Season One - Episode Three - TABULA RASA
The U.S. marshal's assignment is revealed. Later, there is a difference of opinion between Jack and Sawyer as to how to help the critically injured marshal. Flashback to what Kate was doing in Australia. Scenes of the crash from Kate's POV. The people on the trek return to the survivor's base and decide to hide the information to preserve the hope of the group. Locke later extends an act of kindness toward Michael that may help the father-son relationship. Sayid makes a bid to organize some island committees.
MY TAKE (62/100)
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed parts of this episode, but it seemed to lack substance. My favorite parts were a couple quotes that I didn't catch the first or even second time around. The decision to not tell everyone the message on the transceiver makes sense, especially because they really don't understand it. Michael continues to make me scratch my head, as he forbids Walt to stop talking with Locke for some unknown reason. Looking back, this entire episode acts as a set-up to the next one, with several sly references. The biggest thing that hurt Tabula Rasa is that there was no island mystery, absolutely none. However, the ending is one of my all-time favorites, and for the first time in this process, deserves bonus points.
On the surface Kate's flashback of her time working on a farm in Australia seems worthless, but we actually learn a tremendous amount about her character. She is on the run for some reason and obviously wanted by the cops. However, even after she learns that she was turned into the police by the person who actually took her in off the streets, she still manages to save him from a car wreck. This move ultimately costs Kate her freedom as the U.S. Marshall tracks her down and takes her from Australia, back to the U.S. Or so we thought until the plane crashed.
Kate was the main character, and her performance was okay, nothing special. Jack and Sawyer played off each other well, and Walt did a good job in his limited role. This Jack/Sawyer relationship gets plenty of play throughout the series, but kicks off in fine fashion in Tabula Rasa.
We begin to see that there will be two distinct story lines being brought to our attention. The first has to deal with the mystery of the island, and the second deals with the interaction of the Losties themselves. In Tabula Rasa we see the latter beginning to develop. Michael accidentally runs into Sun while she is naked. Locke finds Vincent (Walt's dog) by making his own dog whistle. Jack and Kate have another talk, this time Jack telling her that he doesn't care what she did to deserve handcuffs. Not a tremendous amount of advancement to the island mystery (actually there is zero), but the set-up of a completely different line of stories deserves some points.
Tough to find in this episode. One thought process could be that the ending told the entire story, but they would be wrong. After taking some time to consider, the key moment here has to be when Sawyer shoots the U.S. Marshall in an attempt to alleviate him from his pain. We now see the distinct difference between Sawyer and Jack for the first time. It's lacking, but it still is the defining moment of this episode.
The only real shocker in this episode was when the U.S. Marshall woke up with Kate still in the tent. Of course the Marshall attempts to strangle Kate, but she is saved by Jack. The other eye-popping event was when the Marshall was still alive after Sawyer shot him in the chest.
Because I hate giving nothing during this Christmas season.
You can get a sense at the beginning of the episode that this group is still at odds with one another. However, as the episode moves along (especially at the end), you get a sense of togetherness. We see the start of the Charlie-Claire relationship. We also see Sayid starting to take charge and try to organize everyone. He's so smart. Most of the points come from the incredible ending.
If Tabula Rasa is to be remembered for anything, it should be it's ending. Hurley puts on his headphones and Ted Purdy's "Wash Away," begins to play. Then, in a series of slow moving events, you start to see the connection these Losties are making with each other and themselves as well. Sayid tosses Sawyer an apple, which was terrific. Walt gets Vincent back after Locke showed Michael where he was. Boone gives Shannon some trendy sunglasses. It may seem mundane, but the way the music and the shots are filmed, it's aboslutely perfect.
Only part that made me laught was seeing Hurley run away from Kate. Hurley doesn't run through the jungle too often, but he likes to run on the beach more so than any other character. It's always comical.
For the first time we get the announcer saying before the start of the show, "Previously on LOST," which becomes one of its' staples. We hear Ted Purdy's "Wash Away" and we have Jack telling Kate, "I'm not a murderer," which is interesting for those of you who have watched season four.
- BEST QUOTE - Sayid (tellling the others on the trek not to share this information with those still on the beach), "Hope is a very dangerous thing to lose."
We have Walkabout coming up next.
"See ya in another life brotha."
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