Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Have A Laugh On Me

Jimmy V said that we should do three things every single day.

1) Spend some time thinking.

2) Have your emotions move you to tears.

3) Laugh.

I'm going to offer some assistance on the latter.

Again my schedule has changed. This was supposed to be my Copperheads story, but I'm in full football mode right now, so that story is going to have to wait for a rainy day. I also thought this would be a good opportunity to talk about something else besides sports. So, what follows are some of my favorite comedians and jokes that continually make me laugh.

George Carlin passed away in June of this year and until then I had not heard much of his material. After a quick browse of his routines online, I started to understand how hilarious this guy was. He is quick, smart and way ahead of his time. Enjoy.

My radio partner for the Copperheads, Tom, had a rant similar to the one about Tucker. He hated the name Kyle. Either way, it's hilarious.

Moving on, here Carlin goes on about the state of America.

And of course, the bit that put him on the map.

I first stumbled onto Mitch Hedberg back during junior high. I just so happened to see his special on Comedy Central. When I hit high school I found out that some of my buddies loved him as well. As with Carlin, Hedberg passed away while I was in college, back in March of 2005, my freshman year. Obviously, Hedberg has a much different delivery style than Carlin, but his keen observational skills is what set him apart.

Fruit on the bottom, hope on top.

The Letter X.

More of Mitch.

How about a good roast? Recently the Bob Saget Roast was on Comedy Central and it was filled with several outstanding moments. Jeffrey Ross is by far my favorite roaster.

Emmitt Smith Roast.

Gilbert Gottfried is great on every roast I've seen him.

One of my favorite bits has to be Robin Williams talking about how golf got started. I was unaware of how vulgar Williams was, so this was a great surprise.

Sorry for no actual video, but Lewis Black's bit on candy corn never gets old.

I don't know what it is about me and liking dead comedians, but here is another one. Freddy Soto was not only one of my favorites, but my brothers as well. Regardless.

More Soto.

Barnes and I watched Last Comic Standing our Sophomore Year, and our favorite was this guy, Josh Blue.

Well, that's all she wrote for tonight. I'm taking a two-day hiatus so I can finish up my remaining online classes. I will be back on Friday with our Preseason NFL Pick 'Em.

Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it."

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