currently live.  Couldn't ask for a better situation.  My roommate Devin and I live in a great apartment complex.  It's nice.  It's quiet.  It's five minutes from where I work.  What's not to love?

Except, I've always wanted to have my own apartment ... my own place.  I guess I always saw living by myself as a big step towards adult-hood.  Roommates are a young man's game, and like the title of this post suggests, I'm slowly moving further and further away from "young" status.

Who am I trying to kid here??  The only reason I want to live by myself is so I don't have to tell my roommate that I'm bringing a girl over.

(And if you believe that last sentence then we probably have never met)

21) Launch My Personal Website

This blog has carried me through some tough times over the year.  It's gotten me through college.  Through being a college graduate with no job.  Through moving to Wisconsin.  Through a bad break-up.  And yet, I feel our time is about over.

I initially stumbled on blogspot because I knew no other platform to host my writing.  A couple years later wordpress came out, but I remained loyal to blogspot because it was the only thing I knew.  Now, with so many options to choose from, and web-hosting staying relatively cheap, I feel it's time to get my own website.

The website would serve as my personal writing binder/resume.  If I'm going to take writing seriously, it's a step that needs to be made.  Sooner rather than later.  

G is for Give

22) Fall in Love Again

Can you remember the first time you fell in love?  I was in seventh grade and had just came home from my first junior-high dance.  After dancing with the girl I had a huge crush on since Kindergarten, I walked with her all the way to the nearby restaurant where we sat right next to each other and ate pizza.  I came home and buried myself in our living room chair with a smile on my face that I'll never forget.  I was in love.

In my 27+ years I've been in love twice.  Gotten close a couple other times, but I can honestly say I've been in love only twice before.  Matt Barnes has said time and time again that I fall fast and hard.  And he may be right.  But I'd rather keep falling over-and-over because in the end, those falls make me stronger and better for the woman of my dreams ... wherever she is.

Shoot, she could even be reading this right now.  And if she is ... don't be shy!!

23) Join the Big Brother/Big Sister Program
When I left Madison, Wisconsin I got emotional on two separate occasions.  The first was when I said good-bye to Frankie (my first dog ... sort of), and the second was when I left on my final day of work at Mendota Elementary School.

I left that school in tears because I knew I was never going to come back.  I hadn't planned on crying, but when I saw the kids and parents both in tears I couldn't help myself.  I was never 100% sure of the impact I was making when I was there, but on that last day I could see first-hand how much I meant to some of those families.  It still makes me sad when I think about it ... which is often.

What I want to do is continue to be a positive influence on children and their families.  I can't think of a better opportunity to do so than the Big Brother/Big Sister Program.  Not only would I get a chance to connect with a young kid, I'm sure that child would have a profoundly positive influence on my life as well. 

24) Connect More/Say Thank-You More

It's a simple gesture and yet I feel most of us don't do it nearly enough.

Say thank-you.  Show gratitude.  Show appreciation.  Make someone smile.

I'm going to accomplish this by writing one letter a month to someone I haven't talked to in a while.  Someone I've fallen out of touch with as the years have piled on.  It could be a relative, a friend, a former teacher, etc.  Someone who at one point was in my life and who may not understand the importance of his or her presence on me.

By doing that maybe I'll open up some doors that have been shut over time, or maybe I'll make someone smile that I haven't talked to in eons.  I'm fine with either of those results. 

25) Meet Up With Jeff Hirz

Well look at that.  We've come across the first thing I can actually cross off!!  I met up with Hirz this past weekend in Cleveland over dinner and drinks.  It was the first time I've seen him since college and it was a reunion that was well over-due.

The first time I met Jeff Hirz was at the end of my freshman year of college.  I was pretty good friends with Matt Barnes by then and he just couldn't shut-up about this new pal of his.  It got to the point where I was curious if they were dating.  Regardless, the first night I met Hirz he came to the party wearing a cowboy hat which immediately lost him some points in my book, but he totally redeemed himself when we started ripping on Barnes during our first conversation.  Instant friendship.

Hirz graduated from Ohio University, got himself a real job, and then quit.  Wanted to become a writer.  Instant admiration.

He has his own website, which you can find HERE and he is currently in the process of publishing a book.  I've told him several times that I'm living vicariously through him, but that maybe one day we can join forces and co-author a book/screenplay/television show. 

"The Matt Barnes Experience" - By: Jeff Hirz and Luke Florence????

E is for Extra

26) Have a Perfect Day

Everyone wishes for a "perfect day."  A day where everything is absolutely ... perfect.  A day where you wouldn't change anything.  Some would call this an unreachable feat because they see perfection as some sort of illusion.  Not this guy.  I know there is a perfect day out there waiting for me.  And just so I wouldn't miss it, I mapped out everything I want to do on my perfect day. 

In all honesty, my perfect day actually takes three days, or about 36 hours.  I'm a believer in how you wake up being a reflection on how you went to bed.  And how you went to bed being a reflection on how you plan on waking up.  Therefore, my perfect day begins the night prior.


