Saturday, February 12, 2011

2011 Black History Month: #22 Black Actor Performance

By: Luke Florence
2011 Black History Month: #22 Black Actor Performance

Leon as "Derice Bannock" in "Cool Runnings"

Six words and six words only landed Leon on this list.

"We have to finish the race."

This is far from my first list, as I've ranked almost everything and anything in years' past, some you have read right here on this blog. But in all my time spent as a list-maker, I've never had more difficulty putting a list together than I have with this one. Honestly, I'm not sure the exact reason for that conundrum, but it's been a very difficult process finalizing, and re-finalizing this current list.

See, I thought I had to choose between Derice and Sanka. I thought could only put one of them on my countdown. However I thought back to the climatic scene of Cool Runnings and decided I had to put Leon in. Those six words still give me chills to this very-day, even though I've watched that scene probably 200 times.

Yes, Cool Runnings is my favorite movie of all-time. I can't quote the exact date and time that became a fact, but I've spent the better part of my life watching films ultimately fall short of Cool Runnings in my mind. Some have come closer than others, but Cool Runnings is still my #1, so it should come as no surprise that I'm going to end up putting both Sanka and Derice on my list.

Derice is a track-star sprinter who doesn't know the meaning of "stop." He tragically lost on his bid to gain entry to the Summer Olympics, but didn't let that stop him. He decided to try for the Winter Olympics by creating the first Jamaican Bobsled team. The rest is history.

Derice didn't have all the punch-lines, but instead, he added the dramatic flavor to Cool Runnings. He is the driver, the leader, and the soul of his team. He also has to battle several issues including rumors about his coach and a love-fest with the Swiss team. But like all great leaders, he overcomes. Derice deserves to be here.

Leon has gone onto a very solid career, as he starred in the hit TV show Oz, as well as in the TV movie The Temptations. But it is his performance of Derice Bannock that I will always remember first and foremost whenever anyone brings up his name. And besides, he first spoke the four words that became my life-motto ... "Peace Be The Journey." Enough said.

Memorable Quotes

"'Cool Runnings' means 'Peace Be The Journey.'" - Derice Bannock

"No mon, I'm not dead. We have to finish the race." - Derice Bannock

"Who's the big hot bag of air, who doesn't have to comb his hair? Who doesn't bathe and doesn't care, Sanka, Sanka, yay, Sanka!" - Derice Bannock

"Well, it's kind of a winter sport, you know." - Derice Bannock

Hint for #21: This actor has an impressive resume, but has only one Academy Award nomination. He appeared on an episode of Fresh Prince towards the beginning of his career, and recently was in a comic/blockbuster film. He gets the nod here for his portrayal of a cop facing tough decisions. Good luck.

Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it."

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