Wednesday, December 12, 2012

30 for 30 (Part One)

In this epic post, the King of Arguments lists the 30 things he hopes to accomplish before he turns the big 3-0.  They include some destination spots, a few sporting accomplishments, and exacting revenge on a personal vendetta.  It was a list that took quite some time to put together, and one that will take three years to finish.

"Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth.  Oh never mind.  You will not enjoy the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.  But trust me, in twenty years you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now, how much possibility lay before you, and how fabulous you really looked." - Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) - Laz Buhrmann

That song - if you want to call it that - has strongly resonated with me for the past 15 years.  It's acted as my personal mantra since the first time I listened to it.  I couldn't think of a better way to kick off my 30 for 30 post as I embark on a journey that will attempt to map out how I spend the next three years of my life.

A is for Art

1) Play the Guitar

My life has certainly been blessed with a plethora of talents, and for that I am quite thankful.  The ability to play musical instruments of any kind is not one of those talents I possess.  Growing up I played the piano for a couple of years until I eventually lost interest.  My younger brother, Josh, is an excellent drummer and so when my parents bought him a drum-set I tried my hand at that with little success as well.  

There's a specific reason I'm starting my list with this task.  Mainly because I feel it might be the most daunting.  To attempt to play the guitar will take an insane amount of practice.  It will have to be something I spend time with every single day.  Even then, there won't be any guarantee placed on my success.

The ultimate goal isn't to be a master of the guitar by any means.  It's to be able to pick up the instrument, belt out a few well-known tunes and call it a day.  I've always wanted to go outside on a nice day, find a decent spot and simply play the guitar.

Wish me luck.  I'll need it. 

2) Attend a Coldplay/John Mayer Concert

On my 100th post a few years back I mentioned I've only been to one concert.  It was in Cleveland where my entire family watched Huey Lewis and The News outside in the rain.  Since then I've gone to zero concerts, which according to my math, means I've still only been to one.  That desperately needs to change.

I'm going big or going home with concerts in the next three years.  I don't want to go to another "Huey Lewis-type" concert just to say I've gone to more than one.  Which means my entire list of musical acts I want to see boils down to Coldplay or John Mayer.

Coldplay would just be an epic event to attend.  Sure I love their music, but the real thrill of seeing Coldplay LIVE is everything surrounding it.  The light-show.  The amped-up sound.  Chris Martin.  It would be absolutely amazing.

John Mayer is my favorite artist, and getting the chance to see him live would be an unforgettable experience.  Whether he would be singing new songs, or belting out old classics, I'd be there singing right along with him.

Either one would leave me truly happy.  And you can't put a price on that. 

3) Read at least one Novel per month

Despite literally being one of my favorite things to do, reading seems to take a backseat from time-to-time.  Recently, I've been watching a lot of episodes of Breaking Bad which means I'm not reading.  Or, whenever I start a new list on my blog it usually means I'm not reading.  The past two weeks I've been watching a lot of Duck Dynasty and Shipping Wars, which means, you guessed it, I'm not reading.  I really don't know why it ends up being so low on my to-do list, but reality says that it is.

One novel a month shouldn't be that difficult at all.  All I really need to do is commit to reading a little bit every night.  Throw in a couple long sessions on the weekend and this will be one of the easiest goals I accomplish on this list. 

4) Learn Sign Language

I took three years of French in high school and now I can barely count to ten.  This seems to be quite common with those who once took a foreign language but never utilize it.  They find that it fades away.  As one gets older I believe it gets more difficult to learn a brand new language, which is why I'm going in a completely different direction with sign language.

Two things that bring me complete happiness are connecting with people and helping others.  By learning sign language I would be able - for the first time in my life - to connect with those who are deaf.  And by doing so, I would be killing two birds with one stone.  I would have conquered a new language, and gaining the ability to help those who are less fortunate than myself.

Truly, a win-win. 

5) Attend a Broadway Play
As I've gotten older, I've started to gain a better appreciation for all things art-related.  Maybe it's because I understand how much work goes into mastering a subject.  Maybe it's because I realize the insane talent level it takes to paint something, or to sing something, or to act.  Whatever the source, my appreciation level for art has skyrocketed.

A Broadway play, much like seeing Coldplay or John Mayer, would be an unforgettable experience.  I'm sure I would be mesmerized by the scenery, the acting, the singing, etc.  I would be completely enveloped in the production and I'm sure after I see one play I would be craving to see more.

Currently the short-list of shows I would love to see would be The Lion King, Jersey Boys, and The Book of Mormon.  But at the end of the day, I'd be open to seeing ANY Broadway play.  Yes Mom, even Mamma Mia! ... as long as I can get a guarantee I won't have to listen to Pierce Brosnan sing. 