- After watching one of my favorite movies, or an episode of my favorite television series, I turn to the book I'm currently reading and promptly finish it. 

- I head to bed around 11-11:30.  Going to sleep early because I kind of have a big day planned tomorrow.


I'm not a planner, and to be honest, I try to avoid planning like the Cleveland Browns avoid scoring touchdowns.  Having said that, it would be foolish for me to sit here and diagram - to the hour - every little detail of what would constitute my perfect day.  Therefore, I'll simply use bullet-points to illustrate everything I want to accomplish.

- A morning workout/run on the beach.

- Breakfast comprising of scrambled eggs and French toast.

- Working on my novel outside w/ an ocean-front view.

- At least ninety minutes on the tennis court. 

- Swim w/ dolphins.

- Make someone laugh so hard their side hurts.  I'll also accept making a little kid smile.  (Not in the Jerry Sandusky-way ... what, too soon?)

- Take my two dogs for a beach-side walk.

- Watch Cool Runnings.

- Talk to my parents, my brother and a couple friends.

- Lunch comprising of sushi w/ several mixed beverages (skinny margarita, pina colada, etc.).

- Help a complete stranger. 

- Lay out/take a nap by the beach w/ a new book by my side.

- Go windsurfing/ride on jet-skis/tubing/boating/etc.

- Have sex ... with a girl ... a couple times.

- Dinner comprising of filet mignon, potato, and fresh vegetables.  Not to mention a bunch more of those mixed beverages.

- A night-fire on the beach w/ smores, possible guitar playing, and more alcoholic drinks.

- Desert comprising of a root beer float. 

- A long, peaceful sleep w/ the alarm clock not even an after-thought. 


- I sleep until I decide I can't sleep anymore, and spend the majority of the day simply in "lounge-mode."

The one thing I failed to mention is that I'm not doing any of these activities alone.  On my perfect day, my perfect girl is right there with me the entire time.  Sounds corny and it probably is, but I've always been a hopeless romantic at heart, and I can honestly think of nothing better than to do all of those things in one day with the girl of my dreams right there beside me. 

That's my perfect day, and I'll patiently wait until it happens.  

27) Get a Great Dane
Most of you know that I have a little shitzhu-maltese named Lucy.  And while she is a great dog that I absolutely love, I want to go in the opposite direction on my next canine purchase.  I'm going with a Great Dane.

They are called "gentle giants" because even though they are massive dogs they are very friendly.  They are not overly aggressive by nature which means they get along well with other dogs.  Great Danes make for a terrific family dog as they also do well with small children.

The hardest part of this equation will be picking the name.  The finalists are: Maximus (from Gladiator), Brady (from Brady Quinn), and Roland/Rollie (from my Grandpa Florence and The Dark Tower series). 

28) Go Back to School

When I was in school, all I wanted to do was be done with it.  Once I was done with it, all I wanted to do was go back.  There's probably a lesson hidden in there about not being satisfied.  Regardless, I have a strong desire to further my education and will be doing so soon.  The only question is in what capacity.

I've gone back and forth on what I would go back to school for countless times.  I've thought long and hard about getting my teaching certification, or obtaining my MBA, or attempting to give law school a try.  The more I think about these possibilities the more questions arise than answers, which makes reaching a decision quite difficult.

So, instead of trying to tackle this conundrum on my own, I started praying on it.  And while I haven't received any clear indication of what I should do, I did finally obtain much-needed peace with the problem.

I'm going to put my full resources and energy into taking the LSAT one more time.  I took it a couple years ago while I was in Madison but can honestly say I didn't give it my best effort.  This time around, I want to see just how well I can possibly do.  If I score well, then law school will be my next move.  If I don't, then at the very least, I can finally cross it off.

29) Debt-Free

Well now isn't this a contradiction of epic proportions?  #28 has me going back to school while #29 has me being debt-free.  Obviously when I go back to school I'll be racking up more debt, but I simply consider that an investment in myself, and don't view that as bad debt at all.

The goal here is to have my car and credit card paid off by the time I turn thirty.   This should be doable barring any setbacks.  The scary part here is that life is full of unexpectedness and you never know what awaits around the proverbial corner. 

30) Grocery Shop Like an Adult

I've been to the grocery store literally a thousand times.  And yet, I don't feel as if I'm getting the full grocery store experience.  I buy a bunch of pre-packaged, pre-produced, and pre-made food.  Sure, I purchase just enough fruits and vegetables to get away with it, but I would really like to expand my shopping expertise.

The ultimate goal is to go grocery shopping on a Sunday evening, be able to plan all of my meals for the entire week, and to start eating a little bit healthier in the process.  Plus, it would be nice to become a little bit of a more well-rounded chef.

And that ladies and gentlemen wraps up the thirty things I want to accomplish before I turn thirty.  While I'm not expecting to cross all of them off, I am expecting to shift my focus and energies towards them on a daily basis.

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis


Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it."

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