Sunday, August 12, 2012

An Ode To Kevin

The King of Arguments takes time from ranking his favorite television shows to acknowledge a man that goes by a lot of different names.  Some know him as Lil' Scooter.  Others are prone to call him Kev, or Hunt, or K-Hunt, or Coach, or Mr. Hunt, or Randy Junior. Whatever your preference, there's only one Kevin Hunt.  

I've known Kevin almost my entire life.  When I celebrated my 100th post I told a brief story about how Kevin and I met.  Let's expand on that a bit. 

They don't let just anyone in Kindergarten these days.  In order to determine if a child is ready for the rigorous studies that Kindergarten demands they set up a "screening."  Here they have the little kids identify pictures, shapes, etc.  This is where Kevin and I met for the first time ... sort of. 

During this screening our future teacher, Mrs. Hall, spoke with all of the parents in a brief one-on-one session.  Along with all the other parents, my mom waited patiently out in the hallway.  Mrs. Hall came out and asked for "Maxine."  So, naturally, my mother got up even though she thought it was a little odd that the teacher she had never met would call her by her first name.  To my mother's surprise, the parent sitting right next to her got up as well.  Unbeknownst to my mom, Mrs. Hall was actually asking for Kevin's mom who shares first names with my mother, and who knew Mrs. Hall previously. 

I can remember my mom sharing this story with the family when we all got home and not thinking much of it.  Looking back at it twenty-three years later, it was almost as if fate was flexing its' muscle.  Almost as if Kevin and I had no say in the matter. 

Rather quickly, Kevin and I found ourselves going up a couple grades for math and reading and an immediate friendship developed.  We had the same interests, were at the same intellectual level, liked the same sports teams, and our moms had the same first name.  Done and done. 

The number of stories I could share are too numerous to count.  The number of memories we experienced are too plentiful to recollect.  The amount of times we've laughed so hard it hurt very well might be in the nine figures. 

Instead of reminiscing, or taking a stroll down memory lane, I thought it might be useful to simply celebrate Kevin.  It is his birthday, and while this may be the cheapest gift of recent memory, it might also be one of the best gifts I've given.  (Nothing will top the Brady Quinn t-shirt however.)
I've always looked up to Kevin (pun certainly intended).  It's impossible not to.  He's the most driven, most focused, and most efficient guy I know.  He's always been a hard worker (take one look at his parents, Randy and Maxine, and you'll understand where this comes from) and he's always been willing to go the proverbial "extra mile" to lend a helping hand. 

Often times when I find myself facing a difficult challenge, I'll ask myself, "what would Kevin do."  The answer is always the same.  He'd attack the problem head-on and wouldn't stop until he accomplished his goal.  Even if he doesn't know it, he's one of the best role-models out there. 

Having said all of that, it should come as no surprise that I've tended to be a little difficult with some of the females he's encountered along the way.  It would be fair to say I haven't given them a fair shake, but that's because Kevin is the best guy I know, and he deserves nothing but the best.  Hopefully I'll get a little better as we get older. 

I'm also extremely proud of Kevin, mainly for his decision to leave Madison, WI and pursue a teaching career.  To leave an industry he'd spent his entire college-life trying to get into had to be extremely difficult.  In classic Kevin-style, he made the challenging transition look relatively easy, and now finds himself entering his first year of full-time teaching.  How lucky are those kids to have Mr. Hunt as their teacher??  On that first day most of them will have no idea that they just won the lottery, but I can guarantee they will have it figured out by the last. 

Like all of my friends, I know I have let Kevin down from time-to-time.  It's an unfortunate bad habit of mine.  Matt Barnes has called me "an enigma" and it'd be hard to argue.  But those that really know me, also know I'd take a bullet for my close friends.  (Well maybe not a bullet, but definitely a sharp object thrown at a moderate pace.)

Along with Kevin's soon-to-be students, I'm forever grateful to not only know him, but to consider him my best-friend.  Grateful isn't the right word ... more like honored.  Big John and Maxine (my parents) consider him part of our family, and they continually ask about him.  I've always complained about not having a big brother, but the reality of it all is that I actually do. He just so happens to be a foot shorter than me. 

So happy birthday Coach.  Here's to #27.  May you keep inspiring, keep educating, and keep on keeping on for at least twenty-seven more. 

Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it."

- Luke Florence

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