Monday, December 22, 2008

2008 NFL ATS Pick 'Em: Week Sixteen CONTROVERSY

Suddenly the four-month long NFL regular season seems rather short. After sixteen weeks of football, we are down to just sixteen games.

Sixteen games to decide who will be the 2008 NFL ATS Pick 'Em champion.

With playoff scenarios being crunched and dissected around the league, it only makes sense to do the same. We also had a semi-conflict that needs to be opened up to a forum as well.

First, the conflict. It's not pretty, but, it is what it is. Without going into detail that is not my business to discuss, Alex Lucius failed to get his picks in on time this past week. He sent me a text @ 1:00 PM EST saying, "Give me the Browns, god damn it."

Twenty minutes later (thanks to the slowness that is Webmail), I got an e-mail from Lucius (postmarked 12:40 PM EST) with his picks for the week. Surprisingly enough, he picked the Bengals. This tells me he intended on picking the Bengals first, but right before kick-off time switched to the Browns.

Now, since Lucius is smack dab in the middle of the money, this is rather important. I'm looking at Devin, Shane, Justin, Brian, Polito, etc. Those who are also right there in the money-running. I want to know what you guys think.

Here is my thought. I say SUNDAY BY NOON on every e-mail SOLELY to avoid a conflict of this nature. That being said, Lucius has had a really tough week, and this pick 'em league was probably the last thing on his mind. He didn't get a Thursday OR a Saturday night pick in as well. However, the flip side to this is that it doesn't take more than 30 seconds to get in your picks. So, I've come up with some options, and really want to have this matter settled by Wednesday.


1) Just like anyone else who doesn't get their picks in, Lucius' record should be one game LESS THAN the person with the worst record for the week.

2) Lucius should be granted a pass, and even though his e-mail was nearly an hour late after the deadline I set, his e-mail picks should be granted.

3) A combination of the two. Take the record Lucius would have received in option #1, take his record from the e-mail picks in option #2, and then average them out.

4) Something crazy. Lucius must choose one person who has been mathematically eliminated from first place (Rapking, Jeff, Jake, Grothaus, Barnes, Curtis, Braves). Whatever record that person has in week seventeen, will be Lucius' record for week sixteen.

5) Some more crazy. Whatever Lucius does in week seventeen, his week sixteen record will be one game less than that. So if he goes 11-5 in week seventeen, his week sixteen record will now be 10-6.

Those are the options as of right now, unless someone comes up with something that completely overwhelms me.

The important thing is that I get imput. If I don't get imput, then I'll have to make the decision all by myself. That would NOT be in the spirit of Christmas. So, call me, text me, e-mail me. ESPECIALLY THE GUYS I SINGLED OUT AT THE BEGINNING. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK (SHANE, JUSTIN, BRIAN, POLITO, DEVIN, ETC). LET ME KNOW ASAP. I have my own personal opinion, but I want to know what you guys think as well.

Again, I want to come to a conclusion on this matter by Wednesday. Please help me out.

Also, while I have you here. We are going to possibly run into some trouble this weekend with the picks, but I'm hoping not. One of our league members, Brad Bursa is getting married this Saturday. It requires some travel on my part, and as a result, I will be out of town Sunday morning. Now, I will have to drive back into town Sunday morning, but I'm not sure what time. This is me just giving everyone a heads up. If something goes down, I will let one of my top advisors know and we will be in scramble mode. Hopefully it doesn't come to this.

Keep your fingers crossed.

In a perfect world, I could post the picks Friday night. But, with this being the very last week, my guess is those guys at the top will want to take their time and probably wait until Saturday night/Sunday morning to send their picks in.

So, here are the standings. NOTE: Lucius' record currently reflects option #1, it is not set in stone.

1) Joshua Florence 137-103 (8-8)

2) Luke Florence 134-106 (9-7)

3) Alex Lucius 132-108 (5-11)

4) Devin Frank 131-109 (6-10)

5) Ryan Polito 130-110 (10-6)

6) Justin Whelan 128-112 (6-10)

6) Brian Boesch 128-112 (9-7)

8) Shane Kline 127-113 (8-8)

9) Kevin Hunt 126-114 (8-8)

10) Bart Borer 125-115 (7-9)

11) Bradley Bursa 124-116 (7-9)

12) Andrew "Chewy" Reinhart 123-117 (7-9)

13) Sara Normand 121-119 (9-7)

14) Chris Rapking 120-120 (8-8)

15) Jake Young 119-121 (6-10)

16) Jeff Normand 117-123 (7-9)

17) Michael Grothaus 115-125 (5-11)

18) Matthew Barnes 112-128 (7-9)

19) Curtis Kummerer 110-130 (7-9)

20) Andrew Braverman 106-134 (5-11)

It would take a monumental collapse for Josh not to make any money. It would also take an above average week for me, Lucius, or Devin to overtake him for first. The real race might be for who finishes second. Just seven games stand in the way between myself and Shane Kline. A bad week by those near the top, and great weeks by those currently just outside the money for things to flip. Should be interesting.

Remember, no ties, for any position. So, if the season ended today, Brian and Justin would go head-to-head, sudden death style for bragging rights on who finishes sixth. Playoff games will be used.

Okay, enough from me. Enjoy the holidays and Go Irish.

Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it."

1 comment:

Matt said...

I know I am out of it BUT if his e-mail was postmarked at 12:40pm, then his picks were in on time, correct? Give him losses for the games he missed. Give him the Browns and the rest of the picks are good.

Now, if you mean all he did was submit the CIN/CLE game and nothing else, than I think you gotta be fair and apply the no-picks rule. You figure if he has time to send the Browns text, he has time to say "all home teams" or "all favorites" or "all underdogs" just to prevent not having picks at all.

Merry Christmas. And happy marriage Bursa.