Wednesday, August 29, 2012

KOA's 50 Favorite TV Shows: 45-41

Five shows in, forty-five more to go.  In this batch we find another Nickelodeon classic, a pair of comedic sketch-shows, a news program, and our first game-show.  Three of these shows have been on the air since 1975 and have combined to win a plethora of awards.  Let's keep the ball rolling boys and girls. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

An Ode To Kevin

The King of Arguments takes time from ranking his favorite television shows to acknowledge a man that goes by a lot of different names.  Some know him as Lil' Scooter.  Others are prone to call him Kev, or Hunt, or K-Hunt, or Coach, or Mr. Hunt, or Randy Junior. Whatever your preference, there's only one Kevin Hunt.  

Saturday, August 11, 2012

KOA's 50 Television Shows: 50-46

Yes, it's not related to television, but it's still my favorite way to start out a brand new list.

As Lao-tzu so eloquently put it, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."