T is for Travel

6) Swim in the Pacific Ocean

There's something about large bodies of water that relaxes my mind and puts all my troubles in the rear-view.  I'm at peace whenever I'm around water.  More than a decade ago my family took a summer vacation to Myrtle Beach and I got to experience the Atlantic Ocean.  I don't remember too much from the trip, but I do remember how much fun I had swimming in the ocean, and how I felt so calm staring out at the immense body of water.

While I do not have a desire to see the Indian or the Arctic Ocean, I have always wanted to see the Pacific.  In some way, I want to say I've been on both sides of the U.S.A.  I want to go as far east AND as far west as possible in the continental forty-eight.  Two-hundred years ago they called it Manifest Destiny.  I'll call this Luke Destiny. 

7) Go to Italy
Ever felt like you were born in the wrong decade?  Or maybe even the wrong country?  While I have zero qualms with being an 80s baby I certainly feel my personality would have been better suited for a certain European country that houses the Azzurri. 

Everything is much more laid back in Italy.  Drama and stress seem to be non-existent.  Shops close down during lunch-time for multiple hours.  Smiles seem more present and bountiful.  Laughs are more heart-felt and consistent.  Not to mention all the famous art, music, and cuisine that comes from Italy.  Yes, even though I might not be an Italian by blood, I am an Italian by nature.

I don't have too many foreign countries I absolutely HAVE to see, but my answer to the commonly asked question, "where would you want to travel?" is always a resounding "Italy."  Couldn't think of a better 30th birthday present than a two-week trip to experience my home-away-from-home first-hand. 

8) Attend the U.S. Open (tennis)

Super Bowl??  Nope.  World Series??  Not really.  The Masters??  I'll pass.

My number one sporting event that I want to attend is in Flushing Meadows every August.  It's the U.S. Open. 

Give credit to Andre Agassi for making this my go-to sporting event.  It was his love for this event that eventually found its' way into my heart.  No matter how many ups or downs he was facing, Andre always made it to the U.S. Open - winning it twice and making the finals four other times.  He played there twenty-one straight years, and when he finally decided to call it quits, did so in Arthur Ashe stadium.

Memories of Andre playing at the U.S Open are so plentiful that I could write an entire article on them.  What I want to do is see first-hand the tournament where all of those memories took place.  Did I mention I would also get to see the best tennis players in the planet up close?  Not a bad consolation prize at all. 

9) Move out of Ohio

Some of you are probably thinking to yourself, wait a second, you already moved out of Ohio?  Remember those two years you spent up in Madison, Wisconsin?  Yes, I did previously re-locate out of the Buckeye State, and yes, I remember all too well my time spent in Badger Territory.

This time - in order to cross it off my list - I want to do it on my terms.  Instead of chasing a girl, or following a friend, I want to pick a city and move there on my own, without any hope or agenda.  A fresh start mixed with new beginnings.  As Ludacris so eloquently put it, "Just bought a plane so we changing the weather now."  Won't have a plane but I do have every intention of changing the weather.  Charleston (SC) and Scottsdale (AZ) are currently the two front-runners, but I'm not ruling anything out ... except Ohio. 

W is for Writing

10) Write a Book
I recently finished reading "The Difference Maker" by John C. Maxwell.  In it, Maxwell discusses how to make your attitude your greatest asset.  It's a decent read - nothing too exciting or revealing - but it reinforced my belief that writing a book is not overly difficult.  It may be time consuming and it may be challenging finding a publisher, but the writing is the easy part.

What I struggle with is writing every single day.  It's my favorite thing to do and yet I don't make it a priority.  Often times I find myself making excuses for not writing, such as having a crappy computer or being tired from a long day at work.  These excuses are a daily occurrence.  In order for me to accomplish goal #10, I have to stop making excuses and simply sit down and write every ... single ... day.  Once it becomes habitual, I don't see this being an overly complicated item to cross off.

11) Update all of my lists

More than six and a half years ago I unveiled this silly little blog.  I stumbled through my first couple of posts complaining about fire-alarms in Bromley Hall and other things of minimal importance.  I finally found my rhythm when I started unveiling my 40 favorite sports figures, which I called "Skywalker's Top 40" (pretty creative right?? #sarcasm).  As I continued my ascent to the top of that list I saw my writing skills - and my viewership - improve significantly. 

Just this past year I completed an exhausting adventure ranking my 100 favorite movies.  While it took several months to finish, it was an extremely rewarding experience.  I attempted to rank my 50 favorite television shows this summer but, well ... see #10.

What I really want is to update those three lists (sports, movies, television) constantly on my blog.  Some will move more than others, but the people/movies/shows on those list help form the person I am, and when I go a long time without updating them I can feel a little lost.

Here's to finding myself. 

12) Win a Writing Contest

Last year U.S. Bank had a writing contest open to all company employees.  The subject was "Describe Your First Day At U.S. Bank."  The U.S. Bank marketing team would pick five finalists and then all employees would vote for the winner.  I thought it seemed like a cool idea and decided to enter.  But, in typical Luke-Florence fashion, I waited until the last day to submit my article.

I hammered out a semi-decent, semi-coherent essay in 30 minutes and sent it in with less than an hour remaining until the deadline.  I honestly thought I had a blown my chance by frantically rushing my paper instead of sitting down and actually taking my time with it.

Two days later I received a phone call from the head of the marketing department who said I was chosen as one of the five finalists.  They had more than 500 entries and decided mine was finalist-worthy.  I was ecstatic.  If I didn't know I was a good writer before that, it certainly smacked me upside the head.

Unfortunately, with bank employees voting on the winner (aka a popularity contest), I finished fifth and went home with a $150 gift card.  Still though, getting $150 for 30 minutes of work isn't too shabby.  Next time though, I want to get my Ricky Bobby on.  "If you ain't first, you're last."

S is for Sports

13) Break 70 ... Or 80 on a difficult course

"The first time is always the hardest." - John Florence.

During bowling season last year I set a goal to finally roll a 600 series.  Seems easy enough.  You just have to average a 200 for three games.  A couple times I would start out really well (225-215), but then choke in the end (145).  It was getting extremely frustrating.

When I shared my frustration with my dad (a pretty accomplished bowler in his own right), he calmly reassured me that I would eventually break through and that once I did the following 600 series' would be easier to reach.  Well, he was right.  I eventually bowled a 621 during our championship match and found all subsequent 600 series to be much less taxing.

Well, I want to reach another milestone, but out on the golf course this time around.

It's important to note that not all golf scores should be considered equal.  An 85 at Winding Hollow is much more impressive than a 75 at Clinton Heights.  So with that in mind, my goal is to break 70 at an easier golf course (Clinton Heights, Loudon Meadows, etc) or to break 80 at a harder track (Longaberger, Winding Hollow, etc).

This task will force me to hit up the driving range on a weekly basis and probably spend some money on putting lessons.  But the feeling I would achieve if I could cross this off would be priceless. 

14) Make a Hole-in-one
 When Hedges-Boyer Park in Tiffin, OH built a Frisbee Disc-Golf Course I shied away at first.  I was confused, didn't understand the rules, and had zero desire to learn.  However, when I found out my good friends were playing I decided to give it a try.  Next thing you know, I was hooked.

I was a long ways away from being a pro, but when I was playing every day I actually got pretty good.  I even was good enough to record a hole-in-one.  My witnesses were Brad Bursa and Kris Frank, and I went absolutely ballistic when I sank the shot.  I ran around, screamed in jubilation, and even tackled Bursa and Kris.  Apparently I didn't do a good enough job of composing myself, because on the next hole I promptly tossed my drive into the river and couldn't retrieve the disc.

You can better believe if I get a hole-in-one on the golf course I won't be using the same ball on the next tee-shot. 

15) Run a Half-Marathon

I've never been a fan of running for running's sake.  In fact, I've never been a fan of practicing for practice's sake.  Whenever I was practicing basketball, or golf, or tennis, I had to be simultaneously playing a game.  I couldn't focus enough to just practice jump shots, or chip shots, or serving.  I had to play an imaginary game between The Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers, or I had to create an 18 hole-golf course in my back-yard, or I had to play an imaginary contest between Andre Agassi and Pete Sampras up against the house.  When it came with running, I struggled creating that "imaginary game" to keep my interest.

As I've grown older I clearly see the benefits of running, and I've even found the "imaginary game" to help maintain my lack of focus.  What's ironic is that this time around, it's a "real" game.  I'll be running against my previous best times, trying to beat myself.  I can't think of any better competition.

A couple months of dedicated training, a pair of good running shoes and I'll be ready for this one. 

16) Beat Smitty in Golf

You have zero idea how embarrassed I am that this made my list.  You just can't possibly comprehend how ashamed I am.  This would be the equivalent of Heidelberg beating Ohio State in football TEN consecutive times.  The odds are simply too astronomical to even comprehend.  And yet, here we are.  I (Ohio State) have NEVER beaten Smitty (Heidelberg) out on the golf course.  Not once. 

I will say that Smitty and I have never played mano-a-mano, which - if it ever happened - would make this the easiest item to cross off by far.  Instead, we've always played on separate teams in a scramble format.  And every time we've played Smitty and his teammates are able to string together just enough quality shots to hand me a loss.

I will say this and I completely mean it.  If this is not crossed off by my 30th birthday then I will officially retire from golf and never pick up a club again in my life.

That wraps up the first half of my 30-for-30 list.  Stay tuned to see what items I included in the second half.

Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it."

- Luke Florence 12/12/12


